Flirty Quotes

Quotes tagged as "flirty" Showing 61-71 of 71
Amit Kalantri
“If I have only one coin left in the world, I will buy a rose to propose to you.”
Amit Kalantri, I Love You Too

Amit Kalantri
“In material things, there are seven wonders; in human beings there is only one wonder - and that's you.”
Amit Kalantri, I Love You Too

Mora Early
“Well, I can hardly lick champagne off your dazzling personality, now can I?”
Mora Early, Twisted Arrangement

Mora Early
“Don't be coy, Joshua. No matter how much money the other men here have, they can't buy what you've gotten for free.”
Mora Early, Twisted Arrangement

Amit Kalantri
“The moon is too old, the flower is too old;even the sunset is not enough. The only relevant metaphor for you is your mirror image.”
Amit Kalantri, I Love You Too

Mora Early
“Who am I, Joshua? Name me.”
Mora Early, Twisted Arrangement

Maven West
“I wiped my face with my napkin. “What made you want to become an actor?”
I was sure he was going to tell me something pompous like he was born to play the role. Or that he wanted to get all the woman. So I waited.
“Me.” He bit his lip, but his eyes didn’t meet mine. “I got sick of failing and being told I would never amount to shit back home my entire life.”
I rubbed the back of my neck. This wasn’t what I expected to hear.
“I’ve fucked up royally and I have been fucked royally.” There was a tightness in his eyes, the emotion crawled up his entire body. “And no I don’t want your pity.”
I fidgeted in my chair. I didn’t know what to say. “I understand.”
Our eyes met, and for a split second Carter looked as if he was considering believing me. He blew out a noisy breath of air. “The fuck you do.”
Maven West, Bliss

Bianca Giovanni
“You ever tried sixty-nine, Lola? I think you'd like it. You're a good multi-tasker.”
Bianca Giovanni, Revealed

“Friends, huh?” She shook Vincent's hand, but lingered with Peter, giving him a sexy smile. She quickly took in his blond-haired good looks. “If I had a friend like you, I'm not sure I would ever leave the house,” she continued, her voice slightly hoarse and extremely sexy.”
Rose Wynters, Curvaceous Condemnation

Amit Kalantri
“If beauty had religious and spiritual importance, there would have been your temples all around the world.”
Amit Kalantri, I Love You Too

Amit Kalantri
“The blinking of eyes is an involuntary reflex action, provided they eyes are not watching your beauty.”
Amit Kalantri, I Love You Too

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