
Family Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "family-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 269
“Mothers are our world. Sisters are our sky. Daughters are our stars. Women are our universe.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“Children move stones with their feet. Men move rocks with their hands. Women move mountains with their hearts.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“You know, nothing is stronger than blood bonds. What else is the reason for the success of life insurance policies? Why bother with what happens to your blood relatives after your death? After all, you stop existing. Why then bother about what is happening to your kids, and why be concerned about what is happening on Earth even? Well, it’s because, after one’s final exit, one lives through one’s children.”
Abhaidev, The Influencer: Speed Must Have a Limit

“You know the real meaning of celebrating a birthday if you remember the sacrifice of giving birth by your mother”
Elmitch Alarcio

Lynn Byk, The Fearless Moral Inventory of Elsie Finch

“Love thrives on promises; without them, it feels hollow.”
Cindy. David

“My Philosophy as I wish my beautiful daughter a Very Happy Birthday, I hope your day is as beautiful as you are.
The magical miracles of Life are all about tap dancing on the pages of your own story book.
Within each one of our story books are chapters of the mystery and adventures of all the stages of our life. Well on May of 1997, not only did a new chapter begin in my story book. A sequel was created. I was blessed with the gift of motherhood and from that moment on it was not just about my story anymore. It was about hers. It was about my story branching off into hers. It was all about giving her the love and tools to create a healthy foundation for her storybook. Well, I pray every day that I did a great job giving her all the love and tools to dance as she embraces all the mysteries and adventures life throws at her. Here's to 100 ♾️more and beyond Happy Birthday my daughter !!!!!!!!!!!!!
(c)By Bonnie Zackson Koury”
Bonnie Zackson Koury,

“Parents who justify their sinful lives, addictions, and habits are blinded by the darkness of their own hearts, leading themselves and others astray. They forget that there is no excuse for sin before a holy God, and that the consequences of their choices will be faced in eternity. Let us pray for their eyes to be opened to the truth, that they may repent and turn to the Lord, lest they perish in their sin, leaving a legacy of destruction for their children.”
Shaila Touchton

“Men who prioritize momentry pleasures and personal obsessions over family time and connection forfeit the privilege of having a family. Their selfish addiction to gym, work, TV, and sports reveals a misguided priority, leaving their loved ones emotionally starved and heartsick. Family is a sacred trust, requiring nurture and presence. Let us not neglect our sacred responsibility, lest we suffer the consequences of a family in pain and a home in shambles.”
Shaila Touchton

Allene vanOirschot
“When you look back on your life, will you have given the most time to the ones you loved or spent most of your time doing whatever you loved?”
Allene vanOirschot

“A man who refuses to repent and change is like a ship heading straight for the rocks. He may think he has time to turn back, but the waves of consequence are crashing hard against his hull. Repentance and change are the anchors that can save him from the wreck, but if he waits too long, the sea of opportunity will swallow him whole. Don't wait until it's too late, drop the anchor of repentance and chart a new course before the storm of regret consumes you.”
Shaila Touchton

“Silent sufferings will not last forever. The grace of God will break the chains of pain, and the light of His love will illuminate the darkness. Hold on to hope, dear heart, for the dawn of deliverance is coming. Your tears will turn to triumph, and your whispers will become a mighty roar of victory. By His grace, your silent sufferings will end, and a new song of joy will fill your soul.”
Shaila Touchton

“Domestic violence is not just physical abuse but also emotional, verbal, and psychological manipulation. It is a sin that seeks to destroy the very fabric of our being, leaving us feeling helpless, hopeless, and isolated. The evil one uses domestic violence to destroy families.”
Shaila Touchton

“Men, treat your wives with kindness and respect, for they are daughters of the Most High God, clothed in dignity and worth. And cherish your children, for they are precious blessings from heaven, entrusted to your care. Remember, your wife is a queen, deserving of honor and love, and your children are arrows in your quiver, sharpened by the divine. Let your homes be havens of joy, where love and laughter reign supreme, and the beauty of God's design is reflected in every relationship.”
Shaila Touchton

“Men, be the guardians of family values, for they are the foundation upon which generations rise or fall. Embrace the privilege of leadership in your homes, and cultivate a legacy of love, integrity, and faithfulness. Remember, your family is a masterpiece, crafted by the Divine Artist, and entrusted to your care. Protect, nurture, and cherish it, for the beauty and strength of your family will be the measure of your true success.”
Shaila Touchton

“God's purpose for your life is not to fulfill your own desires, but to fulfill His divine plan. Your existence is a sacred vessel, crafted to serve a greater purpose. Embrace the destiny that He has ordained for you, and surrender to the beauty of His design. For in fulfilling God's purpose, you will discover your truest potential, your deepest joy, and your most profound impact on the world.”
Shaila Touchton

“In the last days, a great deception will sweep the earth, as the anti-Christ spirit spreads its lies and deceit, convincing many that God is a myth. The lure of human wisdom and knowledge will draw people away from the truth, causing them to abandon their faith and turn their backs on the Lord. As prophesied, a great falling away will occur, leaving only a remnant of true believers who hold fast to God's Word and refuse to be swayed by the false promises of the enemy.”
Shaila Touchton

“Let us seek the truth that sets us free, not the lies we need to seek objective truth, rather than creating our own narratives or beliefs that may be based on false assumptions or self-deception. May we seek wisdom and truth in all we do!”
Shaila Touchton

“When a man prioritizes his own interests over the well-being of his family, he ceases to be a husband and father in the true sense. His threats and demands for money only serve to highlight his absence of love, care, and responsibility.”
Shaila Touchton

“There are two types of people: those who stand by you during difficult times, and those who abandon you when you need them most.”
Shaila Touchton

“Families are a journey – Sometimes Calm, sometimes Stormy, Often greater than we think we can withstand. Until the storm calms down and we look in our mirror grateful for the beauty and growth it uncovered.”
Efrat Shokef Ph.D.

“Paying bills is not the only measure of a man's worth as a husband and father.”
Shaila Touchton

“Emotional support is not a luxury, but a necessity in building strong families.”
Shaila Touchton

“A husband's absence is not just physical, but emotional and spiritual, leaving scars that can last a lifetime.”
Shaila Touchton

“A husband's presence in the home is not just about paying bills, but about being present in the lives of those who call him husband and father.”
Shaila Touchton

“A marriage where one partner is only available to pay bills, but not to nurture hearts, is like a garden with only one type of plant , it may look okay on the surface, but it lacks depth, beauty, and life.”
Shaila Touchton

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