
Spin Quotes

Quotes tagged as "spin" Showing 1-30 of 39
Gerard Way
“I thought if we made an album that tried to change the world, or give it hope, it would really happen. But all people found was death and destruction and misery and self-hate. I learned that the world doesn't want to be saved, and it will f**king punch you in the face if you try.”
Gerard Way

Max Brooks
“Looking back, I still can't believe how unprofessional the news media was. So much spin, so few hard facts. All those digestible sound bites from an army of 'experts' all contradicting one another, all trying to seem more 'shocking' and 'in-depth' than the last one. It was all so confusing, nobody seemed to know what to do.”
Max Brooks, World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War

John M. Barry
“Society cannot function if it is every man for himself. By definition, civilization cannot survive that.
Those in authority must retain the public's trust. The way to do that is to distort nothing, to put the best face on nothing, to try to manipulate no one.”
John M. Barry, The Great Influenza: The Story of the Deadliest Pandemic in History

John M. Barry
“You don't manage the truth. You tell the truth.”
John M. Barry, The Great Influenza: The Story of the Deadliest Pandemic in History

Ursula Hegi
“If I look closely, I can almost see myself floating in my mother's palm. Yet, when I shut my eyes, I find a different image of my mother releasing me as we dance in the storm and twirl in separate circles that cause the water to ripple from us in widening rings which merge in one ebbing bracelet of waves where the borders of the quarry meet the water, far from the center where my mother and I continue to spin our bodies in the radiant sheen of lightning.”
Ursula Hegi, Floating in My Mother's Palm

Tana French
“To my mind the defining characteristic of our era is spin, everything tailored to vanishing point by market research, brands and bands manufactured to precise specifications; we are so used to things transmuting into whatever we would like them to be that it comes as a profound outrage to encounter death, stubbornly unspinnable, only and immutably itself.”
Tana French, In the Woods
tags: death, spin

Robert Charles Wilson
“I appreciated her bluntness. Maybe it came with her sudden sobriety. Here she was back in the brightly lit world she had been avoiding for twenty years, and it was exactly as awful as she remembered it.”
Robert Charles Wilson

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“How often have I painted a splendid picture of a journey marked by courageous ascents and daring desert crossings when all along all I’ve really been doing is running?”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Stewart Stafford
“Questioning the morals, motives, and actions of a nation-state is not an expression of hatred for it or its predominant religion.”
Stewart Stafford

“From the smallest atom of your being, to the beautiful moon spinning around the Earth, to the largest galaxy of the cosmos, they’re all dancing to the harmonious music of the universe.”
Jim Borna

Jazz Feylynn
“The road had detours, stop signs, missed turns, hills and valleys, deep, deep tangled forests, ruts and potholes, icy patches, and spin-outs along the way.”
Jazz Feylynn

Ljupka Cvetanova
“Life is a circle. It spins you around.”
Ljupka Cvetanova, The New Land

Richie Norton
“You can’t judge a book by its cover because a book is judged by its spine. Same goes for leaders.”
Richie Norton

Jazz Feylynn
“Spinning a dance of time.”
Jazz Feylynn

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“You cannot spew a tangled web of lies, negativity, and division without having those very things turn on your own soul. Therefore, let us remember that the most wounded among us are often those who have done the most wounding.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Deyth Banger
“The life is a whipping top. When it ends the spin, life ends!”
Deyth Banger
tags: ends, life, spin

Rodney Page
“As the campaign progressed, Armistead remembered what his parents had taught him: If you never tell a lie, you won't have to remember what you said.
He subsequently developed a perverse respect for politicians who had mastered the art of spin. It was a skill to produce an answer having nothing to do with the question.
He didn't think he was crafty enough to do it.”
Rodney Page, Powers Not Delegated

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“If we use the ‘pen of fiction’ to edit the ‘narrative of fact’ in order to justify our choices, we will soon discover that the pen is in fact a pencil.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

John M. Barry
“A specialty among public relations consultants has evolved in recent decades called "risk communication." I don't much care for the term. It implies managing the truth. You don't manage the truth. You tell the truth.”
John M. Barry, The Great Influenza: The Story of the Deadliest Pandemic in History

Stewart Stafford
“There is nothing as pitiful as a politician who is deficient in relaying untruths.”
Stewart Stafford

Brandon Sanderson
“We'll fight so well, the Krell will raise lamentations to the sky like smoke above a pyre, crying in desperation at our advent!”
Brandon Sanderson, Skyward

Brandon Sanderson
“Thus you know the fury of my anger, fell beast.”
Brandon Sanderson, Skyward

William Shatner
“There are no facts anymore, kiddo. only good or bad fiction.”
William Shatner

Nathan H. Green
“There are certain facts that men spend a great deal of time clothing and positioning so as not to cause too great a distress to the listener.”
Nathan H. Green, My Late Life

J. Scott Coatsworth
“He loved Raven. He’d awoken from darkness one day and had found himself in the boy’s hands. He’d been shocked to find that almost a hundred years had passed since his beloved Sera’s death.”
J. Scott Coatsworth, The Dragon Eater
tags: spin

J. Scott Coatsworth
“The sphere’s light went out without another word, though its darkness seemed almost snarky.”
J. Scott Coatsworth, The Dragon Eater
tags: spin

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