
Loving God Quotes

Quotes tagged as "loving-god" Showing 1-30 of 226
“One thing that a person should understand in this life that everything comes from the Almighty God even our destiny whether we consider it fortunate or unfortunate.”
Ahmed Guillermo Letrondo

“The Love, Loves You from You.”
Syed Sharukh

“Truly, it is easy to sing that we would follow Jesus regardless, but all that zeal is lost at the slightest sign of inconvenience for some.”
Temi O’Sola

“Nevaeh- I believe I am never going to go around with little dreams anymore, I will not have a contained mind; I am always going to be positive if I can, and dream big. Knowing that it all can, and will be coming true if only I believe that it will. I know that I should never get stuck in a rut, for the reason that I do not know the whole plan that has been set for me. When you think like this, you can, and will break forth; this is when you will see an increase and praise. I hope that all our dreams come true, and we can all start anew. I hope that we can think, all our choices. Now I am hoping that I can let you know that, you have an angel too. I hope that everything is going to work out for you. The angels will save you and me, in times that we are on our knees. I hope the tower and its clans will forever let me be. I hope that everything will be understood so all of you can see.

(About six months back)

Nevaeh- The night that I was saved differently, I am only sixteen but the time is right. I could not stand living here another day or night, in ‘The Land of Many Steeples’ in the house of lost and lonely dreams, it was time for me to spread my wings and fly away from this land of misery. The day finally came and he saved me from the hell that is part of my existence. The boxy chariot with its small oblong taillights arrived near my doorstep.

He greeted me with the presence of compassion. For I was looking down from the window, yes it was supposed to just be another date night. Yes, he arrived to sweep me off my feet once again and take me away. Hope was not very pleased with the onset of him being in my life… But there was nothing she could do. At last, I was content, and that is all that mattered. She would not let me go on my dates, so I waited around until it was night outside, and she was asleep! That is when I would sneak out, and get away for a while, with him. Yet I think I got pregnant on date number one, yet I am not sure.

(Looking back)

I remember all the dates; we would drive through the town at night, and do all kinds of wild things. Besides, look at the stars in the back of his ford bronco truck with a blanket at our spot, as the baby was asleep inside of me, this was about four months ago, or so.

(The first days together as a couple.)

Some of our dates started right after my school day, he would come and get me, and I would not come home until my curfew or not at all. We did not have much money, yet we always had fun just being together. Like this one time, we went kayaking in our swimsuits on the gently flowing river, and then afterward we had a picnic lunch, simple dates, but always fun. Yeah, that is right, we only had three normal dates before; I know I was indeed going to have a baby. Our craziness slowed down a lot after that fact, yet we still went out.”
Marcel Ray Duriez, Nevaeh The Miracle

“Love wants to be "Loved" not just worshiped.”
Syed Sharukh

“Love hides in the island of your body waiting to be Discovered, Loved and not just worship”
Syed Sharukh

“The Axiom of spirituality demands that
you're not alone it's the beauty and the
'Love' of God”
Syed Sharukh

“It's NOT that hard but hard to 'Believe' to Live a life based on Love and Kindness.”
Syed Sharukh

“God is Love so am I, God is Compassion so am I, God Is Benevolent So am I, God is Kindness so am I.”
Syed Sharukh

“I'm Different, I Don't See Any Difference-in-Differences.”
Syed Sharukh

“Let the other search for God the way they wish and bless them on their journey never judge what they do or what they think let them find the love their own way”
Syed Sharukh

Gift Gugu Mona
“God remains great, even when others refuse to recognize, know or seek after Him. He never stops loving, caring and protecting humanity.”
Gift Gugu Mona, Daily Quotes about God: 365 Days of Heavenly Inspiration

J.C. Ryle
“Let it never be said that we cannot know whether a Christian really loves Christ. It can be known. It can be discovered. The proof can be seen. You have heard them this very day. Love to the Lord Jesus Christ is no hidden, secret, unseen thing. It is like the light – it will be seen. It is like sound – it will be heard. It is like heat – it will be felt. Where it exists, it cannot be hidden. Where it cannot be seen, you can be sure there is none.”
J.C. Ryle, Holiness

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“There is this utterly fascinating rumor of a glorious sort of love. And even though we are crafted for it, the best that we can do is to catch the slightest hem of it before it slips away yet again. For we have yet to learn that what we seek is not the love of another person, but the love of God coursing through another person.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

“This is the ultimate role of suffering: to facilitate our return to our heavenly Father, Who loves us more than we love ourselves and in Whose presence we will find joy and fulfillment (10)”
Paul Chaloux, Why All People Suffer: How a Loving God Uses Suffering to Perfect Us

“There is a big difference between somebody who knows the Bible and somebody who knows the Author of the Bible. There is a big difference between somebody who studies the Bible for theological purposes and somebody who studies the Bible because he loves God.”
Matt Drayer, Magnify the Lord: A Challenge to the Nominal Christian

“The sad truth today is that people who haven't received the love of God in their hearts are trying to love Him with all their hearts.”
Kingsley Opuwari Manuel

“Excellence in doctrine, duty, and discipline without first love is like a well-organized wedding without a groom.”
Kingsley Opuwari Manuel

Aiyaz Uddin
“When the truth gets revealed to a human then he won't care about anything now,
When the soul shares its secret then he won't care about the body now,
When his heart becomes the court of God then he won't care about any other court now,
When he identified himself then he won't care about identifying anything else now,
When he and the beloved is in conversation then he won't care about conversing with others now,
When he got to know he and the beloved is together then he seeks not anyone else's togetherness now,
When love is ascendant on oneself then he won't care about the faith now,
When seeker through master sought the one which was once sought then he won't care about heaven now,
When the game between my Ego and Love ends than about the ego he won't care about now,
When Ego's head is slain then he won't care about the afterlife now,
When upon whose call I was here became his now belonging to someone else he won't care now,
When beloved thought becomes a part of life than thinking about someone else he won't care now,
Aiyaz, After one dies perform his last rights by burying, burning, or drowning in the water he won't care now,
When someone reaches in presence of God then he won't care about himself now.”
Aiyaz Uddin, The Inward Journey

Charles W. Colson
“For we should read God's word not for what we can get out of it, not for what it will do for us, but for what it will teach us to do for our God.”
Charles W. Colson, Loving God

Charles W. Colson
“For deep inside we know that obedience to the Scriptures without concern for consequences is penetrating and painful. It requires us to die to self and follow Christ. It demands that we recognize the sin in our lives and that we acknowledge and repent of that sin.”
Charles W. Colson, Loving God

Charles W. Colson
“...Some evangelists see converts as trophies in a big game hunt and measure their success by numbers; thus, they do not want to frighten off their prey. One Christian leader, asked why he never mentioned repentance, smiled and replied, 'Get 'em first, let them see what Christianity is, and then they'll see the need to repent.' Tragically, this attitude pervades the church not only because we're afraid the truth will scare newcomers, but because it might also drive a number of the nodding regulars right out of their comfortable pews. Repentance can be a threatening message -- and rightly so. The Gospel must be the bad news of the conviction of sin before it can be the good news of redemption.”
Charles W. Colson, Loving God

Charles W. Colson
“Man goes to great lengths to avoid his own responsibility.”
Charles W. Colson, Loving God

Charles W. Colson
“The New Testament is clear: there is to be no merger of church and state until Christ returns and the kingdoms of this world become 'the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ.' As [Francis] Schaeffer writes, we must not 'confuse the kingdom of God with our country... or wrap Christianity in our national flag.”
Charles W. Colson, Loving God

Charles W. Colson
“It is not what we do that matters, but what a sovereign God chooses to do through us. God doesn't want our sucess; He wants us. He doesn't demand our achievements. He demands our obedience.”
Charles W. Colson, Loving God

“Not only lips, and mouth, and tongue, but mind, and affections;
not only knee, and hand, and eye,
but heart, and conscience, and memory,
must be pressed to attend upon God in worship.Jesus replied, “You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.”
Matt 22/37”
Prasanth Jonathan

Priscilla Vogelbacher
“The orthodox doctrine of Yahweh/Allāh as a just and loving God is a superannuated dogma, one which relies solely on people’s ignorance of ancient knowledge.”
Priscilla Vogelbacher, The Gods of Genesis

Marilynne Robinson
“At the same time that we rejected the conception of a God who could be called loving or passionate, we ceased to attend to like qualities in ourselves.”
Marilynne Robinson

Criss Jami
“Wrath would be of no use to a rather cold and distant god, but a loving God, on the other hand, a loving Father, might find it appropriate when protecting his children from evil.”
Criss Jami

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