Loving God Quotes

Quotes tagged as "loving-god" Showing 181-210 of 226
“The worship of God is in our attitude to people”
Sunday Adelaja

“We only serve God when we serve people”
Sunday Adelaja

“Every time we dedicate our time and other resources to others to the people around us, we serve God”
Sunday Adelaja

“It is only when you pay attention to ordinary people that you convince God that you are really serving Him”
Sunday Adelaja

“When you can prove your love for God by your service and attitude to others, your service has started”
Sunday Adelaja

“When you love God for real, you will love His creation”
Sunday Adelaja

“Look for people around you and serve them with love and compassion”
Sunday Adelaja

“All humans are important to God, so treat them all with love”
Sunday Adelaja

“All your solutions are in people, and you can only be free when you love them”
Sunday Adelaja

“The service to God is our service to humanity”
Sunday Adelaja

“The only way to love God is by loving His people”
Sunday Adelaja

“Our service as believers is in our help and attitude towards others”
Sunday Adelaja

“You dishonor God when you don’t treat His people with love”
Sunday Adelaja

“Our worship offering as believers should be out of convenience and sheer love for God”
Sunday Adelaja

“Serving God is equivalent to serving men”
Sunday Adelaja

“The proof of your love for God is seen in your service to men”
Sunday Adelaja

“Direct your attention to men and find ways to put smiles on their faces”
Sunday Adelaja

“Miracles await you when you begin to serve people”
Sunday Adelaja

“The real service to God is when it involves people in need”
Sunday Adelaja

“We only perceive God when we receive people”
Sunday Adelaja

“The only way to see God is to notice and observe people”
Sunday Adelaja

“We only see God when we see people”
Sunday Adelaja

“You cannot see God until you notice people”
Sunday Adelaja

“You cannot reach God until you begin to pay attention to humans”
Sunday Adelaja

“The fastest way to see God is to notice people”
Sunday Adelaja

“The God that is nearest to you in the people around you is the real one you need”
Sunday Adelaja

“You recognize God when you begin to recognize people”
Sunday Adelaja

“You disregard God when you disregard His people”
Sunday Adelaja

“Never see yourself as being superior to others”
Sunday Adelaja