
Videos Quotes

Quotes tagged as "videos" Showing 1-16 of 16
Shigeru Miyamoto
“A delayed game is eventually good, a bad game is bad forever.”
Shigeru Miyamoto

“That's the last time you'll ever do that, Panda Boy!”
Ronnie Radke

Natsuki Takaya
Natsuki Takaya

Israelmore Ayivor
“You may be tempted to regret being born when you are made to watch the videos of just what you will go through to achieve your dreams... But you are highly likely to wish you can live and live again and again if the size of your purposeful achievements is shown to you! Live on!”
Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes

Claire Kohda
“I go to one of my favorite Instagram profiles, the.korean.vegan, and I watch her last video, in which she makes peach-topped tteok. The Korean vegan, Joanne, cooks while talking about various things in her life. As she splits open a peach, she explains why she gave up meat. As she adds lemon juice, brown sugar, nutmeg, a pinch of salt, cinnamon, almond extract, maple syrup, then vegan butter and vegan milk and sifted almond and rice flour, she talks about how she worried about whitewashing her diet, about denying herself a fundamental part of her culture, and then about how others don't see her as authentically Korean since she is a vegan. I watch other videos by Joanne, soothed by her voice into feeling human myself, and into craving the experiences of love she talks of and the food she cooks as she does.
I go to another profile, and watch a person's hands delicately handle little knots of shirataki noodles and wash them in cold water, before placing them in a clear oden soup that is already filled with stock-boiled eggs, daikon, and pure white triangles of hanpen. Next, they place a cube of rice cake in a little deep-fried tofu pouch, and seal the pouch with a toothpick so it looks like a tiny drawstring bag; they place the bag in with the other ingredients. "Every winter my mum made this dish for me," a voice says over the video, "just like how every winter my grandma made it for my mum when she was a child." The person in the video is half Japanese like me, and her name is Mei; she appears on the screen, rosy cheeked, chopsticks in her hand, and sits down with her dish and eats it, facing the camera.
Food means so much in Japan. Soya beans thrown out of temples in February to tempt out demons before the coming of spring bring the eater prosperity and luck; sushi rolls eaten facing a specific direction decided each year bring luck and fortune to the eater; soba noodles consumed at New Year help time progress, connecting one year to the next; when the noodles snap, the eater can move on from bad events from the last year. In China too, long noodles consumed at New Year grant the eater a long life. In Korea, when rice-cake soup is eaten at New Year, every Korean ages a year, together, in unison. All these things feel crucial to East Asian identity, no matter which country you are from.”
Claire Kohda, Woman, Eating

Kate Atkinson
“After Marlee was born they rented videos and fell asleep in front of them. Now, like so much else in Jackson's world, videos were obsolete.”
Kate Atkinson, Started Early, Took My Dog

stained hanes
“Google hit such a degree of control in their operation of YouTube that they can tweak the algorithms just right to recommend very peculiar kinds of videos to suit economic and social changes.”
stained hanes, 94,000 Wasps in a Trench Coat

“Inspire others to make Youtube videos”
Brian Hollins

Deyth Banger
“The games made me the guy who I'm here now, the articles and the videos which I have watched and I continue to watch make the person today who I am. The life build me as such type of person!”
Deyth Banger

“You can tell how much viewers enjoy your videos by how long they watch”
Nick Nimmin

Claire Kohda
“I watch a couple more. My favorites are the cultural ones, because they have the strange feeling of being instruction manuals on becoming whatever ethnicity the person in the video is. One of my favorites has over six million views and combines the what-I-eat genres of "in a week," "Japanese food," "realistic," "teen," and "ASMR." I watch an entire twenty-five minutes of a girl in Tokyo with dyed wine-red-fading-into-pink hair eating sausages, toast, a Japanese corn dog made with hotcake mix dipped in ketchup, demae hot sesame ramen with an egg plopped in, pizza, stir-fried udon, seaweed salad and barley rice, tapioca and black tea ice cream, soy-glazed salmon on okayu, pearl milk bubble tea. Each time she eats, the microphone hones in on the sounds of her eating---slurping, chewing, crunching. When she drinks her bubble tea, there's a loud pop as the straw goes through the lid, and the sound of gulping. Gulp, gulp, gulp. I realize that I'm gulping along to the video, imagining that the bubble tea is blood.”
Claire Kohda, Woman, Eating

Dan Desmarques
“I realized it's impossible to compete against American brands when I am blocked from using the same apps and markets. And yet I did have many American users buying from me. I was simply within a huge disadvantage when compared to American users. That's why I write that this idea of "you can do whatever you want" that many motivational speakers promote is a big lie. It really depends on your geographic location. You will not see anyone else saying the same, because either they don't know or they lie to you. But the people who want to believe the lies, choose to lie to themselves, and these too are many. They watch YouTube videos and Instagram influencers living luxurious lives and never question themselves about these things or why they are American and Chinese. In many cases they don't even know the so-called models going to Dubai are high class prostitutes.”
Dan Desmarques

Steven Magee
“It is hard to get comments on videos, I would say every 100-1,000 views may generate a comment. It depends on the video and its content. It is similar to book reviews.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“In the short term, the airport gate agent won by canceling my airline ticket for video recording in the gate area. In the long term I won, as the videos went on to be popular on social media.”
Steven Magee

Saeed Jones
“I don't watch the video
but I can feel it playing

on a loop in a room miles
away from where he keeps

dying behind my eyes. All
I have left are tiny twitches,

small choices. "Please," I beg
alone in the box of my dark,

"I don't want to hurt that way
today. I already hurt that way

yesterday. Please don't kill him
Saeed Jones, Alive At The End Of The World