
Flirty Quotes

Quotes tagged as "flirty" Showing 1-30 of 71
Kresley Cole
“Gods, I love it when you talk mathy to me.”
Kresley Cole, Dark Desires After Dusk

Amit Kalantri
“I think of you only twice a day - when I am alone and when I am with someone else.”
Amit Kalantri, I Love You Too

Amit Kalantri
“I have a question for you. "If your shadow is the second most beautiful thing in the world, which is the first?".”
Amit Kalantri, I Love You Too

Kresley Cole
“Wroth, darling,” she purred, smiling so sweetly. “I can’t wait for the next time I get to put my mouth on you.” In an instant the smile faded and she snapped her teeth and yanked her head back as if she was chewing something free.”
Kresley Cole, The Warlord Wants Forever

Kresley Cole
“He swallowed. “Have you no modesty?” Never in his life had he encountered a female so quick to be naked. Of course, he’d never in his life encountered a female who should so utterly be naked at any chance.”
Kresley Cole, The Warlord Wants Forever

“I wonder if you know how special you are; I wonder if you know how precious you are; I wonder if you know how lucky I am to have you in my life; I love you so much.”
Hassan Ali

“Oh, Neil!" Andrew wiggled his cigarette at Neil in greeting.
"Can we talk?" Neil asked.
"Today's not a good day," Andrew said. "Try again tomorrow."
"I wouldn't crash your birthday party if it wasn't important."
Andrew grinned. "Sarcasm from Neil? Your repertoire of talents is ever-expanding."
"Two minutes," Neil said.
"So persistent.”
Nora Sakavic, The Raven King

J.B. McGee
“Gabby couldn't believe what he had just said. Her mouth gaped open and a flirty smile came over her. She slowly peeled her half wet white t-shirt over her head and then slowly shimmied out of her shorts. What had gotten into her? She had never acted like this before, but she suddenly felt playful, fun and daring. If he wanted to play, so could she.”
J.B. McGee, Broken

Amit Kalantri
“I am sure that God has given all his time in making you, the remaining human race has been created in haste.”
Amit Kalantri, I Love You Too

Amit Kalantri
“The Earth must have done some noble work; that is why you were born here and not in the ocean among the fishes and not in the sky among the birds.”
Amit Kalantri, I Love You Too

Elizabeth Chandler
“Good dog! Nice fetch!"
"He wasn't fetching."
"Bring her here, boy. Good job!"
The dog looked from Zack to me.
"I've been training him," Zack said. "Up till now he's brought home only dead rabbits, but I guess he's finally getting the hang of it.”
Elizabeth Chandler, The Back Door of Midnight

“There's no way you could last a sit-down with Luther. He'd end up exorcising you when you snapped."
"It could be entertaining," Neil said. "It could be," Andrew allowed.
"Let's all go," Neil said. "Aaron will agree for Nicky's sake and Nicky can see if his parents have come around. There's no way you'll let Kevin that far out of your sights, so take him with you. I'll tag along so you can harass me instead of Luther. Imagine how uncomfortable Nicky's parents will be if they have to contend with the five of us."
"Or we could stay here."
"Not as interesting," Neil said.
"Appealing to my nonexistent attention span is a cheap trick," Andrew said.
"But is it effective?"
"You wish it was."
"I hate that word."
"Does your shrink know you have a grudge against half of the English language?" Neil asked, but Andrew only grinned.”
Nora Sakavic, The Raven King

Aria Kane
“With an evil, tempting wink that threatened to undo him, she added, "I'm the one you have to watch out for.”
Aria Kane, Once Upon a Darkness

Libby Drew
“You just want to see me naked,” Alec peeled off his shirt, then
popped the buttons on his jeans and slid them low on his hips.
“I’ve seen you naked. Or have you forgotten?”
Alec winced when Grier probed the wound. “Oh yeah. What’d
you think, by the way?”
“The room was cold, so I won’t hold it against you.”
Libby Drew, State of Mind
tags: flirty

Aria Kane
“I'm sorry, I really did want to talk to you." His free hand went to her face and cupped her cheek.
Something tightened pleasantly in her belly. "Just talk?" she breathed.
He nodded, but used their clasped hands to pull her closer to him.
She raised her head and met his eyes, a storm of blue and green. She smirked. "That's a shame.”
Aria Kane, Once Upon a Darkness

Aria Kane
“Gretchen," Clint said, his voice full of the same luscious agony Gretchen felt building inside of her. "I'm going to kiss you."
He was giving her one last chance to back out, to push him away. That was not going to happen.
Her mouth twisted with amusement. "Not if I kiss you first.”
Aria Kane, Once Upon a Darkness

K.C. Kendricks
“What are you doing eight
states away from home, Mr. Noel Springs? What’s your story?”
“Short version?”
I couldn’t resist flirting, just a little. “Long. Short. Whatever ya
K.C. Kendricks, Open Roads
tags: flirty

“There is some kind of gracefulness in your presence
that is so beautiful
that, i think, is the best quality any women can ever have
I look at yeu.
And, i just want to fall in love.”
Sandesh Hukpachongbang

“I show her my palms, surrendering before the fight has even begun. "You don't really want this and neither do I. Especially because I wouldn't want to mess up that pretty face of yours, darling."
She all but rolls her eyes at me. "That's funny because I won't hesitate to mess up your pretty face."
I smirk. "I knew you thought I was pretty."
At that, she throws another punch at my face that I easily evade. We continue circling each other, slowly. Damp hair clings to my forehead and I comb my fingers through it, pushing it off my sticky skin.
"You do know that I have eight powers at my disposal right now and any one of them could drop you." I grin as I say it, watching her eyes narrow.
"I don't want to fight your power-I want to fight you. Just you." Her piercing gaze never leaves mine as she says it, even as the other Elites turn their attention toward us, finding this fight far more interesting than their training.
"So, you just want me? No powers?"
"Yes, I just want you," she breathes, annoyed with me.
My mouth twists into a crooked grin. "I knew you wanted me, Gray.”
Lauren Roberts, Powerless

“His voice is lower than before when he says, "You're a vision."
"She is, isn't she?"
My heart skips a beat. The voice coming from over my shoulder is so cold I nearly shiver. Kai brushes my arm as he steps around me, facing the stunned boy still clutching me to him.
"I'll be stealing her now," Kai says simply,...
He feels too familiar.
We fit together perfectly, pieces of a puzzle snapping into place. I shouldn't let myself relax into his touch. Shouldn't let the tension ease from my body when he holds me. But I can do nothing to stop it. Utterly and completely powerless.
His palm is flat and firm against my exposed back, calluses brushing my flushed skin. "You looked like you needed saving," Kai says, and I catch a glimpse of his smirk before he spins me.
"For once," I sigh, "I'm going to have to agree with you."
"I'm sure I could think of other things we agree on."
"Oh really? And what would those things be?"
"That he was right," Kai says softly. "You are a vision. I'm sure we can both agree on that.”
Lauren Roberts, Powerless

“It's stiff, the fabric hugging my hips, making it impossible to move freely.
"Go on." It's Kai's taunting voice I hear behind me. "Ask for my help, Gray."
I roll my eyes at the wall in front of me. "Stubborn, remember?"
I hear Kitt's chuckle before I feel hands brushing my legs. Startled, I look down, eyes landing on a bent head of messy black waves. Kai is gripping the bottom seam of my dress, his eyes flicking up to mine.
"May I?" His voice is soft, tone amused.
I swallow, roll my eyes once again, and nod against my better judgment.
And then he's ripping my dress.
He tears the fabric easily, creating a slit up the side of my thigh, freeing me from the tight confines of the fabric. His rough fingers briefly brush my skin as he says, "I am more than willing to rip your dresses for you, Gray. To help, of course." Kitt snorts while Kai smirks. "You only need to ask."
"Why ask when you're so eager to offer?"
Kai's laughter follows me as I finally pull myself up, arms burning with the strain.”
Lauren Roberts, Powerless

“I jump off the counter and give Gail a peck on the cheek. "Don't miss me too much."
Then, I turn toward Paedyn, who's leaning casually against the counter, a small smile tugging at her lips. I take a slow step toward her. Her head tips up to look me in the eyes as I close the distance between us, so close I can smell the lingering scent of lavender on her skin. I reach around her back, fingers brushing her tank.
Her breath hitches and I feel my lips tug upward. When she opens her mouth to tell me off, I pull my hand back slowly, holding an apple in front of her face. "Always feeding you, remember?"
She stares at the fruit before snatching it from my hand, huffing in annoyance. And then, she smiles, the dazzling action lighting up her face as she rubs the apple on my shirt, right above my heart.
She takes a bite, her eyes locked with mine. "And you said you weren't a gentleman.”
Lauren Roberts, Powerless

“Oh, and Kai?" she calls, her voice casual.
And then I'm ducking.
She spun, throwing the knife so suddenly that I barely had time to dodge it before it sank into the wooden target a few feet behind me.
"I don't want your mercy. Next time we fight," I can see her blue eyes smoldering from where I stand, "impress me."
A low whistle sounds from the crowd-Kitt, of course. Ignoring him, I shake my head, grinning at her as she turns away from me.
Vicious little thing, indeed.”
Lauren Roberts, Powerless

“I'm swept from my thoughts when Kai spins me and my eyes dart to his without my permission.
His midnight hair falls over his forehead in messy, silky waves. Smoky gray eyes meet mine, captivating, chilling. His set jaw loosens, pulling his lips into a cocky grin as he watches me take him in.
Dimples. Both of them mocking me.
"Like what you see, Gray?" he croons, knowing that will get a rise out of me. I huff, looking away from him to fight the flush that's finding its way to my cheeks. Rough fingers glide from my back to catch my chin, gently guiding my face back to his as he mutters, "By all means, carry on. I'll never deny myself the chance of watching you watch me."
"And why is that?" I ask with a nonchalance I don't feel.
His smile is wicked. "Because it is far more fun to admire you when the action is mutual.”
Lauren Roberts, Powerless

Katherine  Macdonald
“My sweet, despicable villain! You're just as hideous as I remember.”
Katherine Macdonald, Forest of Dreams and Whispers

Katherine  Macdonald
“You ruined my day off."
"Did it ever occur to you that I might miss you?”
Katherine Macdonald, Forest of Dreams and Whispers

Katherine  Macdonald
“He rehearsed the words in his head. "Why, Juliana, fancy meeting you here! Do you always come here on your day off?"
She'd probably tell him he knew that already, and threaten some mild violence.
He couldn't wait.”
Katherine Macdonald, Forest of Dreams and Whispers

Erin Langston
“Come again?' He turned and looked at her from under his hat.

'You called me madam.' Her cheeks turned pink from more than the sun. 'But I’m not married.'

To her immense surprise, the American finally raised his hat and smiled, hitting her with green, green eyes and a beautiful flash of white teeth against his dark beard.

She heated unexpectedly, grappling with a surge of instantaneous recognition. This was it. The face of every man she’d ever read about that made her heart skip— princes and pirates and heroes, both dashing and dastardly. She hadn’t realized until she turned into a human candlewick: that’s what they all looked like.
'Well, thank you very much, Miss.'

'What… are you thanking me for?' Her voice sounded strange to her ears.

He tipped his hat. 'The first good news I’ve had since I arrived in London.”
Erin Langston, The Finest Print

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