
Christian Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "christian-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 999
Mouloud Benzadi
Mouloud Benzadi

Mouloud Benzadi
“The absolute truth is the biggest myth in human history.”
Mouloud Benzadi

Stephanie Lahart
“Her heart is Exquisite! She’s genuine, loving, kind, compassionate, and generous. An awe-inspiring soul is what she is! She is joy, she is light, she is LOVE.”
Stephanie Lahart

Bukky Agboola
“Remember that in order to have the last laugh, you need to keep on laughing.”
Bukky Agboola, Get Unstuck: Unleashing Momentum: The Powerful Key to Your Success!

“A husband's role is not just a paycheck, but a presence that nurtures hearts and homes.”
Shaila Touchton

“God is real, and His love for you is unconditional. He is always with you, guiding and supporting you through life's ups and downs. Trust in Him, and His promises will bring hope and light into your darkness. Seek Him with all your heart, and you will find peace and joy in His presence. God is real, and He cares deeply for you.”
Shaila Touchton

“Jesus is powerfully anointed, and His presence ignites a fire within us, empowering us to overcome, to heal, and to set the captives free. His anointing breaks the yoke of bondage, shatters the darkness, and unleashes the miraculous. In His anointed name, we find strength, hope, and victory.”
Shaila Touchon

Shakara Ann Francis
“Remember to attach your worth to who God says you are and who He is for you. When you do this, you'll never be disappointed when mankind doesn't come through for you.”
Shakara Ann Francis

Lydia V.  Simms
“We pray. Prayer changes things. It transforms people. It changes their situations.—Kenneth Elrod”
Lydia V. Simms, Broken & Betrayed I: A Shocking Heartbreak

Lydia V.  Simms
“Nowadays, many young teenagers are encouraged by the world to do what is considered as evil in God’s eyes.—Kenneth Elrod”
Lydia V. Simms, Broken & Betrayed II: Chaos

“Holding good desires for toxic people is like pouring water into a broken vessel - it only drains your own resources and leaves you empty, while they remain un changed.”
Shaila Touchton

“Some men use love as a excuse to leech off women, mistaking dependency for devotion. Financial independence is not a gift to be earned, but a right to be claimed. Stand on your own feet, men, and let love be a mutual support, not a monetary crutch.”
Shaila Touchton

“Wake up, dear hearts! Let go of grumpiness, arrogance, and temper. Embrace empathy, love, and compassion. Life is short, and our time on this earth is momentry. Let us cherish every moment with kindness, understanding, and warmth. For in the end, it's not what we had, but how we loved that truly matters”
Shaila Touchton

“Sons, don't let the chains of inheritance bind you to a legacy of addiction and toxicity. Break free from the cycles of destructive patterns passed down from your fathers. Renounce the harmful habits and renounce the sins of your fathers. Choose to be a vessel for God's glory, not a victim of inherited bondage. Rise up and claim your rightful place as a son of the Most High, living a life that honors God and His kingdom.”
Shaila Touchton

Ron Acosta
“Sometimes, it seems no matter what moves you make to better your life, some of the ugliness of your past tries to follow you, but thankfully, so does God’s grace.”
Ron Acosta, Unstoppable Grace: A Memoir

Ron Acosta
“Confession, when given in a state of repentance (being genuinely sorry), is not for the weakhearted. Neither is it weak in what it was designed to do. It requires a personal resolve and humility to voice out loud what you did or didn’t do so that you can become right with God, the offended party, and yourself.”
Ron Acosta, Unstoppable Grace: A Memoir

Ron Acosta
“Confession is essential to our self-esteem.”
Ron Acosta, Unstoppable Grace: A Memoir

IyanuOluwa Olorode
“That’s how it is with our feelings and the truth of God’s word. Our feelings are emotional reactions to maladies in our thinking or perspective, but our reality is God’s word which is truth. The truth remains constant. Lagos can be like Mercury, but with your fever, you cover up yourself with a duvet and are still not warm enough. We’re spirit beings. We do not react based on our emotions. We react to God’s word. If God says you’re forgiven, then you are. Regardless of how and what you feel.”
IyanuOluwa Olorode, Love's Direction

“Advance’ is the Christian’s motto. Onward to certain victory over sin, the world, and hell.”
Charles H. Spurgeon, Eccentric Preachers: Spiritual Lessons and Insights from God’s Peculiar People [Updated and Annotated]

“God's redemption weaves a beautiful shade, transforming the scars of a wounded heart into a masterpiece of love, as He brings together a faithful man with a heart of gold and a precious soul who has been hurt, to create a haven of safety, love, and restoration.”
Shaila Touchton

“Paying bills is not the only measure of a man's worth as a husband and father.”
Shaila Touchton

“A husband's absence is not just physical, but emotional and spiritual, leaving scars that can last a lifetime.”
Shaila Touchton

“A husband's presence in the home is not just about paying bills, but about being present in the lives of those who call him husband and father.”
Shaila Touchton

“No matter how good we may look on the surface, no matter how balanced we may seem, it's what lies below that really counts.”
Joanna Weaver (Author)

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