
Vulgar Quotes

Quotes tagged as "vulgar" Showing 1-29 of 29
David  Wong
“SHUT UP. Both of you. You're coming with me." To me he said, "Put some pants on."

"Fuck you. This is my house. I make the rules. You take your clothes off. John, get the Twister mat.”
David Wong, This Book Is Full of Spiders

Maggie Stiefvater
“Don't fucking swear," Ronan said.”
Maggie Stiefvater, The Dream Thieves

“She’s like a cross between an onion and donkey,” Farah said.
“Why?” Jason and Connor asked simultaneously.
“Cause she’s a piece of ass that will bring a tear to your eye.” Farah laughed.”
Mark A. Cooper, Royal Decree

Irvine Welsh
“Ah fuckin hate the way some American cunts call lassies cunts. Fuckin offensive, that shite.”
Irvine Welsh, Dead Men's Trousers

Crystal Woods
“I didn’t need to be a writer to know that I could. Did you have to become a penis to act like a dick?”
Crystal Woods, Write like no one is reading 2

Jeaniene Frost
“Know the best thing about being dismissed as an insatiable whore? People don't mind their tongues around you. I've learned more information eavesdropping while I was mid-orgy than I have from spying on G7 summits, but that's off topic.”
Jeaniene Frost, Shades of Wicked

Peter Sloterdijk
“Fatally, the term 'barbarian' is the password that opens up the archives of the twentieth century. It refers to the despiser of achievement, the vandal, the status denier, the iconoclast, who refuses to acknowledge any ranking rules or hierarchy. Whoever wishes to understand the twentieth century must always keep the barbaric factor in view. Precisely in more recent modernity, it was and still is typical to allow an alliance between barbarism and success before a large audience, initially more in the form of insensitive imperialism, and today in the costumes of that invasive vulgarity which advances into virtually all areas through the vehicle of popular culture. That the barbaric position in twentieth-century Europe was even considered the way forward among the purveyors of high culture for a time, extending to a messianism of uneducatedness, indeed the utopia of a new beginning on the clean slate of ignorance, illustrates the extent of the civilizatory crisis this continent has gone through in the last century and a half - including the cultural revolution downwards, which runs through the twentieth century in our climes and casts its shadow ahead onto the twenty-first.”
Peter Sloterdijk

Sei Shōnagon
“25. Flowering trees
The blossom of the pear tree is the most prosaic, vulgar thing in the world. The less one sees this particular blossom the better...”
Sei Shōnagon, The Pillow Book

Ryan Oliveira
“You know how some people get sun-kissed, well i got sun bitch slapped”
Ryan Oliveira

Dimitri Verhulst
“Het wonder is geschied, mijn pruim is nat en 't regent niet.”
Dimitri Verhulst, De helaasheid der dingen

“Women’s marches are a clever progressive divide and conquer strategy that not only turns women against men, but also turns women against each other in the guise of peace and solidarity. It is a brilliant tactic to employ media propaganda to make privileged women feel oppressed and then program them to think that vulgarity, exhibitionism and emasculation is empowering.”
Dawn Perlmutter

“Humans listen to their hearts so fucking loud that they mute their dumbass brains.”
The Fart Blast

“Passionless is vulgar ("Metier: Why I Don't Write Like Franz Kafka")”
William S. Wilson, Why I Don't Write Like Franz Kafka

Charles Stross
“It popped up on my Outlook calendar, flagged in red like an inflamed pimple full of infected bureaucratic pus... I've been trying desperately to get it shifted, but no, it is stuck like a king-sized dildo in a guinea pig.”
Charles Stross, The Rhesus Chart

Andrzej Sapkowski
“I've never understood why the majority of human curses and insults refer to the erotic sphere. Sex is wonderful and associated with beauty, joy and pleasure. How can the names of the sexual organs be used as a vulgar synonym for ̶”
Andrzej Sapkowski, Wieża Jaskółki

John Cleland
“O amor, presidindo a ação, insinuava o prazer e o gozo. E confesso, de bom grado, que me persuadi sem dificuldade de que, sem amor, o prazer, por maior e mais perfeito que seja, fica vulgar, sejamos rei ou vagabundo.”
John Cleland, Fanny Hill, or Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure

“Let's go loot this piece of shit, here.”
Aaron Kyle Andresen

Stephen         King
“A navy SEAL couldn't stand up to that shit, let alone a kid not old enough to have more than six hairs on his balls”
Stephen King, The Institute

“Leave the hush to those who love like apes because together, you and I make vulgar sounds like a fervent sojourn in paradise.”
Taylor Patton

“Where do you get that logic from? You're either getting the cheap-ass knock-off type of logic or getting fucking scammed right up the ass. And since you don't have any decent logic you can't even think to get better logic from the "logic" store.”
The Fart Blast

“You're not stupid, you're just special! You have morons in your head instead of neurons!”
The Fart Blast

Deyth Banger
“When you have plenty of knowledge that's the moment when you get vulgar, irnoc and hypocritical.”
Deyth Banger

“How many dicks does a man have to suck to get a penguin dab around here?”
Aaron Kyle Andresen

Georgette Heyer
“But not even Mrs Underhill’s evident admiration reconciled him to the prospect of dining in her house. He described her as a vulgar mushroom, and wondered that his cousins should not have kept her at a proper distance.”
Georgette Heyer, The Nonesuch
tags: vulgar

Ryan C. Thomas
“Well wrap my nuts around a pole and call me mary, looks like you just popped your cherry!”
Ryan C. Thomas, The Summer I Died

Curtis Tyrone Jones
“You might have to drop a few f-bombs in your fight for inner peace!”
Curtis Tyrone Jones

José Ortega y Gasset
“O característico do momento é que a alma vulgar, sabendo-se vulgar, tem a audácia de afirmar o direito à vulgaridade e o impõe em toda parte.”
José Ortega y Gasset, The Revolt of the Masses

Abhijit Naskar
“Neither burqa nor bikini is the sign of progress,
they only depict personal choice, nothing more.
Grow out of clothes, and look into character,
only then you'll get to see the sapiens glow.”
Abhijit Naskar, Dervis Vadisi: 100 Promissory Sonnets