Truth Telling Quotes

Quotes tagged as "truth-telling" Showing 121-150 of 327
Kevin    Wilson
“Honestly, Bessie? People don't care about anyone but themselves. They don't notice anything. They are never looking at what's interesting. They're always looking at themselves.”
Kevin Wilson, Nothing to See Here

Jim Carrey
“I feel that we’re all lighthouses, and my job is to shine my light as brightly as I can to the darkness.”
Jim Carrey

Holly Black
“You’re terrible at this whole ‘tell me whatever I want to know’ thing.” My hand goes to the crossbow, but I don’t pick it up.

He sighs. “Just ask me something. Ask about my tail. Don’t you want to see it?” He raises his brows.”
Holly Black, The Cruel Prince

Ken Kesey
“He had come to life for maybe a minute to try to tell us something, something none of us cared to listen to or tried to understand, and the effort had drained him dry.”
Ken Kesey, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

Stewart Stafford
“Truth is only harsh if you're unable to face it.”
Stewart Stafford

Germany Kent
“Everybody doesn't need to know everything about you.”
Germany Kent

Amit Abraham
“The pen had been mightier than the sword but then the tongue took over.”
Amit Abraham

Anthon St. Maarten
“One sincere truth from a stranger is more likely to move your life forward...than anything your friends and family may tell you to spare your feelings.”
Anthon St. Maarten

“In a world starving for validity, the truth, when spoken at the right moment, can be one of the purest and most helpful forms of charity.”
Lamine Pearlheart, To Life from the Shadows

Stewart Stafford
“Truth is an ideal we aspire to. Fact is an agreement on the general consensus of what truth is. Honesty is a personal truth shared.”
Stewart Stafford

“There is no such thing as “your truth”. There is “the truth” and “your opinion”

Pete Hamill
“Some newspaper stories can be presented in entertaining ways; they can make you laugh; they can make you weep. But they are not charged with providing exaltation or fantasy. In the most entertained nation in the history of the world, newspapers exist to provide the citizenry with truth. Sometimes the truth can have a moral point. Sometimes the truth is painful. Sometimes the truth is banal. But it has to be true. It must have a granitelike foundation in fact. The mere stacking of facts is not, of course, enough. The facts must be organized into a coherent whole. They must tell a story. And the great story usually tells us something larger than the mere facts, something about what novelists and philosophers have called, perhaps too grandly, the human condition.”
Pete Hamill, News Is a Verb: Journalism at the End of the Twentieth Century

There is no bigger prize then a Supreme Court Justice tucked snuggly in the pocket
“There is no bigger prize then a Supreme Court Justice tucked snuggly in the pocket of who it is the Republican's are actually working for. NO. BIGGER. PRIZE.”
A.K. Kuykendall

Stewart Stafford
“Honest people will always be hated, not because they are incorrect (they may be exactly right), but because some loathe truth and its agents.”
Stewart Stafford

Germany Kent
“Beautiful spirit and an evil heart don't match.”
Germany Kent

“Cruelty is the badge of a weak person - be kind"

rassool jibraeel snyman

Gerrit Smith
“Life is short. Let us hasten to say what we believe men need to have said, even though we shall be hated for saying it.”
Gerrit Smith

“In reality, there is nether one-god nor many gods. Just a oneness, an indivisible unity sans this-that god.”
Fakeer Ishavardas

Germany Kent
“Drama loves company. Distance yourself from foolishness and peace will find you and naturally become a part of your lifestyle.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“Never underestimate the fact that loving others is a choice but loving yourself is a responsibility. ”
Germany Kent

Yarro Rai
“I am denied the usual path, usual phrase
Carrying the same eyes in a cursed maze
I thrive in deep; I suffocate in shores
Laughter is not my medicine
Sorrows are my whores
Opaque mirror my esoteric words
every silence is forgiven
As long as the wisdom holds”
Yarro Rai, Philophobia: The Hip Version

“I tell ma myself that I'm wasted, yet I know that I'm useful, I do things I despise, I despise everyone that does them, no one ever understands me and that bothers me so much yet I know no one is ever understood, no one ever understands the other, everyone is always mistaken, not even your wife will ever understand you..
Because in a world were everyone understood each other, we wouldn't see families breaking up and to the least of it married couples wouldn't quarrel for even a second...we are only humans after all...
No one knows our purpose on earth and no one will ever..that's the only mystery that we got to live with, the most honest believers in God believe that there is evil, but really if they were to follow their beliefs why would they believe in evil yet they believe that God the father of Jesus is supreme?
Everything in the world is fucked up,
Who knows that a slip on a road is fatal and then you die and everyone calls it a sudden happening, merely because they have been taught to believe so..?
Anyway that's the strange life we in ...
Perhaps I'm wrong but the truth of the matter is that everything is fucked up and we are just like robots just like the wisest man would make a robot , God also manufactured us”
Derrick Barara

“The one who most seemed like a liar is the one who tells a bold-face truth.”
Runa Pigden

“Misfortune is also good fortune, in a way. It is relative. For, you get to know who truly are your friends, and who really are your true relatives.”
Fakeer Ishavardas

Kiran Nagarkar
“But to censor it would be tantamount to a kind of doctoring. I would be just as guilty of a normative version of the past as the charans and their ilk. And not to write at all would mean that i, too, believes that truth was a good slogan but not to be confronted in the corridors of real life.”
Kiran Nagarkar, Cuckold

“Ihr wart es?", fragte Fis so ungläubig, als meinte er, sich verhört zu haben. "Ihr habt uns angegriffen?"
"Uns?", fragte Nonda, und für einen kurzen Moment glaubte Anûr Ärger in dem Gesicht des Nori zu entdecken. "Ich kann mich nicht erinnern, dich damals dort gesehen zu haben", sagte Nonda und klang mit einem Mal müde. "Auch wenn du ein Kind der Wüste bist, so waren es damals andere Menschen, die angegriffen wurden. Verwechsle dein Schicksal nicht mit ihrem. Wut und Hass sollten nicht vererbt werden."
(Kapitel 19 "Wohin?", Seite 400)”
Akram El-Bahay, Flammenwüste

“To unlearn the bullshit one has learned takes more than a life time.”
fakeer ishavardas

“Truth sits on the lips of dying men. The world of fire and ice reveals truth, which exist in the eternal passion and eternal pain that drives humankind to create, explore, and reflect upon all aspects of existence.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

Karen Draper
“the truer the words. the truer the feeling in the reader.”
Karen Draper

Mala Naidoo
“Night, the subduer, finds the vessel to unveil long-forgotten truths ~ 'Wandering The Earth”
Mala Naidoo, Life's Seasons