bri’s Reviews > The Spear Cuts Through Water > Status Update

bri is on page 334 of 525
it just occurred to me that this book would make the BEST ghibli movie ever. someone get this in miyazaki’s hands literally immediately because oh my god. I just know it would be world-shifting
Dec 11, 2023 12:21PM
The Spear Cuts Through Water

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bri’s Previous Updates

bri is on page 398 of 525
y’all. I have actual goosebumps. that only happens when I see live theater. not when I read books.
Dec 11, 2023 05:01PM
The Spear Cuts Through Water

bri is on page 392 of 525
it’s honestly a feeling unlike any other to get to almost 400 pages in a 500+ page book and realize, with reluctance and sadness, that it’s coming to a close
Dec 11, 2023 04:52PM
The Spear Cuts Through Water

bri is on page 367 of 525
“This bath had become a performance, with an audience of one. It was an audience he was glad to perform for.” YOU GUYS THE SLOW BURN IS SLOW BURNING AND OH MY GOD THIS LINE IN CONTEXT IS INSAAAAAAANE
Dec 11, 2023 02:27PM
The Spear Cuts Through Water

bri is on page 359 of 525
y’all this book has used 3rd person POV, 2nd person POV, added 1st person POV around page 200 and now we’re adding 4th person POV???
Dec 11, 2023 02:15PM
The Spear Cuts Through Water

bri is on page 281 of 525
so far this book has been entirely in 2nd and 3rd person (except for some internal thoughts) and now we’re just fully switching to 1st person? this shit is wild
Dec 10, 2023 05:47PM
The Spear Cuts Through Water

bri is on page 234 of 525
“You know as well as I that there are no odds in this world. There is only the Rhythm, and the Dance. That we are but the dancers.” so THIS is what The Killers meant when they asked if we were human or dancer
Dec 09, 2023 07:38PM
The Spear Cuts Through Water

bri is on page 184 of 525
“The flower was cut from the stem. It’s red petals strewn.” OH MY GOD MORE VIOLENCE VIA METAPHOR IN BOOKS PLZ!!!
Dec 09, 2023 05:54AM
The Spear Cuts Through Water

bri is on page 173 of 525
unreliable narrator???? wow this book just keeps throwing out more layers of narrative to peel apart
Dec 09, 2023 05:40AM
The Spear Cuts Through Water

bri is on page 144 of 525
not Keema going through a queer crisis because of gay porn that he stole lmaooo
Dec 08, 2023 07:40AM
The Spear Cuts Through Water

bri is on page 100 of 525
i’m enjoying this book but damn it is not reading itself
Dec 05, 2023 07:00PM
The Spear Cuts Through Water

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