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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

"Take a look, It's pretty impressive, huh? They just finished remodeling the whole thing."
Happy Hogan to Peter Parker[src]

The Avengers Compound, also known as the New Avengers Facility, was a Stark Industries warehouse renovated by Tony Stark to become the Avengers' primary base of operations following the Ultron Offensive.

After the Avengers Civil War, Stark sold Avengers Tower and moved all Avengers equipment to the compound, and used it as his primary place of residence. It was later annihilated before its ruins were the stage for the last battle against Thanos and his army for the fate of the universe.


Stark Industries Warehouse[]

"One of Howard Stark's old storage facilities, in upstate New York."
Hank Pym to Scott Lang[src]
Stark Facility AM

Stark Industries compound

Howard Stark had established numerous Stark Industries facilities in the United States of America, including a warehouse in upstate New York, which was used to store some of Stark Industries equipment. Eventually, Stark Industries abandoned the warehouse, although some of the equipment, such as the Signal Decoy remained stored inside.[1]

Avengers Base[]

Foundation of the Base[]


The Avengers Compound is founded

"Hank, didn't you say this was some old warehouse? It's not!"
Scott Lang to Hank Pym[src]

Shortly after the Battle of Sokovia and Ultron's defeat, the Avengers reformed, so Tony Stark repurposed the Stark Industries warehouse into the Avengers Compound. With the assistance, provided by Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Erik Selvig, and Helen Cho, the Compound was used for scientific research, military training, weapons development, and the new Avengers program.

New Avengers Facility Ant-Man

Scott Lang finds the Compound

Unaware of the Compound foundation, Hank Pym sent Scott Lang to infiltrate the facility and retrieve the Signal Decoy, assuming that it was still an abandoned warehouse. Lang still attempted to carry out the plan but was intercepted by Sam Wilson who detected Lang's presence through motion detectors. Following a brief duel, Lang managed to disable Wilson's EXO-7 Falcon and escape from the Compound after successfully retrieving the Signal Decoy.[1]

Avengers Civil War[]

Sokovia Accords[]


Thaddeus Ross meeting with the Avengers

"She's confined to the compound currently. Vision's keeping her company."
"God, Tony! Every time I think you see things the right way."
"What, it's a hundred acres with a lap pool. It's got a screening room."
Tony Stark and Steve Rogers[src]

In 2016, Thaddeus Ross convened with the Avengers along with Tony Stark at the Avengers Compound to discuss the catastrophe in Lagos, which Wanda Maximoff and the Avengers were blamed for. Ross presented the Avengers with the Sokovia Accords which was supposed to restrict the Avengers' actions under the government supervision due to all conflicts they were involved in. Steve Rogers strongly opposed the idea of the government restriction, while Stark was rather supportive of it, causing the Avengers to split into two factions. Due to the growing unrest within the Avengers, Stark requested Vision to keep Maximoff under lockdown at the Compound until further notice.[2]

Rescue of Wanda Maximoff[]


Clint Barton arrives to rescue Wanda Maximoff

"Clint! You should not be here."
Vision to Hawkeye[src]

Shortly, Steve Rogers enlisted Clint Barton to rescue Wanda Maximoff from the Avengers Compound. Barton set off an explosion outside to distract Vision while he explained the situation to Maximoff. However, Vision interrupted them and set off Barton's electric trap, which he eventually escaped from and restrained Barton.

Vision vs Scarlet Witch

Vision is slammed to the ground of the Compound

Maximoff used her powers to control the Mind Stone forcing Vision to phase and release Barton. She then used her powers to increase Vision's density against his will until she slammed him through several stories of the Compound and deep into the ground, allowing Barton and Maximoff to escape.[2]

Dissolution of the Avengers[]

Tony after battle CW

Tony Stark returns to the Compound

"After the press conference, Happy will show you to your room, your new quarters. Where's he between? He's next to Vision?"
"Yeah, Vision's not big on doors."
Tony Stark and Happy Hogan[src]

Following the end of the Avengers Civil War, Tony Stark helped James Rhodes with physical therapy in his new exoskeletal brace, which allowed him to walk but ended his military and Avenger careers. Soon, Stark received a cellphone and a letter from Rogers, who apologized for keeping the truth about his parents' death from Stark and promised to be with him if he ever needed help.[2]

Peter at the New Avengers Facility (SMH)

Peter Parker arrives at the Compound

In the wake of the dissolution of the Avengers, Stark chose to live at the Avengers Compound after having it remodeled.[3] He built armors obsessively in the Compound, worrying Happy Hogan, who tried to get him to eat. Hogan talked to Stark about Rogers and Peter Parker while Stark worked, trying to perfect the gauntlet on his armor. They went for a walk outside, where Stark told Hogan that he wanted to keep better track of the Avengers so they could be prepared for future threats. Stark was interviewed by Chalmers, but left rather than answering questions regarding the Duel of Johannesburg.[4]

Stark, Vision, Rhodes, and Hogan continued to use the Compound as their place of residence and offered a room to Parker upon his invitation to become an official member of the Avengers. However, Parker declined, thinking he had more to learn before becoming an Avenger.[3] Stark then spent the weekened monitoring his nano-satellite, which Hogan joined him for. Stark stepped into another room for a call, so Hogan tried on the gauntlet to one of Iron Man armors. Stark returned and said that he was surprised Hogan waited as long as he did to try them on, and they agreed the suits were heavier than they appeared.[4]

Wade Wilson's Application[]

This section requires expansion

On March 14, 2018, the Compound was visited by Wade Wilson, who had a meeting with Happy Hogan to discuss his wish to join the Avengers' ranks. After a very awkward interview, Wilson was politely dismissed and escorted out of Hogan's office, though the latter claimed that the team would be 'keeping an eye' on him.

Infinity War[]

Return of Captain America[]


The fugitives return to the Avengers Compound

"Where to, Cap?"
Sam Wilson and Steve Rogers[src]

In 2018, Thaddeus Ross contacted James Rhodes via hologram in the Avengers Compound and the two were talking about the disappearance of Vision and his rescue by Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, and Sam Wilson. When Rogers and his team arrived with Vision and Wanda Maximoff, Rhodes ended the call and with the reassembled Avengers and Bruce Banner, who had arrived earlier, discussed their next move.


The Avengers discuss Thanos' invasion

Banner warned them that Thanos was after the Mind Stone. Although Vision agreed to sacrifice himself and let the Mind Stone be destroyed in order to prevent Thanos from obtaining it, however, Rogers did not allow it. He decided to go to Wakanda, where they could extract the stone from Vision without killing him. The Avengers took a Quinjet and flew left the Compound.[5]

Aftermath of the Snap[]

Widow & Cap

The Avengers monitor the high death count

Following the Snap, the surviving Avengers and Rocket returned to the United States and, en route to the Avengers Compound, discovered a pager displaying a strange symbol which they recognized as having been activated by Fury who was one of the victims. At the Compound, they bypassed the battery in order to prevent it from running dry.

Widow, Cap & Rhodey

The Avengers closely watch Nick Fury's pager

As the pager continued to transmit with James Rhodes monitoring, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, and Bruce Banner monitored the immense reports of casualties, making the full scale of the catastrophe horrifically clear. Rhodes reported that the pager had stopped transmitting, and Rogers requested that the signal is restarted, to Banner's objection as they had no idea who the signal was intended for.

Captain Marvel meets the Avengers

Captain Marvel arrives at the Avengers Compound

As Romanoff explained that Fury knew and that she wanted to know herself, she suddenly discovered that Carol Danvers arrived, demanding to know where Fury was.[6] Shortly after her arrival at the Compound, Danvers set out to rescue Tony Stark and Nebula from deep space, managing to return them to Earth and to the Compound.[7]

Ambush on Thanos[]

CptMrvlAE 1

Tony Stark is returned to the Avengers Compound

Following their arrival, the remaining Avengers assessed the casualties in the Snap. Following the briefing, Stark berated Rogers for their separation during the Infinity War, arguing that a suit of armor around the world could have prevented Thanos' success, although Rogers quickly argued back that such an idea failed to work before. Weakened from his prolonged time in space and sudden outburst, Stark fainted.


Nebula and Rocket show the Garden

As Stark was administered medical care by Banner, the Avengers noted that Thanos' location was unknown following his escape after the Snap. Nebula revealed that Thanos planned to settle in a place known as "the Garden" once his plan was complete. Following a deep-space analysis, Rocket determined that the same energy signature emitted by the Snap was present on another uninhabited planet, Planet 0259-S, just two days prior.

Thor & Carol Endgame

Thor expresses his approval of Captain Marvel

Surmising that Thanos was located there, Thor, Danvers, Rocket, Nebula, and the remaining Avengers sans Stark traveled there to confront him and regain the Infinity Stones to undo the Snap. However, Thanos revealed that he had destroyed the stones to prevent further use, making the Snap irreversible, before Thor killed him. Forced to live with their failure and annihilation of half the universe, the Avengers returned disheartened to Earth to the Compound.[7]

Post-Snap World[]

BW Leader of Avengers 13

The Avengers hold a holographic meeting

"You here to do your laundry?"
"And to see a friend."
Natasha Romanoff and Steve Rogers[src]

By 2023, many of the remaining Avengers had set out on their own missions and lives, with only Natasha Romanoff and Steve Rogers remaining in the Avengers Compound.

BW Leader of Avengers 29

Steve Rogers comforts Natasha Romanoff

Following a meeting between Romanoff and Okoye, Nebula, Carol Danvers, Rocket, and James Rhodes, Rhodes revealed to Romanoff that Barton had mass murdered the members of the Mexican Cartel as part of his campaign, much to Romanoff's distress. Later, Rogers offered to comfort Romanoff by making her dinner, but was interrupted by the arrival of Scott Lang.[7]

Time Heist[]

Scott Time Travel 5

Scott Lang at the Compound to express his theory

Lang revealed that he had been transported to the Quantum Realm where he was trapped for five hours, only to realize that five years had passed on Earth when he emerged. Realizing that such a phenomenon could allow for time travel, Lang proposed that the Avengers travel back in time to extract the Infinity Stones from the past in order to reverse the Snap in the present.

BruceHulk - (Were Good)

Bruce Banner commences a time travel test

With the help of Bruce Banner, the Avengers managed to construct a makeshift time machine out of the quantum realm portal. Despite their efforts, however, their attempt to send Lang back in time was a failure, sending time through Lang instead. Having anticipated this failure and had a change of heart, Tony Stark drove to the Avengers Compound with a working Time-Space GPS, making amends with Rogers and agreeing to help.


The Avengers build the Advanced Tech Suit

While Stark developed the time machine, the others were tasked with bringing together the rest of the Avengers, including Thor, Clint Barton, Rocket and Nebula who returned from space, and Rhodes.

Hawkeye on platform

Clint Barton tests time travel in the hangar

After the Avengers reassembled, Banner, Nebula, and Lang worked on the Advanced Tech Suit that would allow them to travel through the quantum realm. Barton agreed to use the time machine for one test run. The test run was a success, with Barton landing in his homestead in an alternate time period and returning to the present within seconds.

Time Heist Brainstorm 13

The Avengers brainstorm the Time Heist

Having managed to create a safe, working time machine, the Avengers worked together to determine the best time periods to go back to, eventually deciding to go to New York City in 2012 for the Time, Space, and Mind Stones; Asgard in 2013 for the Reality Stone; and Vormir and Morag in 2014 for the Soul and Power Stones respectively. Later, working time-travel suits were made for all the Avengers, using the Ant-Man Suit as a basis for its design.[7]


Avengers 5 out of 6

The Avengers mourn Natasha Romanoff

Following the successful Time Heist in which each Infinity Stone was extracted from the past and brought to the present, the Avengers regrouped in the hangar of the Avengers Compound, although, unbeknownst to them, an alternate version of Nebula from 2014 had been to replace her true self. After taking a moment to mourn Romanoff's sacrifice, the Avengers decided to move forth with their plan.

Blip 3

The Avengers construct the Nano Gauntlet

After Tony Stark, Rocket, and Bruce Banner built a new Nano Gauntlet to house the Infinity Stones, Thor volunteered to use it, but was quickly advised against it due to his physical and mental condition. Instead, Banner decided to wield the Gauntlet, realizing that the gamma radiation within him would help him survive the Stones' power.

Blip 32

Bruce Banner wields the Nano Gauntlet

Despite initially struggling under the raw power of wielding the Infinity Stones, Banner was able to snap his fingers and enact the Blip, restoring all the lives taken five years before.[7]

Destruction of the Compound[]


The Compound gets obliterated by Thanos' forces

While the Avengers were preparing to initiate the Blip, Nebula from the alternate 2014 activated the Quantum Tunnel, allowing Thanos and his army to enter the Quantum Realm in the Sanctuary II and exit through the Quantum Tunnel in the compound. Before the Avengers could notice, the Sanctuary II destroyed parts of Avengers Compound, blasting through the roof. Now in the sky, the ship fired several missiles at the Compound. A final larger missile successfully destroyed the entire Compound, creating a huge explosion across the entire compound and beyond, leaving a large black cloud filling the area and sky.[7]

Compound Ruins[]

Battle of Earth[]

Giant-Man (Avengers Endgame)

The Compound during the Battle of Earth

The ruins of the Compound served as the battleground during the Battle of Earth. Sam Wilson, Peter Parker, Wanda Maximoff, Bucky Barnes, the Guardians of the Galaxy, Doctor Strange, Wong, and the Masters of the Mystic Arts, T'Challa, Shuri, and the Wakandan armies, the Asgardians, the Ravagers, Hope van Dyne, and Pepper Potts arrived there to participate. Parts of the main Compound remained still intact. During the battle, a dam broke by the lake next to the Compound, but this was stopped by Strange.

New Quantum Tunnel

The Compound being cleaned up

About a week later, Bruce Banner was operating another Quantum Tunnel outside the destroyed Compound, which was concurrently being cleaned up.[7]

Stolen Artifacts[]

"An artifact recovered from the wreckage of the Avengers Compound."
―Black Market Auctioneer[src]

By 2024, the Compound's ruins had been scavenged. As such, certain artifacts, such as Ronin's suit and sword, and a Rolex watch owned by Laura Barton, were recovered and illegally auctioned on the black market.[8]


Image Sector Description
Avengers (2016)
Conference Room The main room for holding meetings amongst the Avengers and any visitors. When Thaddeus Ross arrived at the Compound to introduce the Sokovia Accords to the Avengers, they all gathered in the conference room where he went through their previous battles and what the new Accords that were made as a result of that would entail.
Wanda IW 39
Living Area When the Compound was remodeled, a new room was built for the Avengers to use as the main area of operations and downtime. This includes a small kitchen area attached, a round table capable of projecting holograms, a sitting area and bookshelf. When the Avengers reunited at the Compound after an Attack on Vision, they stood around in the common room and discussed Thanos and his mission to retrieve all the Infinity Stones, one being located in Vision's forehead. After the Snap, the Avengers returned to the Compound, where Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff observed the death count in different countries through the hologram emitted from the round table. When Captain Marvel rescued Tony Stark in space, they all gathered to inform them of the Snap; however, Stark ended up collapsing so Bruce Banner tended to him. Nebula informed them of Thanos' location, and they all then discussed going after him, learning that he used the Stones again. After failing to bring everyone back, Romanoff started leading the Avengers, having meetings with the other members via an active channel with holographic communication. When Romanoff and Rogers were talking to each other, they witnessed the return of Scott Lang who told them about the Quantum Realm and his desire to Time Travel. When they achieved a way to do so, and with the whole team reassembled, they began to brainstorm the Time Heist over the next few days until they finally completed their plan.
Wanda IW 28
Workshop Next to the common area, a section that provides controlled conditions in which scientific or technological research, experiments, and measurement may be performed. When Thaddeus Ross contacted James Rhodes to discuss the recent disappearance of Vision, the fugitive Avengers arrived, where they were reunited with Bruce Banner. After the Snap, the Avengers found Nick Fury's Transmitter Pager and bypassed the pager's battery in order for it to continue to send out its signal, where they eventually encountered Captain Marvel. When the Avengers successfully stole the Infinity Stones throughout history, Tony Stark, Banner and Rocket began working on a Nano Gauntlet to wield the Stones. Once they completed the gauntlet, Banner put it on, and the others watched as he snapped his fingers, successfully bringing everyone back.
Lounge Right next to the conference room, the Avengers sat there to discuss the Sokovia Accords amongst themselves after Thaddeus Ross visited, which was very controversial. When Hawkeye broke into the Compound, he came into the lounge, where Wanda Maximoff was standing, to rescue her. He briefly fought Vision, who was defeated when Maximoff stepped in and pushed him through the floor. After the Clash of the Avengers, Vision sat in the lounge, sitting in front of the chess board.
Avengers Kitchen
Kitchen Joined to the lounge area, used for cooking and food preparation, equipped with an oven, refrigerator and stove, stocked with food and utensils, and a spot for the Avengers to eat. When Vision wanted to lift Wanda Maximoff's spirits, he tried to make her Paprikash. She joined him, and when she noted how the meal did not come out right, she went to leave, but Vision stopped her. When the Compound was remodelled, the kitchen was joined with the common room.
Tony and Peter SMH
Foyer The main entrance hall to the Compound on the ground level. When Tony Stark decided to make Peter Parker an Avenger, he brought him to the Compound, where he walked with him through the foyer, up to where he had a new armor ready to present to Parker. However, Parker declined the offer and exited the Compound through the foyer as Stark, Happy Hogan and Pepper Potts wondered what they would announce to the press.
Steve Rogers' Room Each active Avenger was designated their own private quarters while living at the Compound.
Natasha Romanoff's Room Each active Avenger was designated their own private quarters while living at the Compound.
James Rhodes' Room Each active Avenger was designated their own private quarters while living at the Compound.
Wanda Maximoff's Room
Wanda Maximoff's Room Each active Avenger was designated their own private quarters while living at the Compound. Wanda Maximoff styled her own room to have a modern aesthetic according to her interests, including several spiritual items, candles, a guitar, a TV and a few artworks. Shortly after becoming an Avenger, Maximoff was visited by Vision in her room, who phased through the wall and comforted her, as she watched sitcoms. In 2016, after the Attack in Lagos, Maximoff sat in her room, watching the news talk about her when Steve Rogers came in and comforted her, they were joined by Vision, who phased through the wall again. In 2023, the loss of the Compound was a contributing factor for Maximoff creating the Hex, as it was the first home she had in the United States of America.
Sam Wilson's Room Each active Avenger was designated their own private quarters while living at the Compound.
CACW Vision Hovering
Vision's Room Each active Avenger was designated their own private quarters while living at the Compound. Not requiring any material possession like the other Avengers, Vision's room is practically empty, with only two chairs, a small table and an artwork. When Vision "sleeps", he simply hovers in the corner of his room. When an explosion went off outside the Compound, Vision phased upstairs to Wanda Maximoff and went to check on what caused it.
Steve Rogers' Office A room Steve Rogers used as his office within the Compound, where he stored his shield, as well as a few memorabilia from the 1940s. He sat in his office, watching the news after the Attack in Lagos that resulted in the deaths dozens of innocent civilians. After the Avengers Civil War, Tony Stark arrived at the Compound and sat in his office, where he read a letter from Rogers, who gave him a phone to call him with.
Wilson and Hogan
Happy Hogan's Office A room Happy Hogan used as his office within the Compound, where various Avengers-themed memorabilia is stored, such as Tony Stark's old Arc Reactor or a replica of a Captain America's Shield. Hogan conducted an intervew with Wade Wilson there, when he was applying to become an Avenger but their interview went rather poorly. Hogan urged Wilson to work on himself more and find his place in the world, before he walked out of the office.
Steve Rogers (Avengers Endgame)
Bathroom A shared room for personal hygiene activities containing the essential appliances, including three basins accompanied with mirrors, and a paper towel dispenser. After the Snap, the Avengers returned to the Compound, where after days of experiencing the failures, Steve Rogers decided to shave off his beard. While in the bathroom, he noticed the mirror start to shake, due to Danvers returning after finding Tony Stark in space.
Avengers Gym
Gym A section next to the outdoor area that houses exercise equipment for the purpose of physical exercise for the Avengers. The gym used to be below the lounge, and when Clint Barton broke into the Compound to rescue Wanda Maximoff, she pushed Vision through the floors, including the gym. While leading the Avengers in 2023, Natasha Romanoff worked out in the gym.
Endgame 10
Shooting Range Looking out to the lake next to the Compound, a specialized room designed for firearms qualifications, training or practice. While leading the Avengers in 2023, Natasha Romanoff practiced her shooting in this room.
Natatorium The Compound contains a lap pool.
Time Heist Brainstorm 19
Screening Room A room with a cinema style screen in which films are shown.
Rhodes Physiotherapy
Rehabilitation Room A room on the ground level that caters for any Avenger who get injured, including several equipment to help the process of rehabilitation, including an exercise ball, neoprene hand weights, an exercise bike, and medicine balls. When James Rhodes' legs became paralyzed, Tony Stark provided him with leg braces to help him walk. Stark helped Rhodes when he wore the braces, using the walking rails. The two were interrupted when a FedEx Driver arrived to give Stark a package.
Endgame 16
Hangar An extensive floor area, used for housing Quinjets and other vehicles. In 2015, Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff assembled a new team of Avengers, meeting them in the hangar. In 2023, having been remodeled prior, Rogers, Romanoff, Bruce Banner, and Scott Lang began to test Time Travel using the Quantum Tunnel in Luis' Van; however, it was not a complete success. When they assembled the whole team, they began to work on a Quantum machine to achieve time travel through the Quantum Realm with the help of Tony Stark and Rocket. They all then suited up and made their way through the hangar onto the platform, where they commenced the Time Heist. When they returned, they successfully brought back the Infinity Stones, but Romanoff had sacrificed her life. While the Avengers were restoring the victims of the Snap, Nebula from alternate 2014 activated the machine and alternate Thanos and his army traveled to the present in their warship, destroying the hangar.
Falcon Ant-Man 9
Storage When the Compound was renovated for the base of operations for the Avengers, all the Stark Industries equipment, were locked up into a storage unit. When Scott Lang was tasked with retrieving the Signal Decoy, he fought Sam Wilson, unaware that it was the base of the Avengers. Lang made his way to the storage unit during the fight and successfully stole the device. He then sabotaged Falcon's suit, they crashed through the entrance and he made his escape.
Hawkeye in the sewer
Access Tunnels An underground passageway beneath the Compound. When the Compound was attacked, Barton fell into the tunnels where he encountered a group of Outriders who chased after him to retrieve the Nano Gauntlet. Barton blew up a part of the tunnels and then scaled upwards where he came across the 2014 alternate Nebula who was killed by Nebula.


Appearances for Avengers Compound

In chronological order:

Behind the Scenes[]


Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Avengers Compound.

External Links[]
