Monique's Reviews > Shattered Glass

Shattered Glass by Dani Alexander
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: all-time-favourites, lgbt

The writing is brilliant. The story riveting. The characters captivating.. What we are blessed with is a truly wonderful novel and a sheer delight to read ~ no matter the cost, this book is a gift and I thank you Dani Alexander for sharing it with us...


This is the funniest book I have read this year, (crying laughing and totally in love with Austin) Your humour Dani is so seamlessly woven throughout the fabric of the book - and incorporates the romance and the crime thriller combined. This isn't a romance with a little action, or a thriller with a sprinkling of passion... it is simply the whole package, perfectly put together, with an epilogue that leaves us salivating for the next instalment... *wink* *wink*

My review would never do justice to this book, it really is one of those you have to read to experience, to understand what a truly fabulous read it is. A friend of mine recently accused me of writing novella length reviews - If I put into words the wonders contained within, never mind the copious amounts of quotes I highlighted... this would be novel length! So I will endeavour to keep it short!!

We meet Austin in a dingy dinner... Dazed and in a trance, totally captivated by the vision before him, like a diamond in the sky this boy before him shone so bright he was transfixed by his beauty.

"Blue eyes. No, not just blue, blue like glacial waters, like poems, like heavens and moonstones. Cornflower blue. And...

Blue like romantic poems? What the ever-living fuck?

Model beautiful, thick red hair and freckles, lots of piercing's, tattoos... Oh, and not forgetting the blue eyes!! This was the bus boy - and he was wearing bunny slippers!?!


Austin doesn't know this boy, has never seen him before... he is confused, perplexed and having a major identity crisis! He couldn't understand how he could be having sexual thoughts and feelings for a MAN!... after all "he was NOT gay" So Austin does the only sensible thing he could think of - he ask's his friends!?! Then comes to the the lightbulb conclusion that it really isn't his fault... Oh no. It was Bunny slippers - he made him gay... there was no other explanation!?!

Austin Glass is outrageously honest, to the point where most would think he is either joking or very rude, when in fact, he is just speaking his mind!... it's as though the words come tumbling out before his brain engages and there is a child like innocence behind his reasoning! His life is a dilemma... and like a petulant child he needs attention and he will stamp his feet 'till he gets it! Austin may be 26 years old but... he has the mental age of a hormonal teenager! Selfish in his opinions and no diplomacy skills WHATSOEVER!

In the middle of all the shenanigans with Bunny slippers, Austin is investigating a human trafficking operation. So when the object of his obsession is thrown into the frame... his emotions are torn between trust and accusation and tossed back and forth between hope and despair!

Bunny Slippers, does have a name... Peter Cotton or Rabbit as he is affectionately know as by his brothers Cai and Darryl. They are his life and reason for living, their welfare is paramount - especially Cai, who at 16 suffers from bipolar and depends on both Peter and Darryl, who in turn prostitute themselves to care for him... and, just to survive!

The banter between Peter and Austin is hysterical... real laugh out loud funny! Peter keeps trying to push Austin away at every opportunity, emotionally distancing himself, but even open hostility is no deterrent for Austin.... He WANTS Peter. His body knows it and now even his mind is embracing it. YES!... he IS gay!

The relationship between Austin and Peter is a slow burner... with all the baggage Peter carries, he is stoically guarding himself from pain and any attraction... with his first responsibility to Cai. He is attracted to Austin but uses sex to avoid any emotional issues, where Austin just uses his humour to deflect his fixation for the object of his devotion... Peter! Austin also has to deal with issues from his past, his father is a complete bastard and bigot as was his Grandfather, his mother is AWOL in Europe and has been for years and he is supposed to be getting married in 8 weeks!... oh, and to top it all off he also has a commitment phobia!

Where Austin's life is an open book for all the world to see, and he is quite happy to let them, Peters life is hidden beneath complex layers. These layers are slowly peeled away, cleverly only allowing us to see glimpses of the man beneath and the turbulent and traumatic journey that brought him and his brothers into to Austin's world and the holy mess they now find themselves in. Peter might be a whore with steely resolve, but tiny sparks of emotion peak out of the cracks and give Austin hope... as he also sees the compassionate and strong man who cares for his brother... the man with a good heart!

This book is not all fun and games with Austin and Peter, they find themselves caught up in the investigation, there is murder, drugs and a plethora of other vices turning all their lives upside down. There are a whole host of characters in this book all of them well developed and smoothly integrated in to the tale.

Peters brother Cai is such a great character, I believe he deserves a mention... especially when the next book is focusing on him. He has a very damaged past and suffers with his bipolar, however the beauty and innocence of his heart glare at you through the pages, he is just so cute and expressive only wanting to please and I just wanted to delve in there and give him a hug!

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Dani Alexander for letting us enjoy this novel through the eyes of Austin Glass... being in his mind with all of his inner musings, turmoil's, confusions and epiphanies was a joy. I am sure I now have permanent wrinkles from the constant grin on my face throughout this book. I was as captivated and enthralled by him... as he was with Bunny Slippers!

This is an excellent book... please do not wait to read it as I did! It is a true gem... read it now!

For more reviews, please visit...Sinfully Sexy Book Reviews
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Quotes Monique Liked

Dani Alexander
“Peter to Austin:
"Hard-ons don't make you think less. They make you think stupid. Which makes me think you must have one 24/7.”
Dani Alexander, Shattered Glass

Dani Alexander
“Do you know what I did to the last guy that called me Tinkerbelle?"

"Slept with him?"

Darryl was silent for a second. "After that.”
Dani Alexander, Shattered Glass

Dani Alexander
“Tell me something good about your life," I whispered, needing to hear that he wasn't as broken as I thought him to be.
Peter breathed into the handset for about two minutes. I began wondering if he was about to hang up, or had fallen asleep, when he answered. "You."
It was so quiet I almost didn't hear it. And then he hung up before I could ask him to repeat himself.
I fell asleep, grinning, with the phone still clutched in my hand and my milk souring on the coffee table.”
Dani Alexander, Shattered Glass

Dani Alexander
“He's painting your living room as a thank you."

"Huh. My decorator might screech, but I'm okay with that."

"Your decorator? Seriously? How did you not know you were gay?”
Dani Alexander, Shattered Glass

Dani Alexander
“You're rich, spoiled and used to getting your own way."

"Not true. If I had my own way you would have kissed me and ridden me like a cowboy while screaming 'yeehaw'.”
Dani Alexander, Shattered Glass

Dani Alexander
“I looked at our hands, caked and coated in red, but entwined. The pristine moment when they were clasped like that earlier in the day seemed weeks ago.

"Clean." Peter said.

"Can I get a water bottle or something to clean his hands?" I scanned the crowd. He drew my attention back to him with a pull of my hand.

"No," Peter said. "I'm...clean."

I had missed who Peter was until that very moment.

I had called him names and treated him callously. I had read every micro expression in a vacuum of how it related to Austin Glass. And in return Peter had cared for my wounds, treated me tenderly and assured me that he was HIV negative while bleeding out in a hallway of strangers.

I broke. It wasn't a visible fracture. I didn't sob or explode into anguish. I didn't give in to my vomitus urge that came from the burst of self-loathing. But I shattered nonetheless.”
Dani Alexander, Shattered Glass

Dani Alexander
“I like you,” I said honestly. “Even though you’re probably a criminal and are going to get me thrown off the force. And you kicked me. Broke my nose. Made me gay and refused to kiss me.”
Dani Alexander, Shattered Glass

Dani Alexander
“Bunny Slippers watched my appraisal for at least a full
minute before clasping his hands and resting them on the table.
“You stand in the doorway, clothes sticking to you like you just
got out of the shower and didn’t dry off.” I hadn’t dried off
actually. “Your hair is wet like it’s been raining, but it’s near
ninety outside. You glare at me for a good ten minutes before
you come over. Sit across from me in my booth, without an
invitation. Don’t introduce yourself. Don’t say hello. You
announce you’re not gay, but that I made you gay, and I am
confusing you?

Well, when he said it like that.”
Dani Alexander, Shattered Glass

Dani Alexander
“Peter to Austin: “Here are the facts, Austin. You’ve been engaged four times.
You’ve cheated on every single one of them. You’re cruel
sometimes and superficial and spoiled and really fucked up
emotionally. You talk about my being inscrutable, but you treat
nothing as if it matters to you. Something terrible happens? You
make a joke and shrug it off. You feel too much? You get angry
and lash out at me. So no, I’m not in love with you. I’m fighting
it every fucking step! I just wish I could stop it.”
Dani Alexander, Shattered Glass

Reading Progress

May 3, 2012 – Shelved
November 22, 2012 – Started Reading
November 23, 2012 –
15.0% "I have spent the first 15% Crying laughing... OMFG what an amazing character Austin is... think I love him and his fetish!!!
Photobucket "
November 27, 2012 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 80 (80 new)

Aiko Oh oh oh! Read it now!

Monique It's next...Just need to read Muscling Through, then I'm on it....:D

DayDreamer Yes^^ Listen to Aiko.

Monique It's only a short read.....will be on Shattered Glass by tomorrow night......I am getting excited now...must be good...:D

Aiko It's brilliant :) one of my very favorites I've read in this genre.

Lenore I liked this one as well, Monique. Very much.

Steph Hiya, I am going to start reading this later today or tomorrow. Cannot wait, just wondered if you'd like to buddy read with me? :)

Monique Steph wrote: "Hiya, I am going to start reading this later today or tomorrow. Cannot wait, just wondered if you'd like to buddy read with me? :)"

Steph, I am desperate to read this book, but others keep pushing it back! Unfortunately I have 2 other books I must read first! which would put me at the earliest Wednesday before I could start!?! I would love to buddy read with you, if you can wait until then... great, if not we will choose another from the long list of must reads! If you check out my m-m shelf they are all the books I still have to read!! all 163 of them!!

Steph Haha. No that's fine. A few others can't start for a few days either LOL So I'll probably push it back.
Wow, that's a lot of m/m ;)

Monique Steph wrote: "Haha. No that's fine. A few others can't start for a few days either LOL So I'll probably push it back.
Wow, that's a lot of m/m ;)"

Lol... I know it! Give me a shout when you are ready:)

message 11: by Steph (last edited Nov 18, 2012 11:31AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Steph This is where we'll be chatting, there are a few others joining in too.
Some of us are stilll staring tomorrow but others are joining in a day or so, so just come there when you're ready LOL

Hope you had a good weekend :)

Monique Steph wrote: "This is where we'll be chatting, there are a few others joining in too.
Some of us are stilll staring ..."

I am not a member Steph... need to be invited?

Steph Ah, sorry hun LOL. Was meant to do that too LOL I'll do it now :)

Steph Did you get the invite?

Monique I did thank you so much... I wrote on the thread, in fact we both posted at the same time?!?

Steph Haha. Yep. I think this is gonna be a great group read :)
can't wait.

Heather K (dentist in my spare time) can't wait to see how you like it!

Monique Heather K wrote: "can't wait to see how you like it!"

Thanks Heather:)

Blacky *Romance Addict* oh happy reading! wonderful book <3

message 20: by Aiko (new) - rated it 5 stars

Aiko Enjoy :D It's brilliant

Monique Blacky wrote: "oh happy reading! wonderful book <3"

Thanks Blacky... I just needed a shove in the right direction:)

Monique Aiko wrote: "Enjoy :D It's brilliant"

At last... Thought I had better read it before the next one is out! Do you know when it is being released Aiko?

Sun Monique's Musings wrote: "Aiko wrote: "Enjoy :D It's brilliant"

At last... Thought I had better read it before the next one is out! Do you know when it is being released Aiko?"

I think Dani is targeting December. Fingers crossed!

So excited you're finally reading this! :)

Monique Me too, I have had this book for months! I can already see it will be one of those books I wish I had read sooner.... December, Yay ! just in time then:)

Steph Yay, Decemeber is great :)

message 26: by Em (new) - rated it 5 stars

Em Ooh that's good news, I hate having to wait a long time for the next one!

Monique Sorry I have been away for the last couple of days... RL was catching up with me!! I have finished the book review!

Awilk -never sleeps- I loved this. So glad the next one will be out soon.

message 29: by [deleted user] (new)

Great review for one of my favorite books! & I just want to say, I absolutely love the bunny slippers! >.<

message 30: by Dd (new) - added it

Dd Great review,Monique!!:)

message 31: by ~ Becs ~ (new) - added it

~ Becs ~ Fantastic review lovely.

message 32: by Vio (new) - added it

Vio Fab review Monique I still have to attempt to read it sometime.

Blacky *Romance Addict* Wonderful review Monique! This book was really something else :)

message 34: by Karla (new) - added it

Karla Excellent review Monique!! Love the bunnies!

Monique Awilk wrote: "I loved this. So glad the next one will be out soon."

Me too... In one way I am glad I arrived at this novel late! I don't have to wait as long for the next one. Lol!

Monique Aimee wrote: "Great review for one of my favorite books! & I just want to say, I absolutely love the bunny slippers! >.<"

Thank you Aimee... It is definitely up there with my favourites... what a great book:)

Monique Dd wrote: "Great review,Monique!!:)"

Thank you Dd:)

Monique Becs wrote: "Fantastic review lovely."

Ta hun..:)

Monique Vio wrote: "Fab review Monique I still have to attempt to read it sometime."

Thank you Vio... I have had this book for months and kept putting it off... WHY!! it's a great read, sidesplittingly funny! I think you would love it:)

Monique Blacky wrote: "Wonderful review Monique! This book was really something else :)"

Thank you Blacky... you are so right, it's an excellent book:)

Monique Karla wrote: "Excellent review Monique!! Love the bunnies!"

Thank you so much Karla... you would absolutely love this one! I can feel it in my bones! I can never look at bunny slippers again without thinking of Austin:)

Monique deirdre wrote: "great review! loved this one too!!"

Thank you Derdre... In one way I am gutted I read it so late but on the other hand I am glad as it means I don't have to wait too long for the sequel... which I can't wait to get my hands on:)

Laura Oh, Monique! I am so in love with this review! Wonderful and perfect! I want to read it all over again! :)

Christina Laura wrote: "Oh, Monique! I am so in love with this review! Wonderful and perfect! I want to read it all over again! :)"

I plan a re-read soon. I want to revisit them before NSI comes out.

@Monique - Great review and I Luv that pic!

Monique @Laura ~ thank you my lovely, I can fully understand wanting to read it again, I have only just finished and I want to revisit!!

@Christina ~ Thank you sweetie. They are such distinct characters it is hard trying to find a picture to match!

@Laura & @Christina... you should both have slapped me around the head a few times for not reading this book sooner! but I still love ya:)

Emanuela ~plastic duck~ Perfect review, perfect picture!

Baba  Great review, Monique!

Cassie I adore this book! great review!

Monique Emanuela ~plastic duck~ wrote: "Perfect review, perfect picture!"

Thank you so much Manu... after just reading yours I feel humbled:)

Monique Baba wrote: "Great review, Monique!"

Thank you Baba:)

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