Being Bold Quotes

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Being Bold: Quotes, Poetry, & Motivations  for Every Day of the Year Being Bold: Quotes, Poetry, & Motivations for Every Day of the Year by Richelle E. Goodrich
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Being Bold Quotes Showing 1-30 of 364
“I will admit you are the finest if not the loveliest rose in the garden. But you see, my dear, I was looking for a sunflower.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Being Bold: Quotes, Poetry, & Motivations for Every Day of the Year
“Face it―nobody cares.
But, so what? Their apathy does not diminish your worth. Learn from it. Make it your job to care for those around you so they never feel like nobody cares.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Being Bold: Quotes, Poetry, & Motivations for Every Day of the Year
“Your life is not a simulation; it's the real game. Play wisely.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Being Bold: Quotes, Poetry, & Motivations for Every Day of the Year
“Having a birthday is like reaching a higher peak on a mountain. Pause to admire the view; reflect on how far you have come.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Being Bold: Quotes, Poetry, & Motivations for Every Day of the Year
“Not everyone will like you or take the time to understand you. Some people lack the capacity. Don’t worry; it’s okay. Their acceptance or rejection doesn’t change your worth one bit. Hold your head up and live your life regardless, knowing not everyone is worthy of you.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Being Bold: Quotes, Poetry, & Motivations for Every Day of the Year
“Lavender lilies all dotted with spots.
Sun-yellow daffodils clustered in pots.
Blue morning-glories climb trellises high.
Powder-white asters like stars in the sky.
Thick, pink peonies unfold in the sun.
Winter adieu now that spring has begun.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Being Bold: Quotes, Poetry, & Motivations for Every Day of the Year
“Life can be awful. Life can be ugly.
And still there are those who smile at the darkness, anticipating the beauty of an eventual sunrise.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Being Bold: Quotes, Poetry, & Motivations for Every Day of the Year
“Church was never meant to be a place for gods to gather, but for devils wanting to shed their horns for halos.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Being Bold: Quotes, Poetry, & Motivations for Every Day of the Year
“When you first look at a woman, you are in fact blind to her beauty. The true beauty of a woman is revealed only after you get to know her.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Being Bold: Quotes, Poetry, & Motivations for Every Day of the Year
“I am accountable for every lie that I tell, but I am also accountable for the effects of every harsh truth I deliver.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Being Bold: Quotes, Poetry, & Motivations for Every Day of the Year
in October,
as fat as the full moon,
they sit on our doorstep at night
and glow.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Being Bold: Quotes, Poetry, & Motivations for Every Day of the Year
“Be proud of yourself. Be proud that your heart and intentions are good. Be proud of the fact that you are trying.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Being Bold: Quotes, Poetry, & Motivations for Every Day of the Year
“I don’t think of you as a typical beauty. I never once did.

To me your hair mimics asphalt more than the lustrous feathers of ravens. Comparing your eyes to heavenly lights seems a stretch when they are the common color of dirt. I can’t imagine you as a tall, pole-slender image; your God-given shape is right bulky.

But I never cared about such pointless things anyway.
What good have trivial attributes ever done the world?

When I look at you, I see you—or in other words, all of you that really matters. I see a kind heart and compassionate arms. I see a patient, gentle spirit abounding with love towards all of God’s creatures. I see the perfect blend of humility and strength of character. I see a wise intellect as well as an endearing sense of humor. I see all the qualities that make you the person I love, regardless of the bodily package you’re bound in.

So forgive me if I don’t think you’re beautiful, because I find you to be far superior to that worthless and pointless nonsense the world calls beauty.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Being Bold: Quotes, Poetry, & Motivations for Every Day of the Year
“I tried and they laughed, but I laughed harder because I knew none of them had the nerve to even try.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Being Bold: Quotes, Poetry, & Motivations for Every Day of the Year
“We never see the full picture. We cannot know a person’s life and challenges at a glimpse.
We never hear the full story. We cannot grasp a person’s viewpoint through mere words.
We never feel the full pain. We cannot perceive a person’s heart and mind in a conversation.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Being Bold: Quotes, Poetry, & Motivations for Every Day of the Year
“On Hallows Eve, we witches meet
to broil and bubble tasty treats
like goblin thumbs with venom dip,
crisp bat wings, and fried fingertips.

We bake the loudest cackle crunch,
and brew the thickest quagmire punch.
Delicious are the rotting flies
when sprinkled over spider pies.

And, my oh my, the ogre brains
all scrambled up with wolf remains!
But what I love the most, it’s true,
are festered boils mixed in a stew.

They cook up oh so tenderly.
It goes quite well with mugwort tea.
So don’t be shy; the cauldron’s hot.
Jump in! We witches eat a lot!”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Being Bold: Quotes, Poetry, & Motivations for Every Day of the Year
“I think one of the biggest reasons people have difficulty believing in God is because they do not understand Him. I often hear doubting comments like “if there is a God then why this and why that?” and “how could He allow…?” Perhaps if people were to invest true effort getting to know Him, they would discover a mindful Father who remains with us every step of the way through trials and tribulations that, though painful, are crucial experiences meant to teach and mold His children for a higher purpose.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Being Bold: Quotes, Poetry, & Motivations for Every Day of the Year
“When you delete 'impossible' from your thinking, you give yourself permission to imagine, to believe, to try, and to accomplish phenomenal things.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Being Bold: Quotes, Poetry, & Motivations for Every Day of the Year
“In the dead of a long, black night it is hard to imagine a sunrise on the horizon extending its vibrant and warming rays, but that is how you hold out hope. Have faith that the morning you dream of will eventually come.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Being Bold: Quotes, Poetry, & Motivations for Every Day of the Year
“Everyone needs a support system, be it family, friends, coworkers, therapists, or religious leaders. We cannot do life alone and expect to keep mentally, emotionally, and spiritually healthy. Everyone needs some sort of support system on which to rely.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Being Bold: Quotes, Poetry, & Motivations for Every Day of the Year
“You were a spark that caught my eye,
And then suddenly you were my sun.
You were a shadow born of dreams,
And then suddenly nightfall was fun.

You were a soft, consoling word,
And then suddenly you were my song.
You were a sweet that touched my lips,
And then suddenly hunger was strong.

You were a scent stirred by the breeze,
And then suddenly you were my air.
You were a star set out of reach,
And then suddenly love was unfair.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Being Bold: Quotes, Poetry, & Motivations for Every Day of the Year
“You will never have enough until you are grateful for what you have.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Being Bold: Quotes, Poetry, & Motivations for Every Day of the Year
“I love the way you smile at me and squeeze my hand like you never noticed the many times I let you down.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Being Bold: Quotes, Poetry, & Motivations for Every Day of the Year
“The Christmas spirit will elude you
‘til a selfless love consumes you
and the joy of giving moves you.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Being Bold: Quotes, Poetry, & Motivations for Every Day of the Year
“Halloween colors, less or more,
are pumpkin, witch, and bloody gore.”

“You must mean orange, black, and red.”

“Indeed, that’s what I said.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Being Bold: Quotes, Poetry, & Motivations for Every Day of the Year
“We daydream to heal, to hope, to be happier. It is mental and emotional therapy. Daydreams are experiences both imagined and felt, which makes them very real to the mind and the heart. So relax. Smile. Daydream.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Being Bold: Quotes, Poetry, & Motivations for Every Day of the Year
“To keep from drowning… don’t just avoid the water, steer clear of the beach.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Being Bold: Quotes, Poetry, & Motivations for Every Day of the Year
“The most magical words a person can utter are 'Once upon a time.'
Richelle E. Goodrich, Being Bold: Quotes, Poetry, & Motivations for Every Day of the Year

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