Siavahda's Reviews > The Honey Witch

The Honey Witch by Sydney J. Shields
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The Honey Witch is…aggressively fine. But it rubbed me the wrong way almost from the start; the story almost falls over itself it moves so fast, rushing as if trying to get itself over with. A story about honey-magic makes me expect lush, soft prose, and languorous pacing, but that is absolutely not what we have here; seriously, what is the damn rush? The dialogue is stilted and false, with random shifts in topic and passionate reactions that come out of nowhere and seem massively disproportionate. And rather than letting us slowly and deliciously discover this world bit by bit, Shields beats us about the head with clunky info-dumping.

There are moments of brilliance – especially in the opening chapters, Shields occasionally gives us a line that really sparkles;

what is so wrong about being a bitch? It is the closest a girl can be to a wolf.

But these are few and far between. There’s quite a bit of preaching, most of it shoehorned in where there really isn’t room for it; for example, early on there’s a passage where, out of nowhere, Marigold starts thinking about ‘the world’s penchant for beautiful, dead girls’. Cue a rambly aside on how society prefers girls die young and pretty rather than grow old and…become witches? Like, this is a genuine issue (well, maybe not the witchy part, in this day and age) but the lecture is coming completely out of left field; nothing in the chapter up to this point had anything to do with this topic. It’s not a tough subject being examined by the narrative; it’s Shields grandstanding, and not being even the tiniest bit subtle about it.

Then there’s the worldbuilding, which, hoo boy. So the whole honey-witches-can’t-fall-in-love thing???

She cursed us to never have anyone fall in love with us in an attempt to end us.

The curse isn’t a punishment, or intended to inflict suffering – the goal was to end the bloodline of honey witches. What??? Uh, does someone need to explain to Shields that love isn’t a required part of the recipe for having a child??? How in the gods’ names does cursing you to never have true love equal a family dying out???

Except no, Shields is well aware; not only did Marigold’s grandmother have a child without love, she had a child without a partner at all. She literally made a baby with magic, all by herself.


It annoys the hell out of me both because it’s just stupid, and because it would have cost Shields nothing to change the motivation of the witch who cast the curse. Say she wanted this family to suffer! Say she did it out of vengeance or sadism or anger or whatever. But if her goal was to end her enemy’s bloodline, the curse is completely pointless.

Does Shields require the curse for plot? Yes. So keep the curse, but come up with some kind of reasonable backstory for it, for crying out loud. It’s not hard.

Then there’s the whole nonsense about how, just like water is the opposite of fire, and air the opposite of earth…honey is the opposite of ashes.


Sorry, but. No.

Again: completely and utterly unnecessary. All you had to say was, these are the two kinds of magic, honey magic and ash magic. Ta da! You didn’t need to set them up as some kind of elemental opposites. Because now you just sound confusing and stupid.

Why is this like this???

And I don’t even want to talk about how the whole ‘Marigold, you’re a witch’ thing went down, with her mother screaming at her grandmother and being The Most Dramatic and I could not stop cringing at all of it.

The Honey Witch just…really isn’t what it’s being marketed as. The book starts with Marigold – in a Regency-esque time period – not having fun at a ball, which, fair. But the whole first 20% is just this…not-that-subtly anti-men, anti-marriage spiel, which, somewhat fair, but Shields really shoves it down your throat. Marigold is The Most Special because she goes and dances in the rain and meets up with magic butterflies rather than looking for a husband, and all of this with the fast-forward button on, and the info-dumping, and dialogue like…like I don’t even know what. Like a badly written script being performed by very bad actors. And not just info-dumping, but telling-telling-telling, recounting the past for us at light-speed so we know how all the relationships work, because we certainly don’t get a chance to get a feel for those relationships ourselves. There’s no emotional development at all, and then the grandmother whisks Marigold away to start her new life as a witch.

I was expecting – and wanted – languid storytelling, cosy and sweet, with pretty prose and a grumpy/sunshine romance. Instead, I got choppy writing, an origin story we didn’t need (seriously, it would have saved so much cringing if the story had opened with Marigold on Innisfree instead of the headless chicken that was the glimpse of her home life), insultingly stupid worldbuilding, and a book that just can’t figure out how to slow down. Did someone hand Shields back her manuscript and tell her she had to cut 300 pages or something? Because that’s almost what it feels like, a story crammed into fewer pages than it needs.

Reading The Honey Witch was like wearing the worst scratchy wool you can think of; it just itched, and it’s such a relief to call it quits and not have to deal with it any more. THANK YOU BUT NO.
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Reading Progress

June 15, 2023 – Shelved
June 15, 2023 – Shelved as: to-read
June 15, 2023 – Shelved as: lgbtqai-protagonists
January 22, 2024 – Shelved as: dnf
January 22, 2024 – Shelved as: assorted-human-magic-users
January 22, 2024 – Shelved as: historical
January 22, 2024 – Shelved as: third-person-pov
January 22, 2024 – Shelved as: worldbuilding-fail

Comments Showing 1-15 of 15 (15 new)

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Charity Wow I couldn’t agree more!!
I just DNFd at 125 pages and yeah… all the same reasons!

Siavahda Always a relief to know it's not just me!

Ashley THIS. EXACTLY THIS. The whole first half I’m thinking “why are you rushing this??” Marigold giving very “pick-me girl” vibes. I keep hoping that’ll change but…not holding out much hope. Not sure if Shields just needed an older/stronger editor, because this reads like a teenager’s first foray into AO3.

Siavahda Right?! Thank you!

I'm just going to cross my fingers that her next book is better. Lots of debuts are rough...

laylabean :) This entire review sums up exactly how I feel!

message 6: by Mayara (new) - added it

Mayara Arend Also the part about the curse being only like 50 years old and still her grandmother speaks like "yes we honey witches are cursed" no love, even you had like 50 years before the curse so wtf?

Mary Malvar This review is really it!! Because why is Marigold so insufferable and then all of the sudden she's in love, like that isn't going to change that she is judging everyone that doesn't think like she does and even sees them beneath her. I really love the vibes of the book and the world that is created. But other than that the characters lack complexity.

message 8: by Seazar (new)

Seazar This is what I thought! I havent finished yet, but the first few chapters had such stunning prose and then the dialogue started and I was shell shocked. I thought we switched authors? And it wasnt time appropriate either! I had the highest of hopes when I started, I thought I would obsess over this book and now I literally dont want to pick it up anymore

message 9: by Ollie (new) - added it

Ollie This is exactly how I feel at pg 147. I’m reading for a bookclub but I think I may DNF anyway. I really wanted to like this, but I think the hype did more harm than good here.

Saturn honestly all of this but i read the whole thing anyway and kind of hated the ending but gave 3.5 stars anyway because,,,premise?? it had so much potential and i felt kind of let down

message 11: by Vanessa (new) - added it

Vanessa Perry I’m gonna finish it. But this definitely called out some blaring issues that I’m struggling with. Especially the dialogue. I couldn’t put a finger on why the dialogue specifically was slowing me down. Yes, it’s stilted and doesn’t read how anyone would speak. But it’s more than that like you said.

I love exclamation points when I’m IRL texting and posting. But in dialogue, it only makes sense if a character is… exclaiming something. Because people do not do that in actual speech. It makes no sense for 99% of the exclamation marks to be used. Like what.

And then the topic switches, too. Goodness.

It is so much different than the prose, it’s jarring.

But all the other issues are still there. The book is going like a million miles per hour but I’m taking so long to read it.

I don’t want to DNF, though, because I do find the story pretty cozy. And I’m not to the romance yet, which I’d like to enjoy. We shall see.

Paige I'm currently reading this right now (I'm currently on page 146) and I already agree with everything you wrote! I think the only thing I like so far is the line about being a bitch. I'm going to push my way through it but then I'm probably going to be selling my copy.

message 13: by Taia (new) - rated it 1 star

Taia You explained this so well. I was really looking forward to this book but now I'm 46% of the way through it and it is just making my skin crawl to read. The dialogue is terrible and the info dumping is really getting on my nerves. Nothing feels consistent, even when characters are interacting with one another it's like their emotions and reactions change in a split second for no reason. I had such high hopes for this and now all I'm hoping is that I can even finish it

message 14: by Hannah (new)

Hannah I agree with everything you said. Think im calling it quits and move on to another book

Jessica Means I’m about 75% of the way through and am feeling this so hard. I would have rather followed August’s love story. He is a way better MC.

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