Laura's Reviews > Shattered Glass

Shattered Glass by Dani Alexander
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's review

it was amazing
Read 2 times. Last read June 18, 2012 to June 28, 2012.

He could shatter my soul right now, it was so fragile sitting there in his palm.”

This review has been rattling around the ‘ole noggin for weeks now, but I cannot get my feelings down and out on the page. Draft after draft thrown out.

So, this is me free-balling it—so to speak. :D

Mystery, romance, wit, humor, freckles, and bunny slippers! I have such a huge crush on this book! Love, love, love every single thing about it! Haha…Let me give it another go without using the word love 50 times! (Yeah right)

Shattered Glass by Dani Alexander is a fast moving, complex, hilarious mystery touched with sadness and filled from top to bottom with characters to adore. Austin, Peter, Darryl, Cai, Luis, and so many more captured my imagination, smile, and heart. I fell in love with Austin from the jump. What’s not to like about a rich, cocky, smartass? :)

Detective Austin Glass appears to have his life, career, and love all planned out. That is until he sets eyes on Peter. Everything from the case to his love life turns upside down from there. How long can you hide and deny your true self and identity? Austin’s world blows up with such speed and hilarity it will leave you in awe and giggles. Over and over again whether he puts his foot in his mouth or someone comes walking in at just the right time, Austin truly thrives on a priceless gift of embracing the moment and pieces of his shattered life. A crime and case brings Peter into Austin’s life, but will the case now tear them apart?

The back and forth battle for trust, information, leverage, and love between Austin and Peter made me dizzy! At times I was in complete awe of Austin—the way he could just throw caution to the wind and put his feelings out there after hiding for so long. But other times, I was a complete mess, stomach in knots, hands in fists—just waiting for Peter to crush his heart. My heart went from awe to anger in a blink of an eye. Yelling at my kindle over and over—“I can’t believe he said that!” or “Just kiss him!” haha…I loved it!

But it was the writing that had me swooning! This book pulled me right in and kept me there. I can’t tell you how many times I almost missed my train stop. :D The back and forth barbs and comebacks snap, snap, *SNAP* readers around from one word to the next. Dani Alexander’s world, words, and wit required and captured my full attention. Once I fell into these pages, it took a physical force to yank me out. The “snap-crackle-and-pop” between the characters, action, words, and scenes grabbed a hold of my reading heart and never let go! The energy pushed the story along at such a maddening pace and mix of relief, pain, fear, love, and lust--it was dazzling! A one of a kind read.

I want to give you a taste here, but it is nearly impossible and a bit unfair to pull a conversation or quote out of the flow, magic and energy of the story…but I’m going to give it a go. But really it feels like cutting off a limb somehow. Every time I went to pull a couple of lines it would turn into a few and then the whole scene. The words and energy just flow. To take one piece out, somehow felt wrong to me. But hell—I do love to contradict myself. :)

This is just one of my favorite scenes:

(view spoiler)

So that’s it. Please excuse my tenses, spelling, punctuation, and babbling. I do hope my enthusiasm and love of the book came through though.

Shattered Glass is an original, one of a kind reading experience. One I plan to visit again and again.

Now GO..go read it! :D

Christina—You did it again! Another book I would not have found without ya! Thank you. :)

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Quotes Laura Liked

Dani Alexander
“Tell me something good about your life," I whispered, needing to hear that he wasn't as broken as I thought him to be.
Peter breathed into the handset for about two minutes. I began wondering if he was about to hang up, or had fallen asleep, when he answered. "You."
It was so quiet I almost didn't hear it. And then he hung up before I could ask him to repeat himself.
I fell asleep, grinning, with the phone still clutched in my hand and my milk souring on the coffee table.”
Dani Alexander, Shattered Glass

Reading Progress

Finished Reading
March 12, 2012 – Shelved
June 18, 2012 – Started Reading
June 18, 2012 –
2.0% "Gotta love the bunny slippers! :D"
June 19, 2012 –
16.0% "“You’re not just short a few sandwiches, he said, lip curling in disgust. Your picnic is missing the basket and blanket. There’s not even ants at your picnic.” Hehe….Love that line! :D"
June 20, 2012 –
32.0% "Hump Day! “a.k.a Austin’s favorite day” hehe…."
June 23, 2012 –
50.0% "“I was going to be mature about this. And ignore him.” Hehe…"
June 25, 2012 –
57.0% "Austin really has no filter from his brain to his mouth—does he?! :) Love it!"
June 26, 2012 –
61.0% "“Have actual tests proven that’s a cat?” hehe…Begone! Love the cat. :)"
June 27, 2012 –
96.0% "“Let me know when you’re done with this conversation. Peter needs his tongue bath. I mean sponge bath.” Hehe…. :)"
June 28, 2012 – Finished Reading
July 15, 2013 –
1.0% "Buddy re-read with Christina! I can’t wait to do it all over again! Bring on the bunny slipper fun…. :)"
July 16, 2013 –
15.0% "“As much as he pretended to feel nothing, when my hand pressed against his smooth chest, his heart hammered against it. I was absolutely enraptured by the way he trembled, the goose bumps popping up beneath my delicate exploration of his stomach.”"
July 17, 2013 –
15.0% "“I had kissed before, but this wasn’t kissing—this was being kissed. No control on my part and only half aware of the whimper I made as he pulled away.” *sigh*"
July 19, 2013 –
52.0% "I can’t pick just one favorite! All of these chapter titles make me laugh and smile. Like this one—“My Ex-Girlfriend Was Right—Men Do Suck” haha…Oh, boy! Can they suck! :)"
July 22, 2013 –
100.0% "God, I love this book! I don’t want it to end—I want to stay right here in the pages. Austin and Peter’s humor, twitches, pain, and bunny slipper loving made new dents in my heart and armor. I saw and felt so many new things and emotions. Highly recommended re-read. Thanks for the buddy read love, Christina! :)"

Comments Showing 1-37 of 37 (37 new)

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Christina Yay, you added it!

Laura haha...Damn Christina!—You sure know how to add to my to-read pile! ;) What to read first??!! :D

Christina ROFL! I aim to please :)

Angela  ♥ Mrs. Hollywood ♥ How do you like it Laura?

Laura I am really loving it! The style is like nothing I’ve ever experienced. So fast and fun. The language and pace pulls be right in. Austin is pretty effing funny too! Haha..he kills me! Bookmarking and highlighting all the time! :) The conversations with Luis, his partner, have been some of my favorites. Haha…They make me giggle.
What are you reading now, Angela?

Angela  ♥ Mrs. Hollywood ♥ I just finished Knight. It was pretty good, but the writing was not. I found it to be wordy, and the dialogue was awkward at times. Once I got past that I enjoyed it for what it was, but I was disappointed.

I'm trying La of Christina's recommendations lol.

Angela  ♥ Mrs. Hollywood ♥ Laura wrote: "I am really loving it! The style is like nothing I’ve ever experienced. So fast and fun. The language and pace pulls be right in. Austin is pretty effing funny too! Haha..he kills me! Bookmar..."

I really wanted to love it too :( Maybe I would have gotten used to manic Austin, but I can't read crime solving mystery type books! I get bored and side-tracked easily when I read things I don't enjoy!

Laura I hear ya! I think we all get sidetracked if we are not having fun. oooh, I will have to check in with ya on La Luxure! Looks fun! New Orleans and Vampires! Oh my! :D

Thanks for the heads up on Knight though. I will hold off on that one I think for a bit. I do want to try KA soon though.

message 9: by Angela ♥ Mrs. Hollywood ♥ (last edited Jun 20, 2012 07:57AM) (new)

Angela  ♥ Mrs. Hollywood ♥ You may enjoy Knight. He is a very very hot, controlling alpha male. He's really gorgeous, incredibly sexy and does some real "smutty" things to Anya! LOL I just had a few problems with it. I didn't like the way he talked. It was difficult for me to get past that. And I didn't like the Daddy/baby thing. It's just not my cup of tea! I couldn't call any guy Daddy. Bleh!

Laura LOL! I am the same way, Angela! Can’t do it. Can’t with a guy I want to…yeah…no! haha….My head does not go there with the daddy thing. Bleh is right! :)

Angela  ♥ Mrs. Hollywood ♥ How do you like Shattered Glass?

Laura The writing style is amazing! Austin makes me giggle. Hehe….I hope to finish tonight.
I really had to finish my zombies first! :)

Angela  ♥ Mrs. Hollywood ♥ Zombies! good choice :)

Ilhem I adored each single word of this book. Now I am waiting for Cai's strory. When this book is released, I swear I will jump on it like hunger on the world (French expression!)

Laura Sam wrote: "You had me at the bunny slippers! Great review, Laura. ;) I'm glad you enjoyed this! :)"

Thanks, Sam. This week is kind of dedicated to getting some of my impossible reviews down on paper finally. I just hate to leave blank pages—ya know. Anywho…Thank you. Haha…I actually plan to hunt for a pair of bunny slippers on-line this weekend. haha..Must be done! :D

Laura Ilhem wrote: "I adored each single word of this book. Now I am waiting for Cai's strory. When this book is released, I swear I will jump on it like hunger on the world (French expression!)"

Hi Ilhem—Me too. Just re-reading this scene had me pulled back into the world last night. I read on for about an hour. Haha…I can’t wait for the next book. I do hope we get lots of Austin and Peter though too. I miss them.
Off to research new saying. I love new expressions! :)

Charlinda Jenkins Loved your review
Makes me wanna do a reread but I'm trying to hold back until when I know Dani's going to release Not So Innocent lol

Laura Hi Charlinda! Thanks. I plan to re-read before book 2 too! Can’t wait to live this one again actually. I miss Austin, Peter and the bunny slippers! :)

message 19: by Joy (new) - rated it 5 stars

Joy Hey Laura--great review--this is another one of those books that I loved so much I had to read it twice--really miss those guys!!

Laura Hi Joy! Thank you. :) I hear ya! Me too. I can’t wait to see what I hear and feel the second time around. My re-reads can be filled with little surprises I didn’t see before. Can’t wait for Cai’s story though. :)

Blacky *Romance Addict* Great review Laura! I loved this one too :) Simply amazing book :)

Laura Hi Blacky! Thanks! So glad you fell in love with this book too! :) Can't wait for more!

Rosalinda *KRASNORADA* LOL, yelling at your kindle!!! That's great, isn't it?

Great review!

P.S. Peter is mine, just so you know! LOL x

Laura Haha…Oh, we are going to get along perfectly! Because Austin is mine. *grins*
I hope to re-read and probably yell all over again at this book soon. I need a re-read before book 2 comes out. I have my bunny slippers all warmed up and ready to go! ;)

Thanks, Rosalinda! :)

Rosalinda *KRASNORADA* Awwwwwwwwwwwww please let me know because I would love to re-read this hilarious book! I am happy we are clear about Peter and Austin LOL

I seriously can't wait for Cai. I read the first chapter and need more! xxx

Laura hehe...Will do! I'm in a long series right now, but maybe soon after. :) I know--I can't wait either!

message 27: by ♥Rachel♥ (new)

♥Rachel♥ Lovely review, Laura! It's hard to write a review when you feel pressure to show the brilliance of an author. I think it comes through loud and clear with your words. Plus, if it sucked you in so much you almost missed your train stops, well you know it's good! I'll have to check this out. :)

Laura Thanks, Rachel! This review was so hard for me to get out. I couldn't find the words to describe the energy and flow. This book...haha...I just get so caught up in it! It’s flipping brilliant! :)

message 29: by Kristen (new)

Kristen Great review, Laura.

Laura Kristen (Peddler of Smut) wrote: "Great review, Laura."

Hi Kristen! :) Thanks! I'm having a blast the second time around!

Kelly| Just Another Horror Reader Great review, Laura! :))

message 32: by Laura (last edited Jul 25, 2013 01:53PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Laura Kelly wrote: "Great review, Laura! :))"

Kelly! :) Hey! Thanks. Have fun with Hot Head! (view spoiler) Love those guys!

Kelly| Just Another Horror Reader You're welcome, Laura!

No I'm not re-reading Hot Head with Baba, but thanks anyway. I love those guys, too! :))

message 34: by BevS (new) - rated it 5 stars

BevS Lovely review Laura, and another 5 stars!!

Laura Hi Vilda and Bev! :) Thanks so much. This book is one of my favorites! Loved it even more the second time around.

Looking forward to the gossip when you do pick it up, Vilda. Go! Go now! :D

message 36: by Rachel (new) - added it

Rachel Fantastic review, Laura! Even though I am late to the party, I am really looking forward to this story.

Laura Rachel wrote: "Fantastic review, Laura! Even though I am late to the party, I am really looking forward to this story."

Welcome to the party! :D Hi Rachel. Thanks. Hope you love Peter and Austin's story. It is...just so much fun to read. Now I want a re-read!

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