Aiden Heavilin’s Reviews > The Seducer > Status Update

Aiden Heavilin
Aiden Heavilin is on page 138 of 612
this is almost everything you could ask for from a book
Nov 20, 2020 10:59AM
The Seducer


Aiden’s Previous Updates

Aiden Heavilin
Aiden Heavilin is on page 355 of 612
“Georgica” might be one of the most beautiful chapters I’ve ever read... God this book is ceaselessly rich with knowledge and emotion and passion. In some ways Kjærstad works in plain view, yet he has an elusive playfulness that defies summary and analysis
Jan 16, 2021 06:26PM
The Seducer

Aiden Heavilin
Aiden Heavilin is on page 303 of 612
Aunt Laura is lowkey cancelled
Jan 15, 2021 10:34PM
The Seducer

Aiden Heavilin
Aiden Heavilin is on page 250 of 612
Dec 31, 2020 11:42AM
The Seducer

Aiden Heavilin
Aiden Heavilin is on page 208 of 612
there’s a chapter called “The Magic Penis”
Dec 27, 2020 07:11PM
The Seducer

Aiden Heavilin
Aiden Heavilin is on page 168 of 612
this book is genuinely difficult, but in a way I’ve never experienced before. It is so rich, so dense with ideas, that you’re basically full after every 15 pages. Astounding, certainly demands a future re-read
Dec 27, 2020 12:13AM
The Seducer

Aiden Heavilin
Aiden Heavilin is on page 95 of 612
never read anything like this. Kjaerstad approaches reality with a sense of almost childlike wonder, resisting easy explanations. He constantly searches for the nuance and complexity. this sense of anti-reductionism might seem postmodern, but the joy and excitement of the book is refreshingly free of the bitterness and irony one might associate with other postmodernist novels. brilliant stuff.
Nov 18, 2020 11:12AM
The Seducer

Aiden Heavilin
Aiden Heavilin is on page 53 of 612
it’s like a much more readable Joseph McElroy novel. Superb
Nov 17, 2020 11:23AM
The Seducer

Aiden Heavilin
Aiden Heavilin is on page 10 of 612
have heard a lot of good thigns about this novel... Weird complaint but I'm not a fan of how this paper feels lol
Nov 16, 2020 08:37PM
The Seducer

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