
Pregnancy Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "pregnancy-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 49
“Connection with self, never felt so good!”
Natalie Grace Smith

Maha Al Musa
“It seems that in our twenty-first century modern world, many women have become estranged from their primal brain and the knowledge that lies within it. Women too often hand their power over to the medical world long before they enter labour and have the idea someone else will do it for them.”
Maha Al Musa, Dance of the Womb - The Essential Guide to Belly Dance for Pregnancy and Birth

Maha Al Musa
“Birth is, without a doubt, one of the greatest self -expressive and creative processes we can embark upon in womanhood. I believe that a part of a woman's birthing heart centre resides within the pelvis and hip area.”
Maha Al Musa, Dance of the Womb - The Essential Guide to Belly Dance for Pregnancy and Birth

Maha Al Musa
“The main goal of Bellydance for birth within the framework of actual labour is to fully allow the labouring woman to help nature by moving with and not against the contractions she welcomes. Instead of tensing her muscles and mind with fear and apprehension toward pain, she accepts and surrenders actively, consciously and as best she can to each contractile wave she experiences.”
Maha Al Musa, Dance of the Womb - The Essential Guide to Belly Dance for Pregnancy and Birth

“As much as SEX is a stress reliever, there are other benefits like: Pregnancy and STDs.”

“Miracles happen every day (in the case of babies - 385,000 worldwide every single day!) Yours is waiting for you to change more than just your hormones.”
Natalie Grace Smith

“As millennial women, most of us aspire to motherhood. We grow up craving to start our own families (damn Disney movies with magical Prince Charming, oh and Lifetime). We are ready to use our natural instinct to nurture, love and support our own families - blended and created by us!”
Natalie Grace Smith

“Some say that pregnancy make a woman an instant mother. To that I say, I became an instant woman the day I became a mother.”
Efrat Cybulkiewicz

“Children are holy angels.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Mitta Xinindlu
“Then God said, "I'll bless you with a son to fill your heart with all the joy that was stolen from you." And I said, "Amen".”
Mitta Xinindlu

Maha Al Musa
“Birth unites women in the power of oneness; the extraordinary gift we deeply share as mothers. Belly dance for birth reflects this very same essence of life and love.”
Maha Al Musa, Dance of the Womb - The Essential Guide to Belly Dance for Pregnancy and Birth

Maha Al Musa
“The smooth undulating movements of Bellydance for birth aid a woman's ability to deal with her labour in an opening rather than restrictive fashion. The soothing rocking motions of the circular, figure 8 and spiral movements set the scene for a birthing woman to flow with the natural rhythms of her labouring body - to become connected not only to nature and the universe but deeply bonded to her baby within.”
Maha Al Musa, Dance of the Womb - The Essential Guide to Belly Dance for Pregnancy and Birth

Maha Al Musa
“Birth is experiential. You have to experience it to fully know it. An exercise such as Bellydance for birth embraced during pregnancy can act as a purposeful tool to help a woman before she steps in through the gateway of birth. One of the key elements of the birth dance is that it can help bridge the gap between the primal brain (which knows how to give birth) and the modern woman (who may need to be reminded of her instinctual capacity), assisting her to claim back her most basic and inherent right as the Deliverer of Life.”
Maha Al Musa, Dance of the Womb - The Essential Guide to Belly Dance for Pregnancy and Birth

Maha Al Musa
“The birthing journey requires us as women to get back to a sense of life basics where our connection to intuition and instinct are normal, rather than a forgotten means of expression, when implemented in pregnancy and labour, the birth dance enables a woman to connect to her feminine source without fear or shame.”
Maha Al Musa, Dance of the Womb - The Essential Guide to Belly Dance for Pregnancy and Birth

“The womb is one of the final stops on your journey to eternity.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“The womb is one of the final stops on eternity's journey.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“The womb is one of the final stops on your journey to eternity.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“The womb is like Heaven, great things are birthed from it.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“If she says NO, the entire human race will be wiped off the face of this earth in less than 100 years.”

Peggy Orenstein
“It is one thing, I was discovering, to think, "Maybe I won't have kids," and quite another to be told, "Maybe you can't." This is how impatience turns to desperation.”
Peggy Orenstein, Waiting for Daisy: A Tale of Two Continents, Three Religions, Five Infertility Doctors, an Oscar, an Atomic Bomb, a Romantic Night, and One Woman's Quest to Become a Mother

“The beauty of pregnancy is in the concealed revelation of a precious gift the future depends on.”
Wayne Chirisa

“A new baby is a miraculous gift that brings great fulfilling pure joy.”
Wayne Chirisa

Ujjwal Arora
“Thank You for Choosing Me
As Your Parent.
I Choose You as My Child.
Let Us Cherish Each Other.”
Ujjwal Arora, Affirmations: a daily handbook

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“Even your birth was just a probability of an ovum meeting up with the spermatozoon and becoming fertilised inside the uterus.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Victoria Quinn
“But I love you…so much, and that’s going to make this so special. It’s different. It’s the highest form of love, to combine your DNA with another person’s, to create something that will live after you’re gone. There’s no one else in the world I would want to do that with besides you.”
Victoria Quinn, The Man Who Has No Sight

Eric Overby
“We have been here before,
staring at the slow slide of a stick,
waiting, waiting, waiting…

Year after year,
there was no room for us in the inn,
no shepherds, no angels, no prophecies,
no hope, no coming.
But this time, two lines herald the Eve of a birth

Two lines,
like the beginning and ending
of a chapter of our lives.

Handel could not compose
something so beautiful.

Gabriel could not bring better news.

All the year’s fortune changes
in the end, as new life evolves.”
Eric Overby, Tired Wonder: Beginnings and Endings

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
“Oral sex shall lead to vomiting but not pregnancy.”
P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

“...every time I exhaled, I either peed or farted.”
Dawn Steel, They Can Kill You..but They Can't Eat You

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