Laura’s Reviews > Shattered Glass > Status Update

Laura is 32% done
Hump Day! “a.k.a Austin’s favorite day” hehe….
Jun 20, 2012 05:51AM
Shattered Glass (Shattered Glass, #1)


Laura’s Previous Updates

Laura is finished
God, I love this book! I don’t want it to end—I want to stay right here in the pages. Austin and Peter’s humor, twitches, pain, and bunny slipper loving made new dents in my heart and armor. I saw and felt so many new things and emotions. Highly recommended re-read. Thanks for the buddy read love, Christina! :)
Jul 22, 2013 06:33AM
Shattered Glass (Shattered Glass, #1)

Laura is 52% done
I can’t pick just one favorite! All of these chapter titles make me laugh and smile. Like this one—“My Ex-Girlfriend Was Right—Men Do Suck” haha…Oh, boy! Can they suck! :)
Jul 19, 2013 06:39AM
Shattered Glass (Shattered Glass, #1)

Laura is 15% done
“I had kissed before, but this wasn’t kissing—this was being kissed. No control on my part and only half aware of the whimper I made as he pulled away.” *sigh*
Jul 17, 2013 06:29AM
Shattered Glass (Shattered Glass, #1)

Laura is 15% done
“As much as he pretended to feel nothing, when my hand pressed against his smooth chest, his heart hammered against it. I was absolutely enraptured by the way he trembled, the goose bumps popping up beneath my delicate exploration of his stomach.”
Jul 16, 2013 06:39AM
Shattered Glass (Shattered Glass, #1)

Laura is starting
Buddy re-read with Christina! I can’t wait to do it all over again! Bring on the bunny slipper fun…. :)
Jul 15, 2013 07:22AM
Shattered Glass (Shattered Glass, #1)

Laura is 96% done
“Let me know when you’re done with this conversation. Peter needs his tongue bath. I mean sponge bath.” Hehe…. :)
Jun 27, 2012 06:35AM
Shattered Glass (Shattered Glass, #1)

Laura is 61% done
“Have actual tests proven that’s a cat?” hehe…Begone! Love the cat. :)
Jun 26, 2012 06:13AM
Shattered Glass (Shattered Glass, #1)

Laura is 57% done
Austin really has no filter from his brain to his mouth—does he?! :) Love it!
Jun 25, 2012 06:23AM
Shattered Glass (Shattered Glass, #1)

Laura is 50% done
“I was going to be mature about this. And ignore him.” Hehe…
Jun 23, 2012 05:40PM
Shattered Glass (Shattered Glass, #1)

Laura is 16% done
“You’re not just short a few sandwiches, he said, lip curling in disgust. Your picnic is missing the basket and blanket. There’s not even ants at your picnic.” Hehe….Love that line! :D
Jun 19, 2012 06:13AM
Shattered Glass (Shattered Glass, #1)

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