
Brutes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "brutes" Showing 1-15 of 15
Elbert Hubbard
“The stronger a man is, the more gentle he can afford to be”
Elbert Hubbard

Mark Twain
“No, it was a human thing. You should not insult the brutes by such a misuse of the word; they have not deserved it . . .

It is like your paltry race--always lying, always claiming virtues which it hasn't got, always denying them to the higher animals, which alone posses them. No brute ever does a cruel thing--that is the monopoly of those with the Moral Sense. When a brute inflicts pain he does it innocently; it is not wrong; for him there is no such thing as wrong. And he does not inflict pain for the pleasure of inflicting it--only man does that. Inspired by that mongrel Morel Sense of his! A sense whose function is to distinguish between right and wrong, with liberty to choose which of them he will do. Now what advantage can he get out of that? He is always choosing, and in nine time out of ten he prefers the wrong. There shouldn't be any wrong; and without the Moral Sense there couldn't be any. And yet he is such an unreasoning creature that he is not able to perceive that the Moral Sense degrades him to the bottom layer of animated beings and is a shameful possession. Are you feeling better? Let me show you something.”
Mark Twain, The Mysterious Stranger

Ayn Rand
“Racism is a doctrine of, by and for brutes.”
Ayn Rand, The Virtue of Selfishness: A New Concept of Egoism

Dizz Tate
“I used to think people only lied to make their lives mean something. Now I think people lie to make their lives meaningless, because it makes them so much easier to live.”
Dizz Tate, Brutes

Dizz Tate
“There is a specifically Floridian smell, the stink of America. Microwaves plastic, air freshener, hot oil mixed with mildew, and something else. Something ancient, rotting, and sweaty. Possibly life.”
Dizz Tate, Brutes

Dizz Tate
“I am always chasing my children. I remember feeling chased as a child, but I never remember my mother chasing me. Perhaps she did not. Perhaps this is why I am the person I turned out to be.”
Dizz Tate, Brutes

Mark Twain
“I said it was a brutal thing.

"No, it was a human thing. You should not insult the brutes by such a misuse of that word; they have not deserved it,”
Mark Twain, The Mysterious Stranger

Dizz Tate
“I would love to be cold, but it is difficult for a woman. People seem to see warmth in me, even when I offer none. Maybe if I was thinner it would be easier. But it seems to me that sometimes a woman with flesh is a woman who must always be grateful.”
Dizz Tate, Brutes

Tennessee Williams
“He acts like an animal, has an animal's habits! Eats like one, moves like one, talks like one! [...] Thousands and thousands of years have passed him right by, and there he is – Stanley Kowalski – survivor of the stone age! Bearing the raw meat home from the kill in the jungle!”
Tennessee Williams
tags: brutes

Dizz Tate
“and now I think that to humiliate a woman is the only way some men know how to love one.”
Dizz Tate, Brutes

Mark Twain
“I said it was a brutal thing.

"No, it was a human thing. You should not insult the brutes by such a misuse of that word; they have not deserved it.”
Mark Twain, The Mysterious Stranger

Marquis de Sade
“And there you see what happens to the promises of eternal love which we women are foolish enough to believe! The more affectionate we are, the more likely it is that our seducers will desert us...the unfeeling brutes...the more we try to keep them, the greater the chance that they will abandon us.”
Marquis de Sade, The Crimes of Love

Dizz Tate
“We feel chased. It doesn't matter if it's only by our own shadows.”
Dizz Tate, Brutes

“Intimacy reveals gentleness in brutes and brutality in gentlemen.”
Augusto Branco

Dizz Tate
“to be loved, was just to be watched”
Dizz Tate, Brutes