
Polygyny Quotes

Quotes tagged as "polygyny" Showing 1-15 of 15
Simon Baron-Cohen
“According to Laura Betzig, in the first civilizations (ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Aztec, the Inca, imperial India, and China), “powerful men mate with hundreds of women, pass their power on to a son by one legitimate wife, and take the lives of men who get in their way.” As I explained earlier, these men may have been powerful because they were good systemizers. The fact that they eliminated those who stood up to them implies that they were also low empathizers. And they certainly seemed to have an efficient means of disseminating their genes (polygyny). So we can envision how the genotype for brain type S might have spread widely throughout a male population.”
Simon Baron-Cohen, The Essential Difference: Male And Female Brains And The Truth About Autism

“Women in general, and African American women in particular, are still separated by a veil, albeit an invisible one. As long as women are divided by dichotomies that stem from gender oppression, e.g., virgin versus whore, respectable versus unrespectable, and, ultimately, wife versus the other woman, all of which puts women in competition for men, they will not be able to effectively challenge the structures that support some while not supporting others, and in some cases, even exploiting them.”
Patricia Dixon, We Want for Our Sisters What We Want for Ourselves: Polygyny: A Relationship, Marriage and Family Alternative

“From an emotional standpoint, the question is whether he is emotionally stable himself and whether he is capable of handling the emotional needs of more than one wife and set of children.”
Patricia Dixon, We Want for Our Sisters What We Want for Ourselves: Polygyny: A Relationship, Marriage and Family Alternative

“In 2006 the federal government expended more than $100 million over a five-year period for marriage and fatherhood education. Interestingly, it is not until recently that the United States is doing something that African peoples have been doing for thousands of years through rites of passage programs -- preparing young people for life and the challenges of marriage and family. Because U.S. society generally takes an interventive approach to marriage, where couples seek help after the marriage is in trouble, rather than a preventive proactive approach, where couples are prepared for the challenges of marriage, most people are not prepared for a monogamous marriage, let alone a polygynous one.”
Patricia Dixon, We Want for Our Sisters What We Want for Ourselves: Polygyny: A Relationship, Marriage and Family Alternative

“A major goal of polygyny in divine marriage is to eliminate the potential exploitation of women and other negatives that can occur under a monogamy-only policy with a preponderance of women.”
Patricia Dixon, We Want for Our Sisters What We Want for Ourselves: Polygyny: A Relationship, Marriage and Family Alternative

“...the pedigree of people, their family members, where they come from, and what you desire and project where you want to see your family down the line. It is important to be better in the selecting process when you pick and choose your mate.”
Patricia Dixon, We Want for Our Sisters What We Want for Ourselves: Polygyny: A Relationship, Marriage and Family Alternative

“I think men that have not been in polygamy, and I was one of them, fantasize about polygamy. Fantasize. It is fantasy. Because you are talking about dealing with the psychological, emotional, social, and economic needs of another human being. That is what marriage is...And now, you're talking about dealing with not one other being, but with two other beings. They think about the sexual aspects of it. But even that requires emotional, psychological [strength]. I'm saying all of that is involved even in the intimacy aspect of it. So it is more than just a notion.”
Patricia Dixon, We Want for Our Sisters What We Want for Ourselves: Polygyny: A Relationship, Marriage and Family Alternative

“So he's a good, clean, decent man, and he's an enhancement to my life and he could also be an enhancement to your life, why does that have to be dirty? Why does that have to be ugly? Why can't we love each other? But the society we live in is designed to make me feel, well, if you let him go with her that means you are less of a person or you would be devalued; no, that may mean that I am bigger.”
Patricia Dixon, We Want for Our Sisters What We Want for Ourselves: Polygyny: A Relationship, Marriage and Family Alternative

“Family was about cultivating the best psychosocial and spiritual aspects of the individual. When I say individuals, I mean the children, the parents, everybody. This means that there would be a concerted effort to want to bring out the best of each individual member of the family.”
Patricia Dixon, We Want for Our Sisters What We Want for Ourselves: Polygyny: A Relationship, Marriage and Family Alternative

“A woman by nature is supposed to be picky, because a woman decides the quality of our next generation by virtue of whom she sleeps with. So what we need to do first is promote the idea of women being picky. Second, we have to make sure that the choices they have to choose from are of the highest quality. Women are limiting their choices to benefit the idea of a monogamous society. The goal of polygamy for society is for everyone to seek to be the best they can be. That's what it's about. When you do that, what you find out is that those qualities become desirable, and as a result, become a part of the cycle, the cycle of history, the pact of the society.”
Patricia Dixon, We Want for Our Sisters What We Want for Ourselves: Polygyny: A Relationship, Marriage and Family Alternative

“How a man treats his wife has to do with that individual man, whether in polygyny or monogamy.”
Patricia Dixon, We Want for Our Sisters What We Want for Ourselves: Polygyny: A Relationship, Marriage and Family Alternative

“Rather than polygyny needing an explanation, it is monogamy that may need to be explained.”
Patricia Dixon, We Want for Our Sisters What We Want for Ourselves: Polygyny: A Relationship, Marriage and Family Alternative

“More important, the aim is to show that when polygyny is practiced openly, honestly, and by consent, it can potentially be more advantageous for women.”
Patricia Dixon, We Want for Our Sisters What We Want for Ourselves: Polygyny: A Relationship, Marriage and Family Alternative