
Porn Quotes

Quotes tagged as "porn" Showing 1-30 of 191
Alan             Moore
“Sexually progressive cultures gave us literature, philosophy, civilization and the rest, while sexually restrictive cultures gave us the Dark Ages and the Holocaust.”
Alan Moore, 25,000 Years of Erotic Freedom

James Joyce
“My sweet little whorish Nora I did as you told me, you dirty little girl, and pulled myself off twice when I read your letter. I am delighted to see that you do like being fucked arseways. Yes, now I can remember that night when I fucked you for so long backwards. It was the dirtiest fucking I ever gave you, darling. My prick was stuck in you for hours, fucking in and out under your upturned rump. I felt your fat sweaty buttocks under my belly and saw your flushed face and mad eyes. At every fuck I gave you your shameless tongue came bursting out through your lips and if a gave you a bigger stronger fuck than usual, fat dirty farts came spluttering out of your backside. You had an arse full of farts that night, darling, and I fucked them out of you, big fat fellows, long windy ones, quick little merry cracks and a lot of tiny little naughty farties ending in a long gush from your hole. It is wonderful to fuck a farting woman when every fuck drives one out of her. I think I would know Nora’s fart anywhere. I think I could pick hers out in a roomful of farting women. It is a rather girlish noise not like the wet windy fart which I imagine fat wives have. It is sudden and dry and dirty like what a bold girl would let off in fun in a school dormitory at night. I hope Nora will let off no end of her farts in my face so that I may know their smell also.

You say when I go back you will suck me off and you want me to lick your cunt, you little depraved blackguard. I hope you will surprise me some time when I am asleep dressed, steal over to me with a whore’s glow in your slumberous eyes, gently undo button after button in the fly of my trousers and gently take out your lover’s fat mickey, lap it up in your moist mouth and suck away at it till it gets fatter and stiffer and comes off in your mouth. Sometimes too I shall surprise you asleep, lift up your skirts and open your drawers gently, then lie down gently by you and begin to lick lazily round your bush. You will begin to stir uneasily then I will lick the lips of my darling’s cunt. You will begin to groan and grunt and sigh and fart with lust in your sleep. Then I will lick up faster and faster like a ravenous dog until your cunt is a mass of slime and your body wriggling wildly.

Goodnight, my little farting Nora, my dirty little fuckbird! There is one lovely word, darling, you have underlined to make me pull myself off better. Write me more about that and yourself, sweetly, dirtier, dirtier.”
James Joyce, Selected Letters of James Joyce

Erica Jong
“My reaction to porno films is as follows: After the first ten minutes, I want to go home and screw. After the first twenty minutes, I never want to screw again as long as I live.”
Erica Jong
tags: porn

Chuck Klosterman
“Everyone knows that the Internet is changing our lives, mostly because someone in the media has uttered that exact phrase every single day since 1993. However, it certainly appears that the main thing the Internet has accomplished is the normalization of amateur pornography. There is no justification for the amount of naked people on the World Wide Web, many of whom are clearly (clearly!) doing so for non-monetary reasons. Where were these people fifteen years ago? Were there really millions of women in 1986 turning to their husbands and saying, 'You know, I would love to have total strangers masturbate to images of me deep-throating a titanium dildo, but there's simply no medium for that kind of entertainment. I guess we'll just have to sit here and watch Falcon Crest again.”
Chuck Klosterman, Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs: A Low Culture Manifesto

Jeaniene Frost
“I say, look at the melons on that lass,” Ian exclaimed, his gaze now on the TV. “And hung like a stallion, he is.”

“Focus, mate,” Spade muttered.”
Jeaniene Frost, First Drop of Crimson

Chris Hedges
“The porn films are not about sex. Sex is airbrushed and digitally washed out of the films. There is no acting because none of the women are permitted to have what amounts to a personality. The one emotion they are allowed to display is an unquenchable desire to satisfy men, especially if that desire involves the women’s physical and emotional degradation. The lightning in the films is harsh and clinical. Pubic hair is shaved off to give the women the look of young girls or rubber dolls. Porn, which advertises itself as sex, is a bizarre, bleached pantomime of sex. The acts onscreen are beyond human endurance. The scenarios are absurd. The manicured and groomed bodies, the huge artificial breasts, the pouting oversized lips, the erections that never go down, and the sculpted bodies are unreal. Makeup and production mask blemishes. There are no beads of sweat, no wrinkle lines, no human imperfections. Sex is reduced to a narrow spectrum of sterilized dimensions. It does not include the dank smell of human bodies, the thump of a pulse, taste, breath—or tenderness. Those in films are puppets, packaged female commodities. They have no honest emotion, are devoid of authentic human beauty, and resemble plastic. Pornography does not promote sex, if one defines sex as a shared act between two partners. It promotes masturbation. It promotes the solitary auto-arousal that precludes intimacy and love. Pornography is about getting yourself off at someone else’s expense.”
Chris Hedges, Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle

Coco J. Ginger
“I want your hand without the skin. Bone to bone without the molds. Mouth to mouth, without the porn.”
Coco J. Ginger

“Both porn and religion distort a person’s perspectives on women.”
Jesse Dangerously

Neil Gaiman
“I'd love to write some porn, but I don't know if I have the right engines. When I was a young man and I was tempted to write porn, imaginary parents would appear over my shoulder and read what I was writing; just about the point that I managed to banish the imaginary parents, real children would lean over my shoulder and read what I was writing.”
Neil Gaiman

“Everyone, no matter how refined, had a stash of porn.”
Tinnean, No One Should Be Alone

Dave Barry
“The big problem with pornography is defining it. You can't just say it's pictures of people naked. For example, you have these primitive African tribes that exist by chasing the wildebeest on foot, and they have to go around largely naked, because, as the old tribal saying goes: "N'wam k'honi soit qui mali," which means, "If you think you can catch a wildebeest in this climate and wear clothes at the same time, then I have some beach front property in the desert region of Northern Mali that you may be interested in."

So it's not considered pornographic when National Geographic publishes color photographs of these people hunting the wildebeest naked, or pounding one rock onto another rock for some primitive reason naked, or whatever. But if National Geographic were to publish an article entitled "The Girls of the California Junior College System Hunt the Wildebeest Naked," some people would call it pornography. But others would not. And still others, such as the Spectacularly Rev. Jerry Falwell, would get upset about seeing the wildebeest naked.”
Dave Barry
tags: porn

Margaret Atwood
“The internet is 95 percent porn and spam”
Margaret Atwood

“Hardcore without punk isn't music, it's a genre of porn. And punk isn't a genre of music, it’s a thought process.”
Dominic Owen Mallary

“Remember, it’s not only the porn you watch but also the porn that watches you.”
Neeraj Agnihotri, Procrasdemon - The Artist's Guide to Liberation from Procrastination

Sloane Crosley
“Not all shabby is chic, just like not every porn actor is a star.”
Sloane Crosley, How Did You Get This Number: Essays
tags: porn

Natsuki Takaya
Natsuki Takaya

Amy Lane
“You nervous about doing this on camera?”

Chance tilted his head a little, considering. “Well, yeah, of course. You don’t know what you look like when you come—for all I know, I’m hella ugly or something. But at the same time....” He trailed off and shuddered, and his eyes got half-lidded. One hand went unconsciously to his stomach, then slid up to his nipples, which were still pointy and puckered. “It’s sort of cool. It’s making my stomach all jumpy, and....” His other hand slid down under the waistband of his shorts, as he made obvious kneading motions on his groin.

“It’s turning you on?”


“Take the shorts off, Chance, and show us.”
Amy Lane, Chase in Shadow
tags: porn

Hannah Moskowitz
“My eyes are darting to all the places my magazines are hidden. I feel like an idiot sometimes for having printed evidence. My friends look at stuff on their phones like it's their job. Don't get me wrong, I've looked, and there's some alright stuff online, but I prefer the magazines. I guess I'm a retro sort of man. Call me classy.”
Hannah Moskowitz, Zombie Tag

“Moreover, some of the images covered by the definition go far beyond what can reasonably be considered pornographic. For example, "women's body parts . . . are exhibited such that women are reduced to those parts." This description would include everything from blue jean commercials which zoom in on women's asses to cream ads which show perfectly manicured hands applying the lotion-the sort of advertisements that have appeared in Ms. magazine. Although it is commonplace to criticize such ads for using sex to sell products, it is a real stretch to call them pornographic.”
Wendy McElroy, XXX: A Woman's Right to Pornography

“Still others observe that women are particularly interested in seeing come-shots because men's ejaculations are generally hidden from them. In "normal" sex, women never see men come. To some of them, it may be as seductively elusive as the glimpse of a breast or lace panties is to a pubescent boy. In this context, the come-shot can be interpreted as almost romantic: The woman wishes to share in her lover's orgasm.”
Wendy McElroy, XXX: A Woman's Right to Pornography

stained hanes
“The internet has more or less been in its present form, technology just had to catch up.

Trolls, death threats, porn, riveting discussion, free multimedia, art, fandoms, hacking, crimes against humanity and lonely people at your fingertips even on AOL, Compuserve or Prodigy.”
stained hanes, 94,000 Wasps in a Trench Coat

Kristian Ventura
“Pornography did not serve him either. Andrei used to have his personal kinks and fetishes, but after a while, nothing could get him off. For a long time, the only videos he would search were the ones titled: “Who is she?” The only thing that vitalized his self-play was the prospect of some woman on the earth no one knew of and could not find. There was something infinite to these tapes, not the appearance of the girls, but the agitating dissatisfaction and momentary access of a not-so-innocent stranger who men innocently lost forever. It consisted of poorly recorded videos, posted from a smartphone or webcam, and a desperate number of melancholy comments trying to search for the mystery woman. There were plenty of these recordings. But it broke Andrei even more when eventually he knew all the girls no one knew.”
Karl Kristian Flores, A Happy Ghost

“I do not like scat porn! I refuse to comment on vomit porn. Nevermind, I have a vomit fetish; put this on goodreads.”
Sarah Sadgirl
tags: emo, porn, scat

“The more sensual we get, the less appetite for sinning we have. Most of us have been told the opposite.

I mean, you cannot get me to like or watch porn even if you promised to pay me a million dollars. I have no appetite whatsoever for it. In fact, I’m completely repulsed by it. It is so not aligned with my sensuality that the sight of it nauseates me. I literally get an urge to”
Lebo Grand

“more sensual we get, the less appetite for sinning we have. Most of us have been told the opposite.

I mean, you cannot get me to like or watch porn even if you promised to pay me a million dollars. I have no appetite whatsoever for it. In fact, I’m completely repulsed by it. It is so not aligned with my sensuality that the sight of it nauseates me. I literally get an urge to vomit, and I’m not exaggerating. Something weird just happens in my body, and it’s got nothing to do with shame but sensuality.”
Lebo Grand

“more sensual we get, the less appetite for sinning we have. Most of us have been told the opposite.

I mean, you cannot get me to like or watch porn even if you promised to pay me a million dollars. I have no appetite whatsoever for it. In fact, I’m completely repulsed by it. It is so not aligned with my sensuality that the sight of it nauseates me. I literally get an urge to vomit, and I’m not exaggerating. Something weird just happens in my body, and it’s got nothing to do with shame but sensuality. You see, sensuality is pure and holy, something many of us are yet to realize.”
Lebo Grand

“The more sensual we get, the less appetite for sinning we have. Most of us have been told the opposite.

I mean, you cannot get me to like or watch porn even if you promised to pay me a million dollars. I have no appetite whatsoever for it. In fact, I’m completely repulsed by it. It is so not aligned with my sensuality that the sight of it nauseates me. I literally get an urge to vomit, and I’m not exaggerating. Something weird just happens in my body, and it’s got nothing to do with shame but sensuality. You see, sensuality is pure and holy, something many of us are yet to realize.”
Lebo Grand

Rhea Watson
“Oh my God.” Hazel tapped around the tablet with a trembling finger, shaking her head. “The internet is so vast, one of the greatest resources humankind has ever seen, but trust a man to go straight for the porn.”
Rhea Watson, Reaper's Pack

Steven Magee
“Albert Einstein would have been funnier had he been photographed wearing a tee-shirt that said ‘Porn Star’!”
Steven Magee

Jack Freestone
“The amusing thing about porn is that often the best heterosexual females are in fact lesbians, and the best lesbians are heterosexuals. That should tell us something about the acting abilities of females.”
Jack Freestone

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