Vocal Studies Auditions

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Vocal Studies Auditions

We encourage you to attend a live audition where possible. If you are unable to, you have the option to submit a recorded audition.

Vocal Pathways

You may apply for:

  • Vocal Studies (undergraduate and postgraduate and advanced postgraduate)
  • Opera Studies (advanced postgraduate)

If you would like to be considered by both the Vocal and Opera Departments, you can make a Joint Vocal/Opera application. Panellists will assess which course – either vocal or opera – would be most appropriate for successful candidates. 

Find out more about the Vocal Studies and Opera Studies courses. 

If you wish to apply only for Opera Studies, please go to the opera webpage for audition requirements.

Live Auditions – Vocal Studies

For most programmes, there will be two rounds of auditions, both of which will be on the same day. These may be recorded for internal panel review purposes.

Please note: we do not request pre-screening videos. If you elect to attend a live audition, you will not be required to submit a video recording. 

Recorded Audition - Vocal Studies

Live Auditions – Joint Applications

For candidates applying for consideration by both the Opera and Vocal Studies departments.

Please note: we do not request pre-screening videos. If you elect to attend a live audition, you will not be required to submit a video recording. 

Recorded Auditions - Joint Opera/Vocal Applicants

For candidates applying for consideration by both the Opera and Vocal Studies departments.