
Searching For Happiness Quotes

Quotes tagged as "searching-for-happiness" Showing 1-15 of 15
Paramahansa Yogananda
“Money, sex, human love, various form of entertainment... liquor or drugs... like poisoned honey, may be sweet at first taste but bring disappointment, boredom or misery in the end.”
Paramahansa Yogananda

Richelle E. Goodrich
“You will never be happy obsessing over wanting to be happy.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Being Bold: Quotes, Poetry, & Motivations for Every Day of the Year

Garima Dixit
“The day you stop looking for happiness outside, the very day you will be happy.”
Garima Dixit

Eric Overby
“It seems that we are distracted because we are always in search of something better. We always want to see a different place or a different person’s life, as ours passes us by. We don’t pay attention to our own lives, therefore we want someone else’s. In a way, this is the definition of our social media feed. I want your life; please ‘like’ mine and tell me that it’s good enough. The thing is, most of us live the life that we are searching for. We just aren’t aware enough to see it. We are half present, therefore half appreciative, and our relationships suffer because of it.”
Eric Overby

Bangambiki Habyarimana
“I am going and I don't know where I am going. I leave you searching for answers. When I get there, if there is any way to come back either spiritually or physically or through a revelation, I will let you know what I have experienced. Of course some will not believe me or the one I send”
Bangambiki Habyarimana, Pearls Of Eternity

“When you are searching for perfection.. Time does not exist. ― Raigon Stanley”
Raigon Stanley

“When you are searching for perfection... Time does not exist.”
Raigon Stanley

“They call me a little wound-up
See, I'm upset because I've always been stuck
But I don't know what it is I'm without
Guess I'm in love with always feeling down”
Electric Guest

José Rodrigues dos Santos
“— Много хора не знаят какво търсят. — Заби поглед в тавана. — Повечето хора минават през живота като сомнамбули, разбираш ли? Искат само да притежават разни неща, да правят пари, всичко да консумират. Така са обсебени от маловажното, че губят понятие за значимото. Искат да имат нова кола, по-голям дом, по-елегантни дрехи. Искат да отслабнат, опитват се да се вкопчат в младостта, мечтаят да се впечатляват едни други. — Вдиша дълбоко, за да си поеме дъх, и погледна към сина си. — Знаеш ли защо го правят?
— Защо?
— Защото са жадни за любов. Жадни са за любов, но не я намират. Затова се обръщат към второстепенното. Колите, къщите, дрехите, бижутата… всичко това са заместители. — Поклати глава. — Но не става. Може да имаш пари, власт, съкровища… но нищо не може да замени любовта. И затова всеки път, когато си купуват кола, дом, дрешка, удоволствието е ефимерно. Току–що са се сдобили с нещо ново и вече търсят друга кола, друг дом, нова дрешка. Търсят нещо, което го няма. — Направи нова пауза. — Нито едно от тези неща не носи трайно удовлетворение, защото нито едно от тези неща не е истински важно. Всички се надпреварват да търсят нещо, което не намират. Когато си купят онова, което искат, откриват, че се чувстват празни отвътре. И това е така, защото нещата, с които са се сдобили, съвсем не са онова, което са искали. Искат любов, а не вещи. Вещите са само заместители, нещо маловажно, което скрива същественото.”
José Rodrigues dos Santos, A Fórmula de Deus

T.M Cicinski
“I have lived in seventy-two cities over the course of my life," the old man said, proudly. "There is no part of the world, I know nothing about."
The young people on the bench beside him looked at him with admiration.
"And which city did you like best?" one asked him.
The old man thought for a long time, then sighed.
"Now I look back," he said, "I think I was happiest in the village in the country where I grew up. If it had been the second place I had lived, I like I should have stayed there my whole life. But because it was the first, I convinced myself that there must be somewhere better and have never stopped looking for it.”
T.M Cicinski, The Mind Is Its Own Place

“Striving for happiness will never bring you happiness.”
Bert McCoy, A Lil' Bert Can't Hurt: Words and Wisdom for Daily Life