Los crimenes del amor Quotes

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Los crimenes del amor (Spanish Edition) Los crimenes del amor by Marquis de Sade
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Los crimenes del amor Quotes Showing 1-19 of 19
“Those who are unhappy
clutch at shadows, and to
give themselves an enjoyment
that truth refuses them, they
artfully bring into being all
sorts of illusions.”
Marquis de Sade, The Crimes of Love
“But the man who, by dint of long study and sober reflection, has succeeded in training his mind not to detect evil in anything, to consider all human actions with the utmost indifference, to regard them all as the inevitable consequences of a power - however it's defined - which is sometimes good and sometimes perverse but always irresistible, and gives rise to both what men approve and to what they condemn and never allows anything to distract or thwart its operations, such a man, I say, as you will agree, sir, may be as happy behaving as I behave as you are in the career which you follow. Happiness is an abstraction, a product of the imagination. It is one manner of being moved and depends exclusively on our way of seeing and feeling. Apart from the satisfaction of our needs, there is no single thing which makes all men happy. Every day we observe one man made happy by the circumstance which makes his neighbour supremely miserable. There is therefore nothing which guarantees happiness. It can only exist for us in the form given to it by our physical constitution and our philosophical principles. [...] Nothing in the world is real, nothing which merits praise or blame, nothing deserving reward or punishment, nothing which is unlawful here and perfectly legal five hundred leagues away, in other words, there is no unchanging, universal good.”
Marquis de Sade, The Crimes of Love
“Respectable?...Not another word, my dear, for I assure you of all the sentiments I should like to inspire respect is the very last: love is what I wish to arouse. Respect! I am not yet old enough for respect.”
Marquis de Sade, The Crimes of Love
“Even if she was the devil's own daughter , God strike me down if I never have her .
May all the devils in hell make off with my soul if he lays a finger on her before I do !”
Marquis de Sade, The Crimes of Love
“A man learns nothing when he talks; he learns by listening. Which is why those who talk the most are, in the ordinary run of things, fools.”
Marquis de Sade, The Crimes of Love
“...it is only in the darkness of the grave that man will find the peace which the wickedness of his fellows, the tumult of his own passions, and, above all, the inevitability of his fate shall eternally deny him in this life.”
Marquis de Sade, The Crimes of Love
“...the good never suspect others of perpetrating wicked deeds which they themselves are incapable of committing. That is why they are so easily duped by the first rogue who sinks his claws into them, and why it is so easy and so despicable to trick them.”
Marquis de Sade, The Crimes of Love
“He who perpetrates an outrage may well be quick to forget what he has done. But they who have suffered at his hands are justified at least in remembering the wrongs he has done them.”
Marquis de Sade, The Crimes of Love
“What do I care for Williams? What do I care for anything on this earth? Listen, my dear fellow, when this combustible heart of mine falls in love, there is no obstacle capable of preventing it from being satisfied. The more I fall in love, the more combustible it becomes. For me, having a woman is satisfying only by reason of the trouble I am put to on the way. Bedding a woman is the most prosaic thing in the world.”
Marquis de Sade, The Crimes of Love
“Remorse! Can a heart like mine ever know the meaning of such a feeling? The habit of evildoing expunged it long ago from my calloused soul.”
Marquis de Sade, The Crimes of Love
“And there you see what happens to the promises of eternal love which we women are foolish enough to believe! The more affectionate we are, the more likely it is that our seducers will desert us...the unfeeling brutes...the more we try to keep them, the greater the chance that they will abandon us.”
Marquis de Sade, The Crimes of Love
“Those who have no principles are never more dangerous than when they reach the age when they lose all sense of shame. Their hearts are gangrened by depravity, they refine and polish up their first offences and convert them into heinous crimes while still believing they are still at the stage of minor misdemeanours.”
Marquis de Sade, The Crimes of Love
“Serían precisos otros pinceles distintos a los míos para pintar la alegría de estos dos fieles amantes cuando volvieron a verse. Pero ese lenguaje del amor, estos instantes que sólo son conocidos de los corazones sensibles... esos momentos deliciosos en que el alma se reúne con la del objeto que adora, en que se deja al sentimiento el cuidado de pintarse a sí mismo, ese silencio, digo, ¿no está por encima de todas las frases? Y quienes se han embriagado con esas situaciones celestes, ¿se atreverán a decir que puede haber otras más divinas en el mundo... más imposibles de trazar?”
Marquis de Sade, The Crimes of Love
tags: amor
“La mort n'est à craindre, mon enfant, que pour ceux qui croient ; toujours entre l'enfer et le paradis, incertains de celui qui s'ouvrira pour eux, cette anxiété les désole ; pour moi qui n'espère rien, pour moi qui suis bien sûre de n'être pas plus malheureuse après ma mort que je ne l'étais avant ma vie, je vais m'endormir tranquillement dans le sein de la nature, sans regret comme sans douleur, sans remords comme sans inquiétude.”
Marquis de Sade, Les Crimes de l'amour (Classiques t. 3413)
“¡Oh, vosotros que tenéis en vuestras manos la suerte de vuestros compatriotas! Ojalá tales ejemplos puedan convenceros de que ahí están los verdaderos resortes con los que se mueve a todas las almas. Las cadenas, las delaciones, las mentiras, las traiciones, los cadalsos hacen esclavos y producen crímenes; sólo a la tolerancia pertenece esclarecer y conquistar los corazones; sólo ella, ofreciéndole virtudes, las inspira y las hace adorar.”
Marquis de Sade, The Crimes of Love
“Si los amantes normales no terminan nunca de hablarse, ¿cuántas cosas importantes debían quedarles por decirse a éstos?”
Marquis de Sade, The Crimes of Love
“¡Gran Dios!, así es como han mancillado durante más de doscientos años tus altares; así es como seres razonables han creído deber honrarte; rociando tu templo con la sangre de tus criaturas, mancillándolo con horrores e infamias, con ferocidades dignas de los caníbales es como varias generaciones de hombres sobre la tierra han creído cumplir tus deseos y agradar a tu justicia.”
Marquis de Sade, The Crimes of Love
“It is very easy not to like what you do not know. But no one should be allowed not to want to know what is made to be liked very much indeed.”
Marquis de Sade, The Crimes of Love
“Ya se ve: la envidia, la ambición, he ahí las causas reales de disturbios de los que el interés de Dios no fue más que un pretexto. ¡Oh, religión! Hasta qué punto te respetan los hombres; cuando tantos horrores emanan de ti, ¿no puede sospecharse por un momento que no eres entre nosotros sino el manto bajo en el que se envuelve la discordia cuando quiere destilar su veneno sobre la tierra? ¡Cómo! Si existe un Dios, ¿qué importa la forma en que los hombres le adoren? ¿Son virtudes o ceremonias lo que exige? Si no quiere de nosotros más que corazones puros, ¿puede ser honrado mejor por un culto que por otro cuando la adopción del primero en lugar del segundo debe costar tantos crímenes a los hombres?”
Marquis de Sade, The Crimes of Love