
Lgbt Rights Quotes

Quotes tagged as "lgbt-rights" Showing 1-30 of 154
Hayley Williams
“human beings are human beings, just treat everyone like that.”
Hayley Williams

Cassandra Duffy
“It's hard not to be a fighter when you're constantly under siege.”
Cassandra Duffy

David Levithan
“Freedom isn't just about voting and marrying and kissing on the street, although all of these things are important. Freedom is also about what you will allow yourself to do.”
David Levithan, Two Boys Kissing

Chely Wright
“I hear the word "tolerance" -- that some people are trying to teach people to be tolerant of gays. I'm not satisfied with that word. I am gay, and I am not seeking to be "tolerated." One tolerates a toothache, rush-hour traffic, an annoying neighbor with a cluttered yard. I am not a negative to be tolerated.”
Chely Wright, Like Me: Confessions of a Heartland Country Singer

Solange nicole
“Sometimes it takes more than shouting it to show your pride. It takes more than a sign, a fabulous outfit, or a month of parades. Pride has to resonate from within; shine out to everyone around you. It has mean something to you and only you first before you announce it to the world.”
Solange nicole

Scott Westerfeld
“For some of us, politics means fighting for our right to exist”
Scott Westerfeld, Shatter City

David Levithan
“We come to a corner where there are a few people protesting the festivities. I don't understand this at all. It's like protesting the fact that some people are red-haired. In my experience, desire is desire, love is love.”
David Levithan, Every Day

“What on earth did we do wrong? What harm did we inflict? What did we do to you? Who are you to judge us?

Who gave you the right? Are you the representatives of mankind, or what? Who appointed you? Was it God? Yourselves? You don't care if someone loves to go bowling or shooting! You don't care if someone wants to be a doctor or a flight attendant! So why can't we love someone of the same gender? What makes you say that the way we love is wrong? Because we're not "normal"? Because we don't abide by the provisions of God? The laws of nature?

Well, fuck you. What a load of bullshit. You want to create a land for God? Good. Then let's bring back the regulations on sex positions first! Don't use condoms, and only fuck in the missionary position, damn it! Since sex should only be for childbirth, and any other pleasure is against the will of God, am I right? Come to think of it, you guys are fucking disgusting. I mean, I know you all fuck doggy-style and blow each other! So I guess you're all going to hell as well! The same goes for singles who don't copulate at all! If the union of man and woman is what is "normal", singles are the most abnormal of all! You're all going to hell, too! On, and let's just kill all the ugly people, fat people, and poor people while we're at it. Then it'll be heaven on earth, with no abnormal beings! Where the normal are free to kill the abnormal! If you ask me, you uneducated, narrow-minded scumbags are the ones that degrade human nobility! You're fucking revolting! Ignorant morons! Do you feel good? Or pissed off? Mad?

Then come at me! Instead of being fucking cowards, bashing someone that's all tied up. Won't it be more fun to beat up a person of color? Kill me before I infect your brains and turn all of you into homosexuals! Kill me first! Stupid scumbags!”
JUNS, Dark Heaven

Desmond Tutu
“I would not worship a God who is homophobic and that is how deeply I feel about this. I would refuse to go to a homophobic heaven. No, I would say sorry, I mean I would much rather go to the other place.”
Desmond Tutu

Abhijit Naskar
“You know what Pride means? PRIDE means Passionate, PRIDE means Resilient, PRIDE means Indefatigable, PRIDE means Determined, PRIDE means Equal.”
Abhijit Naskar, Bulldozer on Duty

Laura Chouette
“There is a reason to love -
and it is more important each day.”
Laura Chouette

“It doesn't matter what a person's race, orientation is. No matter how evil this world may seem, we must keep loving them. Hatred has no place in this world; we should accept each other and keep moving forward. Stop being so intolerant of all different lifestyles. The problem grows when we politicize everything. Every human being was born to be compassionate and accepting toward one another, not condemning them and holding them down.”
- D.L. Lewis

“With gentleness and forgiveness, dismantle the scorn. A compassionate heart for others is important. Keep your life hate-free, and love the people around you. It is vital to remember this: kindness is everything. Let there be no animosity, but spread benevolence for each other.”
D.L. Lewis

“A man can love another man. A woman can love other women. Homophobic bastards should keep their motherfucking mouths shut.”
D.L. Lewis

“Unlike heterosexuals, LGBTQ+ youths who usually grow up without relatable role models in their own homes, are at much greater risk of mental health problems, and are several times more likely to be made homeless, a process that often damages their sense of identity.”
Franko Figueiredo-Stow, Out On An Island

“Older age can be challenging for LGBTQ people when living an independent life becomes more difficult. Having lived in a same-sex relationship for many years there are limited choices about living in a retirement home where some people may feel that they have to supress their sexuality in order to appease others. I hear less these days about this aspect of LGBT life, being forced back into the closet in order to live in close proximity to others, that can cause depression particularly where there may be no close relatives or friends having lived a long life”
Franko Figueiredo-Stow, Out On An Island

“Representation is chump change, darling. I'm sorry to break it to you. People who hold power don't like to put themselves at risk. And that's why Queer people have generally been the visionaries. Because when your everyday life is a risk, you start to think about it all differently. You start to realize that organizing your days around keeping yourself protected is dumb as shit and that there's a whole universe of meaning and connection when you get beyond that.”
Agnes Borinsky, Sasha Masha

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Like things such as sexism and homophobia, racism is an acquired taste.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Shelley Parker-Chan
“Knowing the cause of their suffering, the peasant cursed their barbarian emperor in his distant capital in the north. As with any two like things connected by a thread of qui, whereby the actions of one influence the other even at a distance, so an emperor's worthiness determines the fate of the land he rules.”
Shelley Parker-Chan, She Who Became the Sun

“Ensure you never disrupt someone's peace of mind if they find their true identity. If they discover their purpose, let them be themselves. Teaching them to love like a beautiful flower is more important than teaching them to condemn the world with religious indoctrination that is like a tsunami destructing their own ray of colorful sunlight.”
D.L. Lewis

Winnie Nantongo
“Not to fear for love is a growth for the soul, to know that there are no limitations or taboos to develop feelings for someone, regardless of genitalia, only to feel and not condemn oneself. Enjoy life as a nest of opportunities.”
Winnie Nantongo

“Homophobia denies queer people happiness. I imagine there are a lot of queer people who would love to play sports or do traditionally “masculine” activities, but they hold themselves back based on the fear of interacting with people they can’t trust. People have made it very clear that queer people are unwelcome despite the fact they have talent. Homophobia is the reason that so many who currently play sports are closeted-as there is no way football, baseball, and basketball are 99.9 percent heterosexual.”
George M. Johnson, All Boys Aren’t Blue

“See a therapist.”
Mentally Ill Trans Girl

“Unlike some moderate churchpeople, the gays in Central Park were not constrained by a philosophy of nonviolence.”
Troy D. Perry, Don't Be Afraid Anymore: The Story of Reverend Troy D. Perry and the Metropolitan Community Churches

“We need to know that our government, the government of our birth in most cases, cares about us! I remember how difficult growing up as a gay youth was, and I don't want young men and young women who follow me to have to put up with the anxiety and misery that millions of us have already endured. There has been enough suffering! Those of us here are proud to represent the gay community because we know that we are whole persons, know we're not sinners, know we're not perverted, know we're not monsters, know we're not mentally ill! You may continue to believe what you want. Maybe I can't change that. But to be given our fair and Constitutional rights - that's what we are asking for.”
Troy D. Perry, Don't Be Afraid Anymore: The Story of Reverend Troy D. Perry and the Metropolitan Community Churches

It's time to celebrate lesbian diversity, not give in to transphobia or let the patriarchy
“It's time to celebrate lesbian diversity, not give in to transphobia or let the patriarchy silence us.”
Ella Braidwood

Abhijit Naskar
“After everything I have worked for over the years, people unfamiliar with my work still ask me, do I support the lgbt movement? And with my habitual patience, I respond - what's there to support! Do you support people drinking water? Water is not something you support or don't support - water is the fundamental of life. Likewise, love is not something you support or don't support - love is the bedrock of life - or better yet, love is life.”
Abhijit Naskar, Either Right or Human: 300 Limericks of Inclusion

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