Music Study Abroad

Students sat at a table chatting on lakeside terrace on a sunny day

Study Abroad

Studying abroad is an excellent way to gain more insight into the international music field and develop the flexibility that is needed from you as a musician within a secure educational environment. It encourages developments in confidence, language skills, employability and your ability to adapt to new environments and to communicate with people from different cultural backgrounds. 

Incoming Music Students

The School is able to welcome some students from Erasmus programme countries for a term of principal study in Music (September – December only). Those interested in pursuing an application should first contact the Erasmus coordinator at their home institution.  Please refer to our Erasmus incoming applicant page for further information.

Students not making use of the Erasmus scheme may be interested in applying for our Short Term Music Programme.

Please note, we cannot offer study abroad on our opera or music therapy programmes. We do, however, have a wide selection of Short Courses and Summer Schools which may be of interest.

Partner institutions

We are looking to continue our relationships with a number of institutions across Europe, and we will update this page with the current list of our Erasmus partners in due course.