
Happiness Advice Quotes

Quotes tagged as "happiness-advice" Showing 1-30 of 350
S.A. Chakraborty
“Go steal some happiness for yourself, my friend," she said shortly. "Trust me when I say the chance doesn't always come back.”
S.A. Chakraborty, The Kingdom of Copper

Todd Perelmuter
“So many times we're focused on something negative happening that we don't even see what's going on around us. Either we're absorbed in the past or in some imagined future that we don't even notice there might be a rainbow right in front of us.”
Todd Perelmuter

Kelsang Gyatso
“If true fulfilment cannot be found in worldly pleasures, where can it be found? Happiness is a state of mind, therefore the real source of happiness lies in the mind, not in external circumstances. If our mind is pure and peaceful we shall be happy, regardless of our external conditions.”
Kelsang Gyatso, The New Meditation Handbook: Meditations to Make Our Life Happy and Meaningful

Phyllis Diller
“If you don't have wrinkles, you haven't laughed enough.”
Phyllis Diller

Arne Klingenberg
“Love, say what you want, do what you can, hope for the best, and surrender the rest.”
Arne Klingenberg, Merry Christians: How to Be a Happy Christian and Co-Create Heaven on Earth

James Hauenstein
“Have a Happy, Healthy, and Wealthy New Year”
James Hauenstein

Carlos Wallace
“If you can't find happiness in yourself, it's not possible to find it elsewhere.”
Carlos Wallace, Life is not Complicated, You Are

“We're going to find time for happiness. Because how can we stand against tyranny if we ourselves are filled with hate? Or worse—
I want to remember to celebrate more. I want to remember to experience more joy. I want to allow myself to be happy more frequently...
This is, after all, what we're fighting for, isn't it?
A second chance at joy.”
Tahereh Mafi, Defy Me

“What is one thing you can do to smile and feel good, even when you are sad (exercise, walk in nature, read, watch a funny movie, play a game, paint, bake, dance to music, volunteer, or even daydream)?”
Lauren Martin, Sadness is a Dark Cloud

Sandhya Jane
“Happiness doesn’t need a luxury place; it needs happy heart...”
Sandhya Jane

“One of the best ways to make yourself happy is to make other people happy. One of the best ways to make other people happy is to be happy yourself.”
Gretchen Rubin (author)

Krupesh Thacker
“i" should always be small.”
Dr. Krupesh Thacker, Arjun Uvacha: The Spiritual Yatra

“Some will find happiness from their parents, some from their lovers, some from their friends. No matter where you find happiness, don't take it for granted.”
Ojingiri Hannah

Lisa D'Anna
“Happiness doesn’t have or need an ending. Happiness is the blessing to live the journey.”
Lisa D'Anna , 30 Days of Self Reflection

“If you wish to discover a person's true nature, give them everything necessary to be happy.”
Aegelis, Sophizo

“Sadness is in hearts and its limit is tears, Unhappiness is in the mind and has no limits, Peace in the heart does not make the sad ones happy, But it clearly shows him the end of sadness and the way to happiness. Sadness is a disease of the heart and the cure for it is peace ، Unhappiness with its inevitable symptom ( dissatisfaction) is a disease of the mind that cannot be cured. As long as the heart is a prisoner of the mind.”
Elhachemi Sabi

“Think Wise ! Choose Right ! Be Happy and Rejoice!”
Sithi Fathima

Daisaku Ikeda
“It is impossible to build one's happiness on the unhappiness of others.”
Daisaku Ikeda

“सदा प्रसन्न रहने गर। आफ्नो हृदयमा आनन्दलाई चारैतिर फैलिन देऊ, जसबाट तिम्रा साथ रहनेहरु पनि आनन्दमा रङ्गिऊन्। चिड्चिडेपना र उदासीपनबाट मुखको आकृति बिग्रन्छ, पाचनशक्ति पनि बिग्रन्छ, स्वास्थ्य र सौन्दर्यको नाश हुन जान्छ। त्यसैले हाँस्ने प्रयास गर। हाँस्यबाट आयुको वृद्धि हुन्छ, यसैले सदा आनन्दमा निमग्न रहने गर।”
Khaptad Baba, विचार विज्ञान [Bichar Bigyan]

“Been happy doesn't mean that you always going to get what you want.
Happiness comes when you are grateful over what you have.”
Ebelsain Villegas

James Hauenstein
“Be Satisfied With The Wealth You Have
Which is Love Of Family And Friends
Stay Healthy As Long As You Can
So You Can Enjoy Every Moment
And Then You Will Find True Happiness In This
Your Life”
James Hauenstein

“If your passion for art is genuine, you'll always find time for it because art has the power to bring you "happiness”
Raigon Stanley

Diriye Osman
“Happiness is not spending a single second reading endless—and I mean, endless—shitposts in 'The Guardian' masquerading as reportage about the kind of very, very boring morons you actively go out of your way to never meet. Happiness is The Wellcome Collection, but never the Hayward. Happiness is Kylie Minogue and Graham Norton because they're both dope, but not Dua Lipa or Calvin Harris because even though they both seem to be everywhere, all the time, I swear I cannot for the life of me name a single song of theirs.”
Diriye Osman

“Everyone wants happiness, but nobody wants pain. But you can’t get a rainbow, without a little bit of rain.”
Willbur Glenn Colaco, Drops of Wisdom: Applying Ancient Words of Wisdom in Today's Turbulent Times

“Happiness (def): the state of being happy.

Happiness is a choice, not a result. Nothing will make you happy unless you choose to be happy.”
Ralph Marston

“Too many people these days actively seek out reasons to be unhappy. Even the happiest of us can find something to be miserable about if we look for it. So, why not flip the script? Focus on the good stuff, practice gratitude, and see how your life changes.”
Jen Alvares

Yarro Rai
“Like every drug happiness should also be in moderation.”
Yarro Rai, The Prose will be forgotten

“You don’t find happiness—you make it.”
Brian Reese

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