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WARNING! This article contains MAJOR SPOILERS for Agatha All Along. Keep reading this article at your own risk.
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"I miss the glory days. She took every bit of power I had. But I can be that witch again."
―Agatha Harkness[src]

Agatha Harkness is a witch from Salem, Massachusetts, who was accused of practicing dark magic by her own coven during the Salem witch trials. Over three hundred years later, she sensed the presence of chaos magic radiating from the Westview Anomaly created by Wanda Maximoff. Unfazed by her thrall over the population of Westview, Harkness became obsessed with harnessing Maximoff's magic. Living under the pretense of the WandaVision sitcom, she stole Ralph Bohner's house and undertook the guise of Agnes, Maximoff's "nosy neighbor," all the while interfering with Maximoff's idyllic paradise to her own benefit. After discovering that Maximoff was the Scarlet Witch, Harkness was defeated and stripped of her magical abilities, indefinitely condemned to live out her life as Agnes O'Connor in Westview.


Salem Witch[]

Agatha Harkness' Trial[]

"I did not break your rules. They simply bent to my power. Wait. No. I cannot control it! I... If only you would teach me! Help me! Please! Mother, please!"
―Agatha Harkness to Evanora Harkness[src]
Agatha on the stake

Harkness on trial in 1693

Being a witch and a member of the Salemites, Agatha Harkness stole forbidden knowledge and secretly practiced dark magic, until she was caught by her coven. During the height of the Salem witch trials in 1693, Harkness was captured and dragged through the woods for a trial and bound to a wooden post. After Harkness reaffirmed that she was a witch, her mother, Evanora Harkness, stated that she had betrayed her coven, stolen knowledge above her place, and practiced the darkest of magic, which Harkness denied.


Harkness getting attacked by her mother

The witches tried to kill Harkness with energy beams as Harkness pleaded with Evanora. Harkness continued to cry until her powers took over and she reversed the effect of the beams onto the witches, killing them. Harkness broke free of the post and killed Evanora before taking the brooch off her mother's corpse and flying away.[1]

Corrupted by the Darkhold[]

Harkness took possession of the Darkhold and used it to amplify her magical powers. Eventually, the Darkhold corrupted Harkness's mind and turned her fingertips black.[3]

Westview Anomaly[]

Welcoming Wanda Maximoff[]

Agatha Flies

Harkness arrives in Westview, New Jersey

"Hello, dear. I'm Agnes, your neighbor to the right. My right, not yours. Forgive me for not stopping by sooner to welcome you to the block. My mother-in-law was in town, so I wasn't."
―Agnes to Wanda Maximoff[src]

In late 2023, Harkness sensed a confusing mixture of magical energy coming from the town of Westview, New Jersey. When she arrived there, she discovered it was in a warped reality that appeared like a 50s sitcom, and everyone in it was under the control of Wanda Maximoff. Harkness decided she needed to know how Maximoff created this reality, as it was greater than any magic she had seen before, and entered the anomaly, being the only person in it unaffected by it, besides Maximoff. To do so, she used the Darkhold to enhance her powers.[6]

Agatha becomes Agnes

Harkness taking on the identity of Agnes

Harkness decided to sneak herself into Maximoff's family dynamic, under the guise of a clueless housewife named "Agnes."[7] "Agnes" was the first neighbor who greeted Maximoff, after she and Vision "moved" to Westview as a happily married couple. Once Maximoff had introduced herself, "Agnes" noticed how Maximoff had arranged their belongings so quickly, and Maximoff lied to her that she had used a moving service.

WandaVision 40

Agnes sharing gossip with Wanda Maximoff

Maximoff shared that she was preparing for a special occasion later that day, and instead affirmed "Agnes'" guess that it was the anniversary of Maximoff and Vision. "Agnes'" questions about her having no wedding rings and their non-specific anniversary date caught Maximoff off-guard. She offered to help Maximoff plan their special night, while complaining to her about her deadbeat husband Ralph.

WandaVision EW Stills 04

Agnes giving a pineapple to Wanda Maximoff

Once Wanda realized that her special night was her and Vision treating dinner to Vision's boss Arthur Hart and his wife Mrs. Hart, she called "Agnes" to help. "Agnes" happily agreed, and she arrived at the Vision Residence with a large amount of food, that she and Maximoff could use to cook. She accidentally dropped a pot, which the Harts and Vision overheard. Maximoff rushed out "Agnes," so she could use her abilities to cook, despite "Agnes'" offer to help cook and to exchange gossip.[2]

Committee Meeting[]

Agnes Rabbit WV EP2

Agnes giving a rabbit to Wanda Maximoff

"Really, how is anybody doing this sober?"
―Agnes to Wanda Maximoff[src]

"Agnes" helped Wanda Maximoff and Vision's magic act for the Westview Talent Show, by lending them her pet rabbit, Señor Scratchy, whom she said played Jesus at a Christmas pageant the previous year.

Having exchanged playful banter with Dennis the Mailman, she accompanied Maximoff to a committee meeting "Dottie Jones" and her group of fellow housewives. She warned Maximoff about Jones' influence on the town, and advised her to get on Jones' good side to make her life easier.

She sat beside Maximoff during the meeting, and later offered alcohol to "Beverly," after she was humiliated by "Jones." She continued drinking and silently remarked to Maximoff that she was surprised that anyone could stay sober.[8]

Westview Talent Show[]

Agatha Harkness Talent Show

Agnes continues disrupting the performance

"I will now make my wife disappear."
"Are you sure you don't an audience volunteer named, my husband Ralph?"
Vision and Agnes[src]

"Agnes" was in the audience during the Westview Talent Show, and secretly sabotaged the Magic being performed by Wanda Maximoff and Vision,[7] which turned comedic due to Vision's intoxication and Maximoff's improvisation. Upon seeing Señor Scratchy on stage, "Agnes" bragged to the other audience members about the rabbit's star quality.

When Maximoff and Vision brought out the Cabinet of Mysteries, "Agnes" jokingly offered her "husband," Ralph to the couple so that he could disappear, which elicited laughs from the audience. With an unintentionally successful show staged by the couple, "Agnes" was the first to offer a standing ovation among the crowd.[8]

Suspicion about Geraldine[]

Agatha Harkness & John Collins

Agnes putting Herb Feltman under her control spell

"There's no family. No husband."
"Well, there's nothing wrong with that."
"Hmm... No home."
―Agnes and Vision[src]

Agnes was seen helping Wanda Maximoff buy baby clothes, while they walked through Westview together.[9] Later on, she cast a spell on Herb Feltman in order to make him act like he knew about Westview's secret, in order to make Vision suspicious of Geraldine.[7]

WandaVision 67

Agnes says goodbye to neighbors

When Vision saw them gossiping and approached the two, he deduced that they were talking about something related to them. When Vision tried to leave, Agnes called him over and asked if Geraldine was with Maximoff. She and Feltman explained that Geraldine was new to the town she but seemed suspicious since she had no family or home in Westview. When Feltman tried to explain why Geraldine arrived at town, Agnes stopped him, and instead left the two, saying that she needed to set up her macramé at home.[10]

Babysitter in Need[]


Agnes offering help to Wanda Maximoff

"Do you want me to take that again?"
"I'm sorry?"
"You want me to hold the babies. Should we just take it from the top?"
―Agnes and Wanda Maximoff[src]

With Wanda Maximoff and Vision unable to rest due to their newborn children, Tommy and Billy, Maximoff suggested they need help. Right on cue, Agnes arrived, offering to help them instead of her scheduled jazz-ercise. Agnes' timing aroused Vision's suspicions, which made him tell her not to help them.

Wanda, Agnes & Vision WV Episode 5

Agnes with Vision and Wanda Maximoff

Agnes suddenly shifted in demeanor; she suddenly asked Maximoff if she should repeat her lines and redo the scene from the beginning. This further confused Vision, and shocked Maximoff as she realized Agnes was aware of her created reality as a simulated sitcom. Maximoff declared Agnes would help, so Agnes returned to her persona to take care of the twin babies, using an exercise routine to rock their cribs, spraying lavender on them, and finding dark liquor for the twins.

When the babies suddenly aged themselves up to five years old, Agnes was unfazed, instead contemplating about the uncontrollable nature of children.[11]

Killing Sparky[]

"And I killed Sparky, too!"
―Agatha Harkness[src]

Agnes later returned to the Vision Residence with exactly the item they need, a new doghouse, which Agnes had brought over after seeing that they have a new pet dog. She subsequently named the family's new dog Sparky.

While Agnes was still there, Wanda Maximoff created a dog tag in Agnes' presence, despite her and Vision's agreement to hide their abilities, attributing to her obliviousness when the boys aged up. When the twins aged again to ten years old, Agnes merely quipped that they hoped Sparky stays the same size.[11]

Agnes Holding Dead Sparky

Agnes holding up the dead Sparky

When Sparky ran away from the Maximoffs' home, Agnes killed the dog before they could find him.[7] She wrapped him up in a cloth before the Maximoffs arrived at her home, where she broke the bad news, claiming that Sparky had died from eating from her azalea bushes and that she discovered him too late.

Agnes then overheard Tommy stating Maximoff could fix the dead, and Agnes asked her if she could resurrect the dead. She then stood by and agreed as Maximoff advised her children that she could not run away from situations like the boys' aging, or reversing death.[11]

Agnes later brought "Pietro Maximoff" to the Vision Residence door in order to confuse her further.[7]

Awakened by Vision[]

WandaVision 25

Agnes is found by Vision in a trance-like state

"Agnes, it is my intention to reach those outside of Westview and make sense of our situation."
"How? No one leaves. Wanda won't even let us think about it. All is lost."
Vision and Agnes[src]

During Halloween night in Westview, Agnes drove to the outskirts of Westview just nearby the barrier of the Hex. Vision discovered Agnes in her car at an intersection furthest from town, pretending to be frozen in a trance.[7] Agnes told him that she took a wrong turn trying to get to the Town Square Scare, which Vision asked how she got lost in the town she grew up in. Vision decided to use his powers derived from the Mind Stone to take her out of her trance.

WandaVision 29

Agnes pretends to have a mental breakdown

Agnes then pretended to be shocked to see Vision's presence, recognizing him as one of the Avengers, and asked if he was here to help. When Vision revealed he didn't know what an Avenger was, Agnes acted confused, asking if she had died. Vision assured her that she had not, and asked her why she would think as much, to which she replied with telling Vision that he himself was dead, as he was killed during the Battle of Wakanda. She later told him that no one could leave Westview and Wanda would not let anyone think about it. She then proceeded to cackle maniacally before Vision put her back in her previous state. Agnes suddenly acted in-character, and drove back towards the center of the city, much to Vision's confusion.[12]

Agatha All Along[]

Kidnapping the Maximoff Twins[]

Agnes takes Billy & Tommy

Agnes agrees to watch Tommy and Billy Maximoff

"Hey boys, why don't we give your mom some me time?"
"Agnes! Are you sure?"
"Oh, ab-so-positively. Come on, let's go."
―Agnes and Wanda Maximoff[src]

Due to Wanda Maximoff wallowing in her depression, Agnes offered to take Tommy and Billy Maximoff away from her so she could relax. She gave them food and drink whilst letting them watch television, assuring them that their mom would be fine, even though she was not sure herself.[7]

Revealing Her True Self[]

Agnes & Wanda

Agnes interrupts Wanda Maximoff and Monica Rambeau’s conversation

"Westview through your lens, Wanda... every little detail in place, down to the crown molding. You're even running illusions miles away at the edge of town! Magic on autopilot. What's your secret, sister?"
―Agatha Harkness to Wanda Maximoff[src]

Later, during a confrontation between Wanda Maximoff and Monica Rambeau, Agnes got involved to help Maximoff. She took Maximoff back to her house, and following Maximoff's suspicion concerning where Tommy and Billy Maximoff were, Agnes informed her that the kids were probably playing in the basement.

Agatha Harkness WV

Harkness reveals herself to Wanda Maximoff

Once Maximoff was down in the basement, she discovered Agnes' lair, moments before being locked in, and Agnes finally revealing herself as the witch, Agatha Harkness. She enthralled Maximoff, projecting visions into her mind that revealed herself to have manipulated the recent events, which included controlling Herb Feltman, lying to Vision to further distance him from Maximoff, killing Sparky, and sending "Pietro Maximoff" to watch over Maximoff.[7]

Purple Magic

Harkness demonstrates her magic powers

Maximoff attempted to read Harkness' mind, but this proved ineffective as Harkness had placed a protection spell around the room with runic symbols and in turn bound Maximoff in magical bonds. She then demonstrated her magical powers to Maximoff including transmutation and mind control and explained to Maximoff that she is capable of performing such magic but on a grander scale. Harkness then demanded to know how Maximoff created the Hex in the first place, but Maximoff was unable to recall how she pulled it off.

Wanda & Agatha WV EP8

Harkness demands to learn of chaos magic

Deciding to use a bit more finesse in her interrogation, Harkness plucked a hair from Maximoff's head and used it to open a gateway into Maximoff's memories and to ensure Maximoff would follow her. Harkness revealed she was still holding Tommy and Billy somewhere in her dungeon, and having no other choice Maximoff followed Harkness through the door.[1]

Revisiting Wanda's Past[]

Wanda Maximoff & Agatha Harkness

Harkness shows Wanda Maximoff her youth

"It's been fun playing pretend for a while, hasn't it, Wanda? But it's time to look at some real reruns."
―Agatha Harkness to Wanda Maximoff[src]

Harkness and Wanda Maximoff went through Maximoff's traumatic life experiences including the death of her parents, being experimented on by HYDRA, and falling in love with Vision while living at the Avengers Compound, as well as her lifelong obsession with sitcoms having grown up watching them in order to learn English.

Agatha Applause

Harkness applauding for Wanda Maximoff

They then witnessed Maximoff arriving at S.W.O.R.D. Headquarters and seeing Vision's body before going to Westview, the place where Vision had planned for them to live together. In her grief, Maximoff created the Westview Anomaly, as well as reconstructing Vision from her connection with the Mind Stone.[1]

Battle of Westview[]

Agatha Harkness choking the kids

Harkness strangles Tommy and Billy Maximoff

"Your children, and Vision, and this whole little life you made? This is Chaos Magic, Wanda, and that makes you the Scarlet Witch."
―Agatha Harkness to Wanda Maximoff[src]

Having seen all she needed to put the pieces together, Harkness applauded Wanda Maximoff's display of Magic, before teleporting outside, where she held Tommy and Billy Maximoff with magical nooses around their throats, Harkness then revealed to Maximoff that she was a being long thought to be a myth, a being capable of creating something from nothing with the great power of Chaos Magic, and Maximoff was in fact the Scarlet Witch.[1]

Agatha Chaos Magic

Harkness stealing Wanda Maximoff's magic

Maximoff attacked Harkness to release her hold on her children, before ordering them both inside of the Vision Residence to shield themselves. Attempting a second attack, Maximoff soon discovered that Harkness was able to not only absorb her chaos magic, but take a portion of her life force as well. Harkness attempted to strike a bargain with Maximoff: she would be able to maintain the Westview Anomaly, but she would have to give up the chaos powers.

Flying Car

Harkness having a car thrown at her

Maximoff responded by chucking a car at her, but she teleported away. Harkness only re-appeared once to comment on White Vision and Maximoff's Vision standing together in the same vicinity, taunting Maximoff in the process. Harkness later ambushed Maximoff at the town square, bringing the Darkhold to lecture her about the legend of the Scarlet Witch: a being destined to destroy the world, forged into existence possessing magical abilities surpassing those of the Sorcerer Supreme, that same magic not bound to a coven or incantation.

Agatha Harkness reads the Darkhold

Harkness begins to read the Darkhold

When Maximoff attempted to reject any correlation to legend, Harkness responded by releasing the residents of Westview from Maximoff's influence. They immediately confronted her with pleas and questions in regards to their loved ones, causing an incredibly tense Maximoff to break down and inadvertently release a wave of magic that began to suffocate them. While Maximoff quickly reversed the spell, Harkness pointed out that heroes do not torture people.


Harkness watches Wanda Maximoff take down the Hex

This caused Maximoff to begin destroying the Anomaly, but in doing so caused the rest of her family to disintegrate, leading for Harkness to remark that one world could not exist without the other. They were saved when Maximoff halted the Anomaly's destruction, and while they reunited, Harkness attacked them, prompting Maximoff to block it with her chaos magic. However, Harkness was able to absorb it and drained more of Maximoff's life. When White Vision and S.W.O.R.D. arrived at the town square to fight the Maximoffs, Harkness and Maximoff continued their confrontation while the rest of the family split up to face their enemies.[3]

Defeated by Scarlet Witch[]

Wanda manipulates Agatha

Harkness gets controlled by Wanda Maximoff

"Give me your power and I will correct the flaws in your original spell. And you and your family, and the people of Westview can all live together in peace. And no one will ever have to feel this pain again. Not even you."
―Agatha Harkness to Scarlet Witch[src]

Wanda Maximoff was able to use teleportation to ambush Harkness and subject her to a hallucination, taking them back to her 1693 trial and attempted execution. The corpses of her Salemites victims began to reanimate, but Maximoff's spell backfired as they all recognized her as the Scarlet Witch, prompting them to tie her to the stake instead of Harkness, who repeated her offer to Maximoff about Chaos Magic.

Agatha Harkness vs

Harkness stealing Wanda Maximoff's powers

Emerging out of the hallucination, Maximoff tackled Harkness before blasting her repeatedly with chaos magic, seemingly accepting the bargain. As more of Maximoff's essence was transferred into her, Harkness began to celebrate her apparent victory, before attempting a final energy blast. As no magic emerged from Harkness, Maximoff revealed that actions were merely a distraction for her to cast protection runes on the walls of the Hex, granting her supreme control of the magic in Westview. Powerless, Harkness could not do anything as Maximoff drained the magic out of her, fully transforming into the Scarlet Witch as depicted in legend.

Agatha Harkness (2023)

Harkness being forced to live on as Agnes

As Scarlet Witch's powers reached an apex, Harkness could only comment in horror about what she had unleashed. The empowered Scarlet Witch revealed that she planned on imprisoning Harkness in Westview as the sitcom character she chose for herself, "Agnes". Harkness pled with Scarlet Witch not to subject her to such a fate, notifying Scarlet Witch that she would need her, but became enthralled anyway, acting as the nosy neighbor like Scarlet Witch planned.[3] As the FBI investigated the aftermath, Agnes flirted with an agent, telling him she needed mouth-to-mouth.[13]


"I take power from the undeserving. It's kinda my thing. You're clearly in over your little red head. So, why don't you surrender your magic to someone who knows what to do with it? And I'll let you keep this pathetic little corner of the world all to yourself."
―Agatha Harkness to Wanda Maximoff[src]

Agatha Harkness has been mainly shown by her alias, Agnes. Her quirkiness and humor granted her the main comedic role in the sitcom reality. She is often seen making jokes and comments for comedic relief. Once she is revealed as the witch Agatha Harkness, her demeanor becomes more sinister, though her personality for the most part seems to be similar to Agnes'. She is shown to be envious of Wanda Maximoff's raw magical potential and views Maximoff with contempt for squandering her magic on maintaining the fantasy within the Hex, believing that she is undeserving of her abilities.

Throughout their confrontation, Harkness criticizes Maximoff's less than heroic actions, such as her time in HYDRA and her imprisonment and torment of the citizens of Westview, further attempts to plant more seeds of doubt in her. Harkness is also arrogant, mocking Maximoff throughout their battle in Westview when she believes she has the upper hand; this turns out to be her undoing, as she unwittingly gives Maximoff the idea to use her original protection spell against her.

Despite her negative persona and hunger for power, Harkness possesses a sense of justice within herself, as shown when she was able to tell Wanda's deeds weren't great for the state of reality across the universe. Despite her sense of justice, Agatha had no problem with deceiving people to achieve her goals, lying to Wanda that she would correct the flaws of the Westview anomaly in exchange for Wanda's magic. Nevertheless, Harkness was heavily obsessed with power, and would not hesitate to become the most powerful sorceress, resorting to dark magic to achieve it. Harkness values her magical knowledge and prowess greatly, being upset when Maximoff drained her of her magic and horrified when she learns Wanda intends to punish her by condemning her to an ordinary life in Westview as Agnes.

Powers and Abilities[]

Former Powers[]

"You stole knowledge above your age and station. You practice the darkest of magic."
Evanora Harkness to Agatha Harkness[src]
  • Magic: Agatha Harkness is a very powerful witch capable of manipulating magic for a variety of effects, such as casting spells and manipulating matter. She was very knowledgeable in her magic and even taught Wanda Maximoff a few skills like how to create a rune.
    • Witchcraft: Witchcraft is a form of magic that is practiced and utilized by all witches. Although Witchcraft usually manifests as a luminescent blue mist or vapor, Agatha's magic turned purple due to Dark Magic's corruptive influence.
      • Energy Manipulation:
        Agatha Harkness & Scarlet Witch

        Harkness restrains Wanda Maximoff

        Harkness is able to shape her dark and mystical energy into tangible constructs and utilize it in various ways. When initially confronting Wanda Maximoff, she conjured magical bindings around her wrists and ankles to restrain her. Similarly, she was able to conjure magical strings to hold Billy Maximoff and Tommy Maximoff by their necks.
        • Energy Projection: Harkness could project powerful bolts and blasts of purple mystical energy from her hands. After absorbing the Chaos Magic from Maximoff's energy bolts, she was able to fire projectiles made of Chaos Magic and her Dark Magic combined.
        • Energy Detection: Harkness was initially drawn to the Westview Anomaly after sensing the “afterglow” of its complex network of spells.
        • Telekinesis: Harkness could control matter with her purple energy and was able to close a door with a single movement of her fingers as well as break energy binds placed on her by her coven during her trial. During her confrontation with Maximoff, she lifted several S.W.O.R.D. operatives a few stories into the air, outlining them with purple energy, before dropping them and letting Maximoff catch them with her own power.
        • Levitation: Harkness arrived flying to Westview. After being knocked over by Maximoff's energy blast, she was able to raise herself back onto her feet. She was able to fly at length during her confrontation against Scarlet Witch, and even managed to remain floating in the air despite the runes created by Scarlet Witch which had rendered Harkness' other magical attacks ineffective.
      • Mental Manipulation:
        Agatha Harkness controlling Pietro

        Harkness controlling Ralph Bohner

        Harkness's magic allows her to interact with and control the minds of others. She was able to make Herb Feltman, her neighbor, go along with her plan in confusing Vision. She was also able to control her pet Señor Scratchy and take control of a cicada with an incantation while demonstrating magic to Maximoff. She was able to project images of her exploits within Westview into Maximoff's mind and, when inside an illusory recreation of Maximoff's memories, was able to cause Maximoff to directly relive the experiences as well as pull her out of them at will. When Maximoff tried to trap her in an illusion of her trial by her coven, Harkness was able to turn the illusion against her, causing the corpses of her fellow witches to attack and briefly subdue Maximoff. In an attempt to turn the town of Westview on Maximoff, Harkness removed Maximoff's mind control from the citizens.
      • Psychic Shield: Harkness is able to resist telepathic intrusion and reality manipulation to a degree, as she was able to live inside the Westview Anomaly without it truly changing her or affecting her mind. Additionally, neither Billy nor Wanda Maximoff were able to sense her thoughts, with the latter's attempts to trap Harkness in an illusion failing to harm or restrain her, as Harkness simply took control over it away from Maximoff.
      • Spell Casting:
        Wanda, Agatha & Iryna

        Harkness shows Wanda Maximoff her past

        Harkness could cast a variety of spells using gestures and verbal incantations. Using a basic protection spell via magic runes on the walls of the structure beneath her house, Harkness was able to neutralize Maximoff's powers. As she explains to Maximoff, only the person who cast this spell can use magic in the radius of the protection spell's range. Harkness caused Maximoff to relive her memories using magic via a piece of her hair, which aided her in creating an illusory space inside a compartment of her basement lair that could realistically simulate events and locations from Wanda's past. She also chanted a Latin spell that allowed her to trans-mutate a cicada into a bird.
      • Transmutation: Harkness was able to change her appearance and witch costume for that of a normal neighbor. She was also able to change a cicada into a bird and back and hide the corruption of the Darkhold in her fingers.
      • Conjuration:
        Agatha Harkness reads the Darkhold

        Harkness conjures the Darkhold

        Harkness was capable of causing the Darkhold to materialize out of a small purple portal to read the description of Maximoff's future as the Scarlet Witch before sending it back through it.
      • Enchantment: Harkness is capable of imbuing objects with supernatural powers, notably creating an enchanted necklace with a crystallum possession spell that allowed her to control Ralph Bohner, giving him the personality of a false Pietro Maximoff, as well as simulating the real Pietro's super speed. Additionally, the roots surrounding her basement lair were infused with her Witchcraft, as seen by Monica Rambeau.
      • Teleportation: Harkness has the ability to teleport herself and others, leaving a distinctive purple energy each time she uses this ability. She was able to teleport from within the Vision Residence to the street, and at the same time bring Billy and Tommy Maximoff from the basement of her house.
    • Necromancy: Harkness mentioned being able to use necromancy when she said she considered resurrecting the real Pietro, but gave up because his body was on another continent and bullet-ridden.
    • Dark Magic: As a master of the Dark Arts, Agatha was a very powerful and skilled user of dark magic. According to Harkness, some of her dark powers took years of study to master. After obtaining the Darkhold, Harkness used it to amplify her powers, which enhanced several of her spells allowing her to be unnoticed by other witches, like Wanda Maximoff.[6]
      • Longevity: With the magic and life-force she absorbed from the witches of her coven, Harkness can live far beyond a normal human lifespan, having survived for more than 325 years.
      • Power Absorption:
        Agatha Harkness Magic

        Harkness absorbing magic

        Harkness can absorb powers; assimilating supernatural abilities and powers directly from others even straight from the source, removing into herself and utilize it in various ways, enhancing herself with each new power drain expanding her arsenal of abilities. When Harkness was on trial she was capable of corrupting the magic from the witches of her coven, effectively siphoning their energies and killing them. Her abilities allowed her to absorb and convert Chaos Magic from Maximoff into her dark magic while simultaneously draining Maximoff's body of life each time Maximoff directly attacked her with her powers, allowing her to not only withstand Maximoff's attacks but also gain strength from them. Though, there is a caveat to this. In order to absorb an individual's power, Agatha specifically must be blasted by them and cannot remotely drain the power of others.
      • Physical Augmentation: After acquiring the Darkhold, Harkness could heighten her physical abilities. During the Battle of Westview, she was easily able to withstand being hit by a car by Wanda Maximoff.


  • Expert Tactician: Harkness was able to manipulate events within the Westview Anomaly for a week, right down to the plots of the sitcom, all while pretending to be enthralled by Wanda Maximoff and hiding her true nature. She was able to break Maximoff's character when she purposely asked her if she could retake the shot for the show. She also willingly revealed her identity to Maximoff in order to get in her head and find out how she made the Hex.
  • Marksman: Harkness can effectively throw magical energy at her target, demonstrated in her aerial battle against Wanda Maximoff.
  • Bilingualism: Harkness is fluent in English and speaks Latin when performing magical incantations.


Former Equipment[]

"Darkhold? That's the Book of the Damned."
―Agatha Harkness to Wanda Maximoff[src]
  • Darkhold: As a master of the Dark Arts, Harkness eventually obtained the Darkhold, which she used as an amplification totem for her powers.[6] Harkness learned of the Scarlet Witch myth thanks to the book. She lost it to Wanda Maximoff.


  • Agnes O'Connor's House: In her disguise as Agnes and Maximoff's neighbor, she resided in Bohner's house and added a basement where she kept the Darkhold.






Appearances for Agatha Harkness


  • In the comics, Agatha Harkness is a witch who lived through the fall of Atlantis and the Salem witch trials. She was a mentor to Scarlet Witch and the babysitter of Franklin Richards. In the Ultimate Universe, she was a foe of the Ultimate Fantastic Four, able to split from one individual to seven.
  • Agnes' fake marriage anniversary with her husband Ralph (June 2nd), references June 2nd 1692, the day the Salem witch trials began.

Behind the Scenes[]

  • Kathryn Hahn was secretly informed since the beginning that she would be playing Harkness in WandaVision. To prepare for the role, Hahn read some comic books featuring her character and saw other movies of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.[14]
  • In the early development stages of WandaVision, Harkness served more like a mentor figure towards Wanda Maximoff, but the crew realized that making her a proper antagonist would serve the show's structure well as they legitimately broke the episodes. The possibility of Harkness wanting Maximoff's powers to bring her mother back was also explored.[15] Back when Agatha was planned to be Wanda's mentor, she was going to teach her early on a binding spell Wanda would use while saying goodbye for the last time to Vision in the final episode.[16]
  • Whitney Coleman and Athena Perample were stunt doubles for Kathryn Hahn in the role of Agatha Harkness.


Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Agatha Harkness.
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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of quotes related to Agatha Harkness.

External Links[]
