
Empowering Quotes

Quotes tagged as "empowering" Showing 1-30 of 185
Audre Lorde
“When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.”
Audre Lorde

Audre Lorde
“I have come to believe over and over again that what is most important to me must be spoken, made verbal and shared, even at the risk of having it bruised or misunderstood.”
Audre Lorde

Terry Brooks
“Who would you be but who you are?”
Terry Brooks, The Black Unicorn

“If you always attach positive emotions to the things you want, and never attach negative emotions to the things you don't, then that which you desire most will invariably come your way.”
Matt D. Miller

Milan Kordestani
“We cannot train ourselves to be perfect, but we can ensure we have better intuition when it comes to human behavior.”
Milan Kordestani, I'm Just Saying: The Art of Civil Discourse: A Guide to Maintaining Courteous Communication in an Increasingly Divided World

Erik Pevernagie
“Let us not be devastated by the grim wings of fear fluttering in the twisting patches of our minds. By empowering the dynamic force of our brainwaves, we can stir the lame blots to overturn the hinders of fear and give rise to confidence and creativity. (“Fear of the white page”)”
Erik Pevernagie

Golda Poretsky
“You are not broken. You are not a problem to be solved. Solving your “problem”, whatever you perceive your problem or problems to be, is not the key to happiness.”
Golda Poretsky

“A mother does not become pregnant in order to provide employment to medical people. Giving birth is an ecstatic jubilant adventure not available to males. It is a woman's crowning creative experience of a lifetime.”
John Stevenson

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
“The most empowering relationships are those in which each partner lifts the other to a higher possession of their own being.”
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Nikita Gill
“What if I told you that damage doesn't define you and the way you survive is no one else's business?”
Nikita Gill, Fierce Fairytales: Poems and Stories to Stir Your Soul

L.M. Montgomery
“It's not what the world holds for you, it's what you bring to it.”
L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Ingleside

Stephanie Lahart
“Women Empowerment Reminder of The Day. Always respect yourself as a woman. You attract what you are, so be very mindful of how you’re representing yourself. If you want respect, you must first learn how to respect yourself, first. Attracting negative attention is never a good thing. Be a woman of substance! Be a woman that both women and men respect, admire, and look up to. Don’t disrespect yourself by lowering your standards and accepting just anything that comes your way. It’s okay to be single! If you want a relationship of substance, you can’t keep entertaining people and things that mean you no good. Think about it! It’s all up to you.”
Stephanie Lahart

Paul F. Davis
“Leave your excuses and live your dreams!”
Paul F. Davis

Jennifer DeLucy
“For within your flesh, deep within the center of your being, is the undaunted, waiting, longing, all-knowing. Is the ready, able, perfect. Within you, waiting its turn to emerge, piece by piece, with the dawn of every former test of trial and blackness, is the next unfolding, the great unfurling of wings, the re-forged backbone of a true Child of Light.”
Jennifer DeLucy

Stephanie Lahart
“Ladies! I encourage you NOT to be so easily flattered by what a man has. Be flattered by his strength, courage, integrity, and character as a man. Be impressed by his ability to be honest, faithful, loving, and respectful to you. Be impressed because he can communicate and openly express his feelings. Be impressed because he’s got confidence, direction, and purpose in his life. Be impressed because he’s a quality man, NOT a fine man. Real Talk!”
Stephanie Lahart

Stephanie Lahart
“Black Girls… Stop settling for less than what you deserve. That’s why I stress self-love! There comes a time when you can no longer blame a man. You’ve got to hold yourself accountable for the choices that you make. Choose wisely! Slow down. Pay attention. Don’t allow his good looks and swag to blind you from the truth. Don’t be so easily flattered by money, cars, jewelry, and all of that other stuff. Your heart and well-being is worth much more than that. Choose someone who respects, loves, and adores you. Somebody who has your best interest at heart. Nothing less! Allow yourself to experience REAL love. Stop giving your love, time, and attention to men who clearly don’t deserve it. #ItsAllUpToYou”
Stephanie Lahart

Brendan Myers
“To my mind, ‘magic’ is the hard-to-define quality of the things that stir up mystical feelings like amazement, curiosity, imagination, and above all wonder.

Magic is that which renders something beautiful in a spiritual sense. It is that which makes one feel as if the world is more than it is presently understood to be, and yet at the same time the world is working itself out in a good and beautiful way.

Magic underlies the relationship between us, and the greater immensities of birth and death. Thus the experience of being in the presence of something magical is an empowering, uplifting experience. Magic, understood this way, contributes meaning to life.

Brendan Myers

“the woman is rain,
and when she falls,
she is a monsoon.
to love her is to drown.”
AVA., you are safe here.

Stephanie Lahart
“Respect, Love, and Value yourself. Always remember to be good to yourself by taking care of yourself. Make yourself a priority and know that it’s okay. Don’t feel guilty for loving yourself, first! You’re just as important as anybody else.”
Stephanie Lahart

“Never underestimate the empowering effect of human connection.
All you need is that one person, who understands you completely, believes in you and makes you feel loved for what you are, to enable you - to unfold the miraculous YOU.”
Drishti Bablani, Wordions

“hold company with yourself so sacred
that even when you are alone,
you are whole.”
AVA., you are safe here.

Jeremy Aldana
“A soul gives power to the mind; and the mind empowers the soul”
Jeremy Aldana

Clive Cussler
“A grief-stricken man is driven to defy the gods.”
Clive Cussler, Valhalla Rising

“Those who love you are not fooled by mistakes you have made or dark images you hold about yourself. They remember your beauty when you feel ugly; your wholeness when you are broken; your innocence when you feel guilty; and your purpose when you are confused.”
African saying

Harshita Gottipati
“The true dwellers help you embrace
the darkness in yourself and wield it at will.
It is never belittling but empowering.”
Harshita Gottipati, Born A Free Spirit

Jalal ad-Din Muhammad ar-Rumi
“You have read in the text where They love him
blends with He loves them.
Those joining loves
are both qualities of God. Fear is not.

What characteristics do God and human beings
have in common? What is the connection between
what lives in time and what lives in eternity?

If I kept talking about love,
a hundred new combinings would happen,
and still I would not say the mystery.”
Jalaluddin Rumi, The Essential Rumi

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Failure is not the deterrent for the next try. Rather, it is information that empowers the next step.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Dana Arcuri
“Developing your intuition is incredibly empowering. The reason why is because it connects you with your truth and your spiritual essence, which is unique to you. As you learn to validate and trust your authentic hunches, you build confidence, clarity, and self-reliance.”
Dana Arcuri, Intuitive Guide: How to Trust Your Gut, Embrace Divine Signs, & Connect with Heavenly Messengers

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