Coffee Shop Devos Quotes

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Coffee Shop Devos: Daily Devotional Pick-Me-Ups for Teen Girls Coffee Shop Devos: Daily Devotional Pick-Me-Ups for Teen Girls by Tessa Emily Hall
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Coffee Shop Devos Quotes Showing 1-20 of 20
“As we become obsessed with Jesus, we’ll begin to reflect His image to those around us. Our speech will transform. Our character will look more like His. Why? Because our lives will always mirror the idols of our hearts.”
Tessa Emily Hall, Coffee Shop Devos: Daily Devotional Pick-Me-Ups for Teen Girls
“The next time you find yourself ashamed of your reflection, put on your new lens. Not the lens of the world, but the lens of the Word. The only lens that will reveal your true reflection.”
Tessa Emily Hall, Coffee Shop Devos: Daily Devotional Pick-Me-Ups for Teen Girls
“Because the same God who paints a rainbow across the sky after a rainstorm is the same One who can produce joy from our hardships.”
Tessa Emily Hall, Coffee Shop Devos: Daily Devotional Pick-Me-Ups for Teen Girls
“When we reach the end of our short lives on earth, Jesus isn’t going to ask us how many followers we had on social media; He’s going to ask us how many of those lives we touched.”
Tessa Emily Hall, Coffee Shop Devos: Daily Devotional Pick-Me-Ups for Teen Girls
“People often joke about how they’re unable to make conversation until they’ve had their morning cup of coffee. What if we treated our daily quiet time with the same importance? What if we decided not to speak to anyone until we spend time with our Creator and allow Him to fill us with His Spirit first thing in the morning?”
Tessa Emily Hall, Coffee Shop Devos: Daily Devotional Pick-Me-Ups for Teen Girls
“When you try to be someone else, you’re not only neglecting your true self; you’re also sacrificing the potential God has planted within you. The potential to rise to your calling, reach others through your gifts, and make a difference.”
Tessa Emily Hall, Coffee Shop Devos: Daily Devotional Pick-Me-Ups for Teen Girls
“He’s not going to applaud us for becoming famous during our lifetimes; He’s going to ask us how we used our spotlight to bring Him glory.
He’s not going to ask us how many trophies and awards we received; He’s going to ask us how we used our gifts to build the body of Christ.”
Tessa Emily Hall, Coffee Shop Devos: Daily Devotional Pick-Me-Ups for Teen Girls
“His blood poured out on the cross was to bring about your healing. Every bruise inflicted upon his body was tolerated because of His overwhelming love for you. He knew every sin you’d commit, yet He still chose to bear your punishment.”
Tessa Emily Hall, Coffee Shop Devos: Daily Devotional Pick-Me-Ups for Teen Girls
“As we find our worth and forgiveness at the feet of Jesus, these chains will loosen. We’ll be free to run into His loving arms—restored and whole. Not because we’re perfect or sinless. But because Jesus saw our flaws and sins and still, He said, “You are worth dying for.”
Tessa Emily Hall, Coffee Shop Devos: Daily Devotional Pick-Me-Ups for Teen Girls
“Clothes, coffee, books, money, achievements, perfect circumstances . . . none of this can come close to bringing me the joy that comes from the Holy Spirit.”
Tessa Emily Hall, Coffee Shop Devos: Daily Devotional Pick-Me-Ups for Teen Girls
“We don’t have to remain in the filth of yesterday. Jesus didn’t die for the spiritually clean; He died for those who reek with sin. What’s the purpose of His blood if not to wash away our yesterday?”
Tessa Emily Hall, Coffee Shop Devos: Daily Devotional Pick-Me-Ups for Teen Girls
“But where we see trash, God sees potential. The Mater Artist, with His tender touch, can rework our suffering into a pattern of good.”
Tessa Emily Hall, Coffee Shop Devos: Daily Devotional Pick-Me-Ups for Teen Girls
“Let’s strive to become as protective over our time with God as we are with our daily cup of brew. Let’s become addicted to our “spiritual caffeine fix.”
Tessa Emily Hall, Coffee Shop Devos: Daily Devotional Pick-Me-Ups for Teen Girls
“This world and everything in it will pass away in the blink of an eye. Yet as long as we’re still here, and as long as we’re living for God, we have a reason for being alive. And that’s to fulfill our mission as believers—to love God and love others.”
Tessa Emily Hall, Coffee Shop Devos: Daily Devotional Pick-Me-Ups for Teen Girls
“Jesus didn’t pay such a huge sacrifice so I could say the prayer of salvation, attend church, and get into heaven. He paid this sacrifice so I could receive the abundant life that comes through knowing Him personally.”
Tessa Emily Hall, Coffee Shop Devos: Daily Devotional Pick-Me-Ups for Teen Girls
“We don’t have to wait for the sunshine of spring to splash color into our days when our relationship with Jesus illuminates brightness to every day.”
Tessa Emily Hall, Coffee Shop Devos: Daily Devotional Pick-Me-Ups for Teen Girls
“Just as a couple serves each other when they’re in love, I, too, want my adoration for Jesus to penetrate everything I do.”
Tessa Emily Hall, Coffee Shop Devos: Daily Devotional Pick-Me-Ups for Teen Girls
“The only beauty we’ll give account for in eternity is our godliness.”
Tessa Emily Hall, Coffee Shop Devos: Daily Devotional Pick-Me-Ups for Teen Girls
“God transformed the darkest day humankind had ever known into a new sunrise, and He can transform our darkest days into new birth as well.”
Tessa Emily Hall, Coffee Shop Devos: Daily Devotional Pick-Me-Ups for Teen Girls