Truth Telling Quotes

Quotes tagged as "truth-telling" Showing 211-240 of 327
Graham Swift
“So what was it then exactly, this truth-telling? ... It was about being true to the very stuff of life, it was about trying to capture, though you never could, the very feel of being alive. It was about finding a language. And it was about being true to the fact, the one thing only followed from the other, that many things in life —of so many more than we think—can never be explained at all.”
Graham Swift, Mothering Sunday

Christian Kiefer
“I don’t care what you meant to do. I really don’t.
I only care about what you actually do. That’s important. The rest of it is just a bunch of bull shit.
--- Grace.”
Christian Kiefer, The Animals

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Nobody wants to be a part of your story. Everybody wants you to elaborate on their fantasies.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, The Book of Maxims, Poems and Anecdotes

Will Bly
“Truth is much like fire. Hard to understand, ever-changing.”
Will Bly, Ravens in the Sky

Gwenda Bond
“The story unfolded quickly as I typed, in a way I was becoming familiar with. There was something about putting the truth on paper, bringing facts into the light of day where everyone could look at them, that made my fingers move faster -- it was becoming one of my favorite sensations on earth.”
Gwenda Bond, Double Down

Fyodor Dostoevsky
“Quien para otro cava una zanja en ella cae”
Fyodor Dostoievsky

“All people express a fondness for truth and sincerity, yet many people prefer to live with their illusions and delusions. A person’s sincere desire to believe only what is true oftentimes does not trump their ingrained resistance to truths that fail to coincide with their deeply held desires. People reject truth because it undercuts what they wish was true and despise or discredit anyone whom offers a different version of truth than they are prepared to accept.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

John Updike
“We’re past the age of heroes and hero kings. … Most of our lives are basically mundane and dull, and it’s up to the writer to find ways to make them interesting.”
John Updike

Rick Riordan
“Why did adults have to be so thick? They always say 'tell the truth,' and when you do, they don't believe you. What's the point?”
Rick Riordan, The Red Pyramid

Octavian Paler
“O, știu cum m-aș putea apăra: că toți suntem inculpați! Chiar și cei mai cuminți. Dacă nu ești învinovățit că ești nepăsător, ești, sigur, învinovățit că ești prea sensIbil; dacă nu ești învinovățit că umbli cu capul în nori, te trezești învinovățit că ești prea lucid. De scăpat, nu scapi. A muri nevinovat înseamnă doar a muri prea devreme, înainte de a fi avut timp să păcătuiești. Dar există vinovății și vinovății.”
Octavian Paler, Un om norocos

“A woman in love with another woman is revolution’s revolution: it is not an act of war. it is not an act of desperation. it is not an act of fear. it is - it always has been and it always, always will be - an act of love.”

“For a message to be holy, it doesn't need to come from a prophet or a deity. When truth is spoken whoever is the mediator it is divine.”
Osman Doluca

Kenneth Eade
“The truth is worth pursuing at any distance.”
Kenneth Eade, Beyond All Recognition

“Just a child is free to wander in one's father's garden, discovering little or big things; it is left to the seeker to grow unto the Nature of the Absolute.”
Fakeer Ishavardas

Robert J. Crane
“Could´t decide whether I wanted to kiss hi mor slap him, then remembered that they´d both have roughly the same effect.”
Robert J. Crane, Alone, Untouched, Soulless

“maybe you don't know this but when your disabled almost no one tells you the truth . They feel too awkward because the truth seems so sad.”
Cammine Mcgovern

Werley Nortreus
“I had a dream, someone came to me and told me "Jesus Christ is coming in a couple days, time is near, only a couple days left for Christ to come" then I saw rocks coming from the air that caused disasters on earth. The end is near, don't ignore this very important message, it's your responsibility to save your soul from hell. The choice is yours, make sure you know your destination.”
Werley Nortreus

Octavian Paler
“Nu mai rezist. Seara, când mă duc să mă culc, sunt zdrobit. Dacă aș fi un om serios, mi-aș da demisia. Dar nu fac nici asta. Zâmbesc! Zâmbesc tuturor. Și nebunilor. Cui vrea să se uite la mine. Zâmbesc în loc să urlu. Dacă aș urla, probabil m-aș liniști. Aș avea în sfârșit un somn bun. Dar așa, zâmbetul mă obosește. Mă distruge. Voi intra în cămașă de forță zâmbind.”
Octavian Paler, Un om norocos

“Words are not cubicles for truth telling. Words do not allow us to touch the face of God or define the contours of the soul. Words are imprecise and cannot capture all aspects of reality or replicate all facets of a person’s emotional mélange. Language allows for limited explorations of reality and minimal probing of the human mind. I accept that the only possible relation between language and the world is the image displayed in each person’s head by the picture invoking ability of language. Select word pictures might accurately portray what I perceive and still be vague, blatantly inaccurate, completely meaningless, misleading, distorted, or incomprehensible in other persons’ minds.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

“Simply put, That Which Is - what most of us call God - is not a physical person nor a this or that spirit etc. Is the Quintessence of All That Is.”
Fakeer Ishavardas

“Come clean about your true nature before the day the body ceases. Hard not to cling to duality as the excuse, but every brain is manifesting duality as if it is some internal feature projected outward for the attention of others.”
James Emlund

Amit Abraham
“I have wondered that even in the era of colour the black and white photographs are so appealing? I feel that as per saying - in black and white -they speak the truth.”
Amit Abraham

“I write to remind me of the experiences, fictional or non-fictional, that flows a bit of selfless truths. For the me in the ‘I’, or the me through your eyeballs, it is a serum to separate the lumpiness in my heart.”
James Emlund

“Only in duality consciousness we witness this-that thing. In reality, a unity consciousness runs as the very soul of every little thing.”
Fakeer Ishavardas

“On a supra human level, yeah, I got That Which Is. Yet on a simple human level, rare are times when either my left or my right foot is not in some kind of shit.”
Fakeer Ishavardas

“And so it was said "tell me your lies and I will help you keep them"
And by wisdom attained it was realized that this was not the way.
And so it was said "tell me your lies and I will help you heal them in truth without repercussion or judgement; in understanding, compassion and
L.J. Vanier

Kate Morton
“Strange that in the day of tumult, it should be something so innocuous as a dribble of water that prompts a person to tears.”
Kate Morton, The Forgotten Garden

Steven Pressfield
“We have the right to our labor but not to the fruit of our labor.”
Steven Pressfield, The War of Art

Bangambiki Habyarimana
“Sometimes we believe it is truth, not because it is truth but because it has been made truth by law or tradition. Some of those truths are nothing but dogmatized myths”
Bangambiki Habyarimana, Pearls Of Eternity