
Online Communication Quotes

Quotes tagged as "online-communication" Showing 1-30 of 45
Germany Kent
“If you feel the need to constantly post on social media documenting your every move, chances are you're either addicted to social networking or there is a void somewhere in your personal life.”
Germany Kent

Stewart Stafford
“The internet is the most important tool for disseminating information we've had since the invention of the printing press. Unfortunately, it's also one of the best ways of stealing or suppressing information and for putting out misinformation.”
Stewart Stafford

Germany Kent
“Social media has its benefits and drawbacks. It is useful for research, has an educational value as a medium for learning about current events and of course, as a platform for conversation and opposing arguments with others. What's not debatable however, is that it can be addictive and extremely dangerous for youth (and some adults) who do not use it sparingly and who do not exercise restraint or precaution when sharing content that is not suitable or appropriate for an open forum. ”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“In order to be successful in the digital space you must produce creative and original content in line with current social and media trends that is innovative enough to have a memorable impact.”
Germany Kent

“You remember your pre-internet brain, and you remember doing those things, but you don’t really remember how it felt. You don’t really remember how time felt. There’s that guy who wrote that book, I can’t remember what it’s called, fuckin’ genius guy. But he’s saying that the world has always been informed by people who read books, and not necessarily academically, but the concept of a narrative is very important to people’s lives. Those people grew up with not necessarily a sense of purpose, but a sense that your life is leading somewhere. That’s the way I relate to my music, because I see The 1975 as this story. But as we go into the future, the world is gonna start being informed by people who didn’t grow up with that narrative — who grew up with more of a sense of immediacy. And we start to feel more like a unit amongst other units, and everything becomes a lot more compartmentalized. So when we talk about Twitter, we know that we were happy before, but we can’t remember how it felt, so we won’t take the risk to leave it. The generation after us now, they don’t have that weird nostalgia or sense that something’s wrong: ‘I didn’t used to do this. I didn’t used to need this.”
Matty Healy

Lana M. Rochel
“Online, the distances just vanish, horizons widen, dismissing borders, setting no limits.”
Lana M. Rochel, Third Time's a Charm: True Story

Germany Kent
“Being a good digital citizen means recognizing and understanding the impact that the world wide web has on the virtual population and a commitment to adding valuable content whenever and wherever possible.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“Social media and society are so closely intertwined that one must never forget that the same community that exists in your neighborhood also has a gathering place online.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“In today's digital age, people must become comfortable with online branding and developing and implementing a broad digital and social media strategy.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“Virtual learning is not all bad. It is a window of opportunity to engage more users with technology. The digital space allows educators to be innovative and curate content, and teaches young scholars and future leaders the importance of being involved in the process of digital citizenship.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“In this digital age, open discussion and freedom of expression are always welcome online; but NOT when it is reckless, irresponsible or harmful to others. ”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“In today's digital age, you are responsible for the things you post online and those things can both directly and indirectly affect your brand.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“Storytellers have passion and are at the forefront of creating original content. They embrace new and emerging trends and are contributors to creating successful multimedia narratives.”
Germany Kent

“If you're online, your life is offline”
Tamerlan Kuzgov

Germany Kent
“A simple post or repost on social media can cost you credibility that has taken your entire career to build.”
Germany Kent

Gretchen McCulloch
“The difference between how people communicate in the internet era boils down to a fundamental question of attitude: Is your informal writing oriented towards the set of norms belonging to the online world or the offline one?”
Gretchen McCulloch, Because Internet: Understanding the New Rules of Language

Germany Kent
“I'm still not sure why they call it social media. It robs us of genuine social interaction because we're forced to communicate through a device.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“Use social media for your increase, not your decrease. Be mindful of what you post, use socials for good, and be proud of what you share.”
Germany Kent

Ineke Botter
“Impact of the mobile phone
While 2G and 3G basic and feature phones were tremendously important for people to open their worlds, be able to communicate whenever and wherever they wanted and made life so much easier, 4G enabled the smartphone to revolutionize our lives in ways that go well beyond how we communicate. Besides calling and texting, almost 4 billion people around the world are connected to the mobile internet and use their devices to send money, navigate, book cab rides, follow the news, learn a new language, watch movies, listen to music, play video games, memorialize vacations, and, not least of all, participate in social media.”
Ineke Botter, Your phone, my life: Or, how did that phone land in your hand?

“In the age of the internet,
Love is a whole new game to play.
Swipe left, swipe right,
Who knows what might you find today”

Cliff Jones Jr.
“They never delete a thing. It just keeps growing and growing, consuming our lives and turning them into more of itself, an endless stream of inane updates, political rants, selfies, memes . . . And all that dreck’s just gonna stick around, what . . . forever?”
Cliff Jones Jr., Dreck

“The maintenance of my life, my relationship with my mum, my brother, all my close relationships, are mediated by how much Wi-Fi I have. If you got rid of everybody’s phones, everybody’s relationships would deteriorate. There’s this idea that we look down on any kind of discourse that we have online, that it’s this inauthentic version of communication, when actually it’s the primary driver of our relationships.”
Matty Healy

- Jag vägrar bestämma. Ta över kontrollen av situationen, låt inte killen bestämma. Krossa patriarkatet!

- Du inser att genom att tvinga mig bestämma förstärker du patriarkatet som du så gärna vill att jag ska krossa?”
Callum Bloodworth, Berätta tre saker

Lana M. Rochel
“He claimed to have attended “Harvard in New York”! Why not in Cambridge? Allston? Boston?”
Lana M. Rochel, Looking For Your Tribe: Intellectual Poems

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