
A Garbage Dump

@artistformerlyknownasbutttrumpet / artistformerlyknownasbutttrumpet.tumblr.com

diz. idek what this blog is anymore. it simply exists. buy my ebook "romancing the undertaker" on kindle. goodbye

I'm just going to leave this here, because this woman said what I've been trying to articulate for ages much more effectively and succinctly than I've been able to



Pinning this, because everything she says in this video is so important. And if I see ANY of my mutuals (or anyone else for that matter) reblogging and/or pushing anything even close to the "don't vote" narrative, I'm blocking you on sight from now on.

I'm SICK of these takes that all just amount to "don't vote," because that's how Trump won in 2016. Because of idiots not voting. I know. I was there. I was one of them. And it's one of the biggest regrets of my life due to all the damage Trump did. And if you're too ignorant to know what a disaster he has been for our rights, and for the world, and what a boon he's been to far right extremists everywhere in the world who make Biden look like a saint, then... *exhales deeply.* Just google it or something.

Also lemme just repeat one thing she said in this video ALL of you need to get through your heads:


So it's not like you're actually helping anyone by not voting. You're just being selfish, short sighted, and foolish.


"But Harris --"

I know.

"When Harris --"

Yeah, I know.





We knew her history when she got put on the ticket in 2020 (and even before).

And, yes, you bet your sweet bippy we're gonna still organize and lean into community care and hold her tf accountable the moment she takes office.

But we have to vote her in.

She's picking Supreme Court Judges.

She's organizing a cabinet that will certainly have consequences on *my* field of work.

She's not going to decimate the lives of queer people and people of color and not establish a fucking Christian nationalist government.

Hold your nose, get her into office, and we move forward.


before we get an official announcement on who is replacing biden as the nominee, im just going to put this out there: do not mess this up. i don't care how little you like politics. i don't care if this new nominee isn't your first choice.

our alternative is trump. third party splits the votes, and abstaining is just going to fuck the entire united states over. your vote (AND support) matters, and i better see anyone who doesn't want trump to be elected and the United States to become a fascist, authoritarian regime throwing their full support behind this new nominee.

we have three months to go. we're in crunch time. if you don't want to lose your rights, support this new nominee with everything you've got.

edit: just in case this somehow wasn't obvious, this is NOT the post to be a pessimist on. don't say we're fucked. say TRUMP is fucked. we can't go back and change the nomination timeline, but we can absolutely support our new nominee and ensure they get elected.


You motherfuckers yes I hate Kamala too but when she is announced to be the Democratic candidate we are all going to shoot fireworks and go to the goddamn polls



Some of yall needed to hear this

Credits to @/mattxiv on Instagram


Sources confirming this include

Project 2025 website

you can find plenty more information on Project 2025 on any reputable news source, but I thought I’d confirm OP wasn’t full of fear-mongering shit, ‘cuz this is insane.


Reblogging because this has additional links for more info and because this is one of the best concise summaries of project 2025 I’ve seen—good reference for people to understand the conservative game plan in both the coming years and their long term goals.

The important thing I’d note is that while this transition plan and objective set was created for Donald Trump, it is not necessarily specific to him—this is the distillation of what conservatives have wanted for a long time and WILL CONTINUE TO PUSH FOR even after Trump is no longer in the picture someday. They are proposing it now because they know Trump will be likely to enact these proposals, but understand this: the things outlined in the graphics above are the world the Republican Party envisions going forward regardless of who their candidate is. They are not going away. Unless time and time again those who oppose this vision fight the Republicans at every level of government, one by one the hard fought wins those in the past have achieved will be stripped away.

Look, I have no idea what’s going to happen at the top of the Democratic ticket. And I will be the very first to list the problems I have with the way the Democratic Party is run. But I firmly believe that helping the Democrats defeat the extremely harmful things the other side wants to do needs to be a priority, and that the only way the Democrats ARE going to get reformed and start finally listening to the people they claim to represent is by making changes while working inside and alongside the party. Remembering what stands to be lost is a good reminder on why it’s important not just to throw up our hands and say it’s all fucked and there’s no hope for politics.


i live in the other side of the globe, but what the FUCK is going in in the usa. project 2025 is so screwed i have no idea how it could possibly be worse than that. everything on the list is messed up, but environmental part??? what the hell??? they want to send humanity and THEMSELVES HEAD FIRST to hell with this one


Genuinely terrified for my American friends, please fucking vote, there really, REALLY is a lesser of two evils here


It bears repeating that Trump criticized Biden for being "soft" on Gaza and wants to help Israel (exact words) "finish the job."


no i don't want to use your ai assistant. no i don't want your ai search results. no i don't want your ai summary of reviews. no i don't want your ai feature in my social media search bar (???). no i don't want ai to do my work for me in adobe. no i don't want ai to write my paper. no i don't want ai to make my art. no i don't want ai to edit my pictures. no i don't want ai to learn my shopping habits. no i don't want ai to analyze my data. i don't want it i don't want it i don't want it i don't fucking want it i am going to go feral and eat my own teeth stop itttt


Putting this as a meme so maybe y'all will actually read it.

Held: Under our constitutional structure of separated powers, the nature of Presidential power entitles a former President to absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for actions within his conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority. And he is entitled to at least presumptive immunity from prosecution for all his official acts. There is no immunity for unofficial acts.

And this is why we cannot let Trump win another term: he now has complete immunity for any acts he "officially" performs as president. You thought he was bad before? Now he will have zero fear. He will do whatever he wants. And what he wants is outlined in Project 2025.

Actually fuck it. This is important enough to where it goes on the popular alt.

Voting still fucking matters! Cause not has Trump EXPLICITLY STATED that he will support the Palestinian genocide as much if not more then Biden, but he is also gonna pull this shit.



This election will be the ONLY chance to stop this. If Trump gets in democracy in the US will end. This is not a drill. The US will become a fascist dictatorship. If you are eligible to vote in the United States and you do not get yourself registered and get yourself to the polls to vote for Biden to stop Trump then you are complicit and blood will be on your hands. And you will also have to deal with the reality of living in a fascist dictatorship.

Maybe you think the US is bad now because of existing problems but I assure you nothing you have experienced thus far will prepare you for the full on horrors that the fall of democracy will unleash. And there will be no way to fix it. Without democracy you will never be able to elect officials to make things better or to enact any change. EVER.

You and your loved ones will simply be condemned to suffering. What you CAN DO is VOTE NOW to STOP that from happening! And yes, voting for a third party candidate is just as bad as voting for Trump or staying home and not voting at all.

Biden may be old and borderline senile and making bad decisions but if you let Trump get his foot back in the door he's never going to leave. He's already openly and publicly committed to a lot of Really Bad Shit if he's reelected and the man was directly or at least partially responsible for an attempt to overthrow the white house.

I do not care what you think about the democrats. You just have to vote against Trump. That's all that matters. He will undeniably, unquestionably, be infinitely worse than whatever Grandpa Joe mutters his way through.

And Trump won in 2016 partially because voter turnout was at an all time low. Do not afford him that benefit again.


what i don't understand about people who refuse to vote for biden bc of his support of israel is why they would ever think trump won't make things even worse. i know y'all's hearts are in the right place, but you aren't saving palestinians by abstaining; you are actively making their situation worse, in addition to like, everyone else who isn't a rich white man. biden's support of israel is abhorrent, but a second trump term will be catastrophic. it's not "they're both bad, so it doesn't matter." one is EXPONENTIALLY worse than the other, and everyone needs to work together to make sure he doesn't take office


i don't even blame anyone for whom the idea of voting for biden gives them a bad taste in their mouth given his aiding and abetting of a genocide (though mind you trump would do all the same and worse, and has not been subtle about this, and one of his campaign promises is to crack down on pro-palestine protests). but it's like mindboggling that there are people who act like not wanting the united states to become a fascist state with a full nationwide abortion ban, a ban on abortion pills and potentially on many types of contraception, a ban on gender affirming health care, an expanded police force that can't be prosecuted for anything, an expanded executive branch and most government positions that previously people would vote for being filled by appointment from the president, a ban on collecting racial data on policing, a reversal on bans on child labor, several measures that would make unionization almost impossible and allow states to opt out of labor protections... is a privileged point of view.


just letting those refusing to vote for biden this november know that donald trump thanks you for your endorsement


shut the fuck up.

btwn this and your reply i genuinely can't tell what your views are, friend. are you anti-biden and mad that i'm encouraging people to vote for him? are you pro-voting for biden but unhappy with my strategy for getting people to vote for him bc third party voters got trump elected in 2016 and guilting didn't work? are you pro-trump?

I'm anti genocidal maniacs, whether they come with a D or R by their name. And I think you're being reductive and an asshole by implying the powerless with one vote are making the difference in this election compared to a party that literally cannot STOP running absolute clownshits and forgets to actually campaign.

But you want constructive criticism and I'll give it to you. Stop insulting people that you also want to vote blue down ballot. You are doing harm, you are not convincing a single goddamn person, and you are alienating an involved voter base.

You wanna campaign for Biden? Do so. If you think he's a good candidate, or even if you think being marginally better than Trump is a moral imperative for you to campaign, then get off your ass and Tumblr and start phone banking and fundraising.

There are also thousands of races across the country with better candidates to campaign for, whose campaigns you inevitably hurt by furthering the impression that Democrats only want your vote and don't gaf about what's important to you.

Show us how he'd improve the country or admit to yourself that he'll only make it less worse than Trump and hold your nose, but for the love of God, if genocide is a deal breaker for someone, check your fucking morals before you shit on that choice.

i think biden sucks shit, and that his backing of israel is morally reprehensible. i think that the wealthy ultimately have almost all of the power, and the system is corrupt and set up for us to fail. but i also know that we, as citizens, have one (1) way of making any amount of actual, tangible change, and that's voting. the people we vote in will almost definitely be pieces of shit, but again, this isn't about creating a utopia, this is about harm reduction

is my original post reductive? yeah, i'll concede to that. that's bc it came from a place of anger and fear, bc i truly fear for the livelihood/actual lives of myself and others like myself if trump were to serve a second term, and i am very tired of hearing people say that they won't vote for biden bc they can't support his actions

and part of the reason for that is bc i get it. it feels absolutely counterintuitive to vote for someone who actively supports the death of innocent people. it becomes especially difficult to vote for that person when there are so few other things we can do as individuals to stop the current atrocities from happening. we are inundated. every day we are inundated with horrors other people are going through that our country is supporting, and there is an overwhelming need to DO something, bc otherwise we're just staring at pictures of dead children and feeling guilty for not doing enough, and then feeling guilty for feeling guilty, bc our problems are not nearly as bad as what's happening to these people overseas, and how can we be so selfish, there must be something more we can do, right? but the truth is, we can boycott starbucks and click a daily button, but ultimately, we simply do not have enough power to bring a genocide to a stop on our own. and so it's very enticing to withhold a vote, bc that, at least, is something real, with real consequences. biden will feel the effects of that, and he will know it's bc of his actions in support of genocide, and that would feel like a win for us, which carries a lot of worth when we've been so powerless

here's the problem tho: it is more harmful, not just to us citizens, but internationally as well, to not vote for biden than to vote for him. trump is astronomically more dangerous of a person. he is targeting every vulnerable population you can think of, and he may very well get his way if given enough power. palestine will not be better off with trump as president. not only will they be be worse off, but now even more people's lives will be at stake as well

so if you really want to help palestine? if you want to DO something actionable that will make a difference? you have to give up your pride and vote for biden. you are NOT endorsing genocide. i think people really need to hear that. you are NOT endorsing genocide if you vote for biden. what you are doing is an act of harm reduction. people are going to get hurt one way or another, and that truth is disgusting, and some days feels fucking dystopian, but we can reduce the number of people getting hurt if we prevent trump from taking office

i don't appreciate the assumption that me making a post on tumblr when i'm upset is indicative of all i do in my personal life to advocate for change, but i also understand that it's the only image of me that you have, just as your response to my post is the only image of you that i have. for what it's worth, my assumptions about you are that, quite likely, you are a very kind person who cares about the well-being of others. why would you be upset about any of this if you weren't? i think we are, at a fundamental level, on the same side, and in that way, i can understand your point about alienation. i am just scared, friend, that's the gist of it. my country is a terrifying place to live in right now, and i'm scared about it pretty much all of the time. i am afraid for myself, sure, but i'm also afraid for every person that is at risk right now, and that is a lot of responsibility to hold in your heart at once, which i'm sure you know, because i think you're probably doing it too

i really hate that "vote for biden bc he's less worse than trump" is the reason we should vote for him, but, well, it is. trump is bad enough that yes, absolutely, we should vote for whomever is "less worse" than him. if you can't cure the addiction, you can at least provide clean needles. if you can't overthrow a fascist dystopian government, you can at least protect a few lives

the whole situation is terrible, but while i may not mean it with quite the same flippancy i delivered it with in my op, i still maintain that a vote withheld is a vote for trump. that remains true, whether we want to believe it or not

i hope things go well for you, friend. i wish you no ill, even if you wish it on me

(oh, also, general reminder to vote for congress too!)

the end ig


just letting those refusing to vote for biden this november know that donald trump thanks you for your endorsement


shut the fuck up.

btwn this and your reply i genuinely can't tell what your views are, friend. are you anti-biden and mad that i'm encouraging people to vote for him? are you pro-voting for biden but unhappy with my strategy for getting people to vote for him bc third party voters got trump elected in 2016 and guilting didn't work? are you pro-trump?


So, there's a lot of USians around who are very clearly fucking fed up with their political choices this election cycle, and planning to sit it out.

And I get it! What's the point of voting if there's no one to vote for?

The thing is, I'm Australian. In Australia, voting is compulsory. We don't get to sit out our elections, and I'll be real honest with you - we don't exactly get better choices than you lot. So how do you vote if there's no one to vote for? You find someone to vote against. And there's always someone to vote against.

Now, we have the pleasure of preferential voting in Australia - We get to rank every candidate from 1 to X, and I'll tell you, there's something so cathartic about putting the biggest bastard of the lot at the very bottom of your preferences. I understand that USians don't get that option - you get to mark one person, and that's it.

That means that you get one shot, so aim it at the biggest bastard of the lot. The candidate you most utterly detest. Put your vote in the worst possible place for them. Don't even think about who that vote's going towards, that's not the point. Remember, every vote is a vote against someone. Make sure you fuck up that someone's election day!

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