
Wisdom Inspirational Quotes

Quotes tagged as "wisdom-inspirational" Showing 1-30 of 458
C. JoyBell C.
“Be careful not to mistake insecurity and inadequacy for humility! Humility has nothing to do with the insecure and inadequate! Just like arrogance has nothing to do with greatness!”
C. JoyBell C.

Fredrik Backman
“Humanity has many shortcomings, but none is stronger than pride.”
Fredrik Backman, Beartown

Wendy E. Slater
“When blame and self-judgement are transformed, healed, and cease to be, we have reawakened without the myth, the mythos, of separation. We are One.”
Wendy E. Slater, Into the Hearth, Poems-Volume 14

C. JoyBell C.
“We're always taught that God wants us to always only say "I can't do this without You God" , "Whatever your will is God, that's my will too" but God says He is a father, and there is no good father who wants his children to have no will and to think that they can't stand on their own two feet. So maybe what you should be saying is "I can do it" and "I have a strong will, I know what I want." When you think God's left you and wants you to be sitting like a duck, maybe He's actually believing in you, teaching you how to fly.”
C. JoyBell C.

John C. Maxwell
“Dont ever be impressed with goal setting; be impressed with goal getting. Reaching new goals and moving to a higher level of performance always requires change, and change feels awkward. But take comfort in the knowledge that if a change doesn't feel uncomfortable, then it's propably not really a change.”
John C. Maxwell, Thinking for a Change: 11 Ways Highly Successful People Approach Life and Work

Gabriel García Márquez
“One never quite stops believing, some doubt remains forever".”
Gabriel García Márquez, Of Love and Other Demons

C. JoyBell C.
“Sometimes, you may think you have fallen into an abyss...when in fact, you've just descended to the roots...of the tree of life! Somewhere along your climb, you got lost amongst the branches, and lost in the darkness of the branches, the only way to find the straight way up would be to return to the roots! And from there amongst the roots, you will be able to look straight up and see the top again! And begin your ascent!”
C. JoyBell C.

Barry M. Goldwater
“to disagree one doesnt have to be disagreeable”
Barry Goldwater

Erol Ozan
“Intelligence without wisdom brings destruction.”
Erol Ozan

Elizabeth Jane Howard
“You can't run from feelings, Charity. You have to face them. Otherwise your future will look just like your past.”
Elizabeth Jane Howard, Mr. Wrong

Elizabeth Berg
“She sits down and puts her hand to her chest and rocks. Thinks of all she has lost and will lose. All she has had and will have. It seems to her that life is like gathering berries into an apron with a hole. Why do we keep on? Because the berries are beautiful, and we must eat to survive. We catch what we can. We walk past what we lose for the promise of more, just ahead.”
Elizabeth Berg, Home Safe

Kersten Hamilton
“You’ve got choices, like any other creature. You can stumble down that road, pretending you can’t help it. You can curl up and die of regret and sorrow for what you’ve done. Or you can get up and fight, even though the battle might be lost.-Finn”
Kersten Hamilton, Tyger Tyger

Amit Ray
“Science is observing truth in the light of head. Religion is observing truth in the light of heart. Humanity is using both the lights. And education is developing that humanity.”
Amit Ray

Chidi Okonkwo
“Knowledge is like an endless resource; a well of water that satisfies the innate thirst of the growing human soul. Therefore never stop learning... because the day you do, you will also stop maturing.”
Chidi Okonkwo

Paulo Coelho
“life is really generous to those who pursue their Personal Legend”
Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

Karen Hackel
“Let your wisdom guide you
On your own personal journey
By listening to your heart
Your soul will be alight
And let you be
All that you are intended to be”
Karen Hackel, The Whisper Of Your Soul

C. JoyBell C.
“Do you have a leather jacket? One for a ten-year-old boy?" I asked the man selling leather jackets and gloves in Covent Garden, London. "Yes, I have one right here!" And the man dug out a fine leather jacket that looked styled and tailored for a young boy. "I'm buying this for my son" I said to him. "I love this jacket, it's perfect, I think I will just come back for it tomorrow, though! I'll be back tomorrow, okay?" And the man reached his arms above his head, and said with a big smile upon his face "You only have one life to live! What is the difference if you do something today, or if you do it tomorrow?" I thought about the man's words. And I bought the jacket. He was right, there is no difference, really, between doing something today and doing something tomorrow, when you only have one life to live! Afterall, tomorrow may never come! All you really have is today!”
C. JoyBell C.

“I love the friendly faces of old sorrows;
I have no secrets that they do not know.”
Karle Wilson Baker, Blue Smoke: A Book Of Verses

Sorin Cerin
“Blessed is he who believes in the illusion because thus he can find his great truth!”
Sorin Cerin, Wisdom Collection: The Book of Wisdom

Ana Monnar
“We have all grown wiser.”
Ana Monnar

Andrew Ashling
“History doesn't remember gardens.

You forgot the wise administrators, those who kept the peace, those who brought prosperity. You needn’t feel embarrassed, though. So did history.”
Andrew Ashling

“I Take Life Very Seriously: One Joke At A Time.”
Sandra Chami Kassis

Kemi Sogunle
“A butterfly does not return to a caterpillar after it is mature. We must learn to grow and evolve into a stronger, wiser and better version of ourselves. Life occurs in stages and taking a step at a time is key to learning and growing.”
Kemi Sogunle

“Never underestimate yourself when you do what is right.
Never overestimate yourself when you do what is wrong.”
Roy Bennett

George R.R. Martin
“A craven can be as brave as any man, when there is nothing to fear. And we all do our duty, when there is no cost to it. How easy it seems then, to walk the path of honor.”
George RR Martin, A Game of Thrones

“Sometimes an adventure is a mundane thing. A trip to the shore with your best friend. Learning you can laugh in unearthly ways.”
Rose Christo, Unborn: Three Short Stories

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