
Broker Quotes

Quotes tagged as "broker" Showing 1-15 of 15
Dashiell Hammett
“You know Quinn?" Macaulay asked me.
"Ten minutes ago I was putting him to bed."
Macaulay grinned. "I hope you keep his acquaintance like that - social"
"Meaning what?"
Macaulay's grin became rueful. "He used to be my broker, and his advice led me right up to the poorhouse steps."
"That's sweet," I said. "he's my broker now and I'm following his advice." Macaulay and the girl laughed. I pretended I was laughing and returned to my table.”
Dashiell Hammett, The Thin Man

Amit Kalantri
“A good negotiator flatters the seller not the product.”
Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

Amit Kalantri
“A great real estate agent don't sells, he helps.”
Amit Kalantri

Amit Kalantri
“A good real estate agent sells himself before he sells his services.”
Amit Kalantri

Amit Kalantri
“The most profitable investment on the land is land.”
Amit Kalantri

Amit Kalantri
“One common factor among all rich people on earth is that they all invest in earth.”
Amit Kalantri

Amit Kalantri
“The purpose of real estate agent should be to create a customer who creates customers.”
Amit Kalantri

Amit Kalantri
“If you don't find a good deal for your customer, your competitor will.”
Amit Kalantri

Amit Kalantri
“Real estate agents who lies, eventually lose business to real estate agents who tell the truth.”
Amit Kalantri

Amit Kalantri
“A great realtor is always in relationship with real estate.”
Amit Kalantri

Amit Kalantri
“Real estate is too important, all the battles and wars essentially happened and happens for real estate.”
Amit Kalantri

Amit Kalantri
“A customer oriented realtor not only finds you a good home, he also finds you a good neighborhood.”
Amit Kalantri

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
“If someone blocks you, learn to accept that you are no longer a brokerage to him in his cultured life”
P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

“Experience brings acceptance of the fact you cannot do everything yourself. I find people who start business later in life understand the value in surrounding themselves with people who are better than them at some things. Experience shows you the benefit of accepting advice from others.”
Sheila Holt, Trust is the New Currency: How to build trust, attract the right partners and create wealth through business and investments