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Gayle Donnelly

Author of Infinite Betrayal

4+ Works 29 Members 4 Reviews


Works by Gayle Donnelly

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Romancing the Wolf (Anthology 9-in-1) (2015) — Contributor — 2 copies, 1 review


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Our Review, by LITERAL ADDICTION's Pack Alpha - Michelle L. Olson:

I adored Gayle and Robyn's first book, Infinite Betrayal, so I was eagerly awaiting the release of Infinite Surrender, and I have to say... the ladies did not let me down! :)

I fell in love with both Talon and Chloe in book #1, so having their story unfold and wrap up some of the loose ends from Infinite Betrayal was wonderful. Their tale in Infinite Surrender was a frustrating, heartbreaking, breath-taking, sexy as all get-out adrenaline rush and I enjoyed each and every page!

Chloe is exactly the type of heroine that I love. She's strong, independent, snarky, and lovable. Talon is her Achilles heal, though, and I thought the ladies wrote it wonderfully trying to get her to move on while still holding true to her heart.

Talon is the uber Alpha Male. I wanted to slap him silly at the beginning of the book (talk about alpha-hole!), but have to say, while I generally don't go for it, his domineering, take no prisoners approach to win Chloe later on in the book was a huge turn on.

There are some supporting characters in this installment that I absolutely fell in love with and I cannot wait to see how much more we get to learn about each of them.

Gayle and Robyn are fabulous authors who know how to write a unique story full of steamy sexual tension, action, conflict, and drama. They pump it full of compelling characters and drop it in a vivid world guaranteed to snag your interest and keep you wanting more. With that all said, I give Infinite Surrender 5 Skulls and recommend it to all Paranormal Romance fans along with its predecessor, Infinite Betrayal. This series is amazing and I can't wait for more!
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Reviewed by Robin
Review copy provided by author
I can never read too many books on the paranormal because as Ms. Donnelly and Ms. Mackenzie have proven there are always new ways to show how shifters came to be. I loved there fresh take on shifters.

The characters were so easy to relate to and fall in love with. I didn’t want to put this delightful story down once I started because I was caught up in it from beginning to end.

I was able to visually see the scenery in the states as well as in Germany. I wanted to get to the castle to see what it looked like inside and I was not disappointed.

From the time that Mina’s mother dies and she finds that her father is still alive your heart goes out to her. Going to Germany at her friend Chloe’s request seemed the right thing to do at the time. Wanting to meet the father who left her and her mother alone all those years ago.

I loved how Mina showed that she had an inner strength about her that seemed to surface once she got to Germany. I loved her sarcastic remarks they added humor to the story. She seemed to accept the information that comes at her like a pro. Sure she had questions but they were always answered, maybe not to her liking but none the less they were answered and she was accepting of those answers.

I loved Mathias, a very virile strong male. Shifter, sinfully handsome and stubborn, usually the hardest kind to fall in love but when they fall they fall hard. I found it sexy the way he became very protective of Mina in such a short time. He would move heaven and earth to protect what was his. This is my kind of guy.

Once Mina arrives in Germany things start to happen and they don’t end until the very end and even then there are hints of more to come.

I enjoyed how the plot kept going and keeping me enthralled in the story.

There was the whole thing that went on with Luca, although I felt in a way it was needed to help Mina and Mathias get to where they needed to be, I almost thought that in a way it really wasn’t needed. It seemed like a distraction.

I would love to hear the story of Mina’s mom and dad as they touched on that briefly in this story. I look forward to the next book which gives us the story of Talon another hunky shifter and Chloe who is Mina’s best friend and the sister to Mathias.

I highly recommend Infinite Betrayal to anyone who loves the world of shifters and looks for a different take on how they came to be. A simply wonderful beginning, for Ms. Donnelly and Ms. Mackenzie, I canna wait to read the next book.
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RtB | 2 other reviews | Feb 13, 2012 |
I am always on the lookout for new paranormal romance books, since it is my favorite genre to read, and just happened across this book one day on Goodreads. I love shifters, so I downloaded the book and hoped for the best.

We are brought into the world of Mina who is devastated by the recent loss of her mother. She has never known her father and her mother has been her sole caretaker her entire life. With her world completely shattered, Mina does not know where to turn next or how she will ever get over this new void in her heart. After the funeral, she discovers that the father she thought to be dead is actually alive and living in Germany. At the encouragement of her best friend, Chloe, she heads to Germany to seek out her father and try to get some answers about where he has been all her life.

I instantly liked Mina, she is not a fierce warrior, but she has been through a lot in her life, she is strong emotionally and her sarcastic nature cracked me up. The only thing I would say that bothered me a little was later in the book, she was a little too accepting of some life changing information she received. Not about whom her father is, but other information I expected her to question more, information I would have questioned more, she took in stride. I suppose she could just have that sort of accepting personality, but I personally would have needed more time to process some of the knowledge she gained and therefore I struggled with her quick approval of her circumstances.

As for Mathias, oh I liked him. Alpha male: check, shifter: check, stubborn to the core: check. This is my favorite type of guy to watch fall in love. They think they are so tough, and yet they fall so hard. He was crazy protective of Mina, but he was so sweet and gentle with her when there was no immediate danger threatening her, which was very rare. The action starts pretty quickly after Mina gets to Germany and rarely lets up. I loved the constant movement of the plot and racing through the book to see where this journey was going to lead the two of them next.

The romance in this book was one of those instant attraction, fall head over heels pretty quickly kind of stories. I don’t mind having those types of relationships, especially in the world of shifters when they often feel who their destined mate is long before they can put that feeling into words. Mathias did try and fight this attraction for a while because of who Mina’s father was. She was off limits to him, forbidden fruit that he wanted with every fiber of his being. He used all his will power to fight his natural instincts to claim her, which just lead to a delicious build in the tension that I savored every moment of. When Mathias finally does decide to throw caution to the wind and give into the feelings, it is hot!

I also enjoyed the new mythology in this world, while we do meet shifters; they have their own unique background. I always relish discovering new authors perspective on shifters and their lore in the paranormal world. It is refreshing to get a new take on a subject you already know a little bit about and this book was no exception. You are not bogged down with a lot of world building in this novel, but I do hope that in the next book the authors will delve into where this race came from a little further. The focus of this book really remained on the connection between Mina and Mathias and I could appreciate that.

There is only one part of this book that I did not enjoy and it is going to be a little spoilery, so if you do not want to know about it I would skip on to the next paragraph and not read what I am about to write. The part that was very, very difficult for me to read was when Luca gets a hold on Mina. Many times in paranormal romance novels there comes a point where the bad guy catches up with our protagonists and takes somebody hostage. They are kept against their will for some time, but nothing truly evil befalls them while captive. In this book, Luca actually gets away with as close as you can get to raping Mina as possible. It was just hard to read all the detail of this brutal behavior. I have to confess to skimming through some of it, I just cannot take watching someone do that to a woman without cringing. Did anyone else read this book and feel that way or am I alone in this? I am interested to get other people’s reactions to this. Either way, I still enjoyed the book; I just could have done without these maybe fifteen or so pages.

I did enjoy getting to know some of the secondary characters such as Chloe and Talon. Chloe is Mina’s best friend and had a couple of surprises for us there at the end that I did not predict at all. Aren’t those the best ones though? When the author catches you totally off guard? That happens here and I loved it! Talon also had me laughing out loud and is definitely someone I want to see more of in the future. Luckily their book is next and I am itching to get my hands on it.

Overall, this is a solid paranormal romance book. I would recommend it to anyone who loves shifters and wants to read a fun, fast paced, hot and steamy romance. I am really excited to see what Gayle and Robyn will bring us in their next book!
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ABookwormsHaven | 2 other reviews | Dec 16, 2011 |
INFINITE BETRAYAL by Gayle Donnelly and Robyn MacKenzie is an intriguing fantasy/paranormal.This is the first in the "Infinite"series It is well written with details and depth.The characters are enchanting,engaging,and will capture your heart especially the heroine. This story not only has betrayal,love,romance,sensuality,shape shifters,family and deception.The hero,Mathias,is strong,a shape shifters,natural leader,a protector,sexy as all get out,the King's general for his German forces,and is sent to protect Mina.The heroine, Mina, is beautiful,alone in the world,she thinks,determined,sexy,goes to Germany on a mission,learns of her heritage,finds her father she didn't know she had,and runs to her father's rival.While Mathias is sent to protect Mina,the King's daughter(no one knew he had a daughter,due to the Coteri laws)he learns quickly he is attracted to her and she to him,even in his animal form. Together they learn they are truly soul mates.When Mina learns to true heritage she freaks out a little,but soon learns she is can and will deal with her heritage.She is kidnapped by a ruthless,evil shifter,whose mother wants Mina,to get back at Mina's father, try to destroy him and try to figure out how a human can be impregnated by a shifter and survive.But Luci has other ideas,he means to destroy Mina,by mutilating her slowly and harshly. But he does not realize that Mathias has already marked Mina as his.This is an intriguing story full of shape shifter action,mystery,romance,trust,learning who you really are,and finding a family. If you like anything shape shifter,with passion,lust,anger,danger,coming to terms with life and what it throws at you,you will definitely enjoy this one.It is a little slow at the beginning due to all the details,but you will need that later in the book,and than it is fast paced and action packed. I can hardly wait until the next installment to learn who will survive and who will not.There are many characters involved in this new and exciting series.This book was received for the purpose of review from the authors and details can be found at
Liquid Silver Books and My Book Addiction and More.
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tarenn | 2 other reviews | Apr 11, 2011 |

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