
Smart Ass Quotes

Quotes tagged as "smart-ass" Showing 1-17 of 17
Andy Weir
“Just three words? Nothing about his physical health? His equipment? His supplies?'

'You got me,' she said. 'He left a detailed status report. I just decided to lie for no reason.'

'Funny,' Venkat said. 'Be a smart-ass to a guy seven levels above you at your company. See how that works out.'

'Oh no,' Mindy said. 'I might lose my job as an interplanetary voyeur? I guess I'd have to use my master's degree for something else.'

'I remember when you were shy.'

'I'm space paparazzi now. The attitude comes with the job.”
Andy Weir, The Martian

Kresley Cole
“I doubt she'll welcome you if I tell her you undressed me."

"Maybe she'll only partially welcome me."

Kresley Cole, Poison Princess

Crystal Woods
“I didn’t need to be a writer to know that I could. Did you have to become a penis to act like a dick?”
Crystal Woods, Write like no one is reading 2

Sophie Avett
“Mrs. Pott's beady black eyes narrowed,"Do you know how many glass slippers I have to stitch when I get home? There's a Mad Hatter serenading a toaster as we speak. There could be mayhem wreaking havoc all over the love in New Gotham, granted what thankless ingrates you are. But here I am! I've taken a chance on you..”
Sophie Avett, 'Twas the Darkest Night (Darkest Hour Saga, #1)

“When you finally learn that you are not the smartest person in the room- you will build a better product, have better relationships, and eliminate wasted time.”
Colleen Ferrary Bader

Libba Bray
“... but then I was so utterly entranced by our discussion of Einstein's relative theory -"
"Relativity," Ling corrected quickly under her breath.
"- that I completely lost track of the time.
"Funny," Ling whispered.
"What?" Henry said.
"Lost track of..." Ling shook her head, "never mind.”
Libba Bray, Lair of Dreams

Sophie Avett
“That's it? That's all that happens after you topple from grace? We lose our rubies and rations?" Marshall smirked. "Woe is me.”
Sophie Avett, 'Twas the Darkest Night (Darkest Hour Saga, #1)

Sophie Avett
“Mrs. Potts beady black eyes narrowed,"Do you know how many glass slippers I have to stitch when I get home? There's a Mad Hatter serenading a toaster as we speak. There could be mayhem wreaking havoc all over the love in New Gotham, granted what thankless ingrates you are. But here I am!”
Sophie Avett, 'Twas the Darkest Night (Darkest Hour Saga, #1)

“If you're THAT smart...why aren't you THAT rich?”
George Akomas Jr

James S.A. Corey
“Avasarala: "... and I understand that you've got a few after-market add-ons?"
"Keel-mounted rail gun!" Alex said with a grin.
"That scream of overcompensating for tiny, tiny penises, but might prove useful, the mission commander has requested you and your ship, and honestly none of you are worth a wet slap at this point except Ms. Nagata, anyway.”
James S.A. Corey, Babylon’s Ashes

Hmm, if only there were a place where one could go for information... a place that had free books on every topic you could think of... (book stack emoji)

Smiling, I typed back the interwebs? just to be a shit.”
Alicia Thompson, Love in the Time of Serial Killers

Rebecca Yarros
“Don't worry- if someone sees us, I'll just say that I was overcome with lust at first sight and couldn't wait another second to get you out of your pants.'

'Ever the smart-ass.' A wry smile tugs at his lips as we start down the hall.

'I can throw in a few oh, Dain cries once we're in your room just for believability,' I offer, and actually mean it.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Jason Medina
“If it gets me out of this city, I am up for mostly anything. Wait. Maybe I should rephrase that. I almost forgot I’m talking to your wise ass.”
Jason Medina, The Manhattanville Incident: An Undead Novel

Jennifer Samson
“Well, they didn’t beat the smart ass out of him.”
Jennifer Samson, Piece of Work

Sara Desai
“She'd ordered the curated wild Alaskan sea cucumbers, sprinkled with artisanal milk thistle foraged at dusk from Springdale Farms and served in a sea of pureed stinging nettles. At least Sam thought that's what it was. She'd eaten the entire cucumber slice in one bite.
"Are you sure you wouldn't like something, sir?" The waiter, dressed in a grain sack with cutouts for his head and arms, hovered at Sam's shoulder.
"No, thank you." Sam rubbed his belly and let out a small burp. "I shouldn't have had that second Reuben on my way over. Or maybe it was the Cobb salad. I'm so full I couldn't even handle an amuse-bouche of fermented sardine foam or dihydrogen-monoxide consommé.”
Sara Desai, The Marriage Game

Holly Black
“I recall that you your hands were on her, but her eyes were on me,'' Cardan returns”
Holly Black, The Queen of Nothing