
Internet Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "internet-quotes" Showing 1-29 of 29
Amit Kalantri
“On the first day of a college you will worry about how will you do inside the college? and at the last day of a college you will wonder what will you do outside the college?”
Amit Kalantri

James Hauenstein
“The first thing people hear or see on the internet is the first thing they believe. No matter what the truth is.”
James Hauenstein

Stewart Stafford
“The internet is the most important tool for disseminating information we've had since the invention of the printing press. Unfortunately, it's also one of the best ways of stealing or suppressing information and for putting out misinformation.”
Stewart Stafford

Pooja Agnihotri
“The internet has helped a lot in bridging the gap between businesses and their customers.”
Pooja Agnihotri

“Internet is a demon which eventually kills all the emotions inside human heart. Not to mention everything is already virtual.”
Gurusharan Singh

Germany Kent
“Two goals you must have for social media dominance are to be relatable and credible.”
Germany Kent

“We face the most compelling era of mankind: exponential growth of new technologies, cheaper electronic devices and the globalization of knowledge, commerce, and ideas along with the rapid growth of emerging markets of colossal sizes will generate the best opportunities, connections, higher risks and challenges for everyone.”
Franz Christian Israel Digital Entrepreneurs.

Germany Kent
“Social media optimization matters. Without a strong SEO, it will be difficult to engage an audience and bring attention to your brand.”
Germany Kent

“The problem on social media is when someone comes up with a solution. They don’t check if what the person is saying right or wrong, but they check their profile pic and how many followers they have. They do investigation to see if the person never made any mistakes or wrongs in the past, so they can discredit what the person is saying. Most people are not there in seeking solutions, but they are there to glorify their problems, suffering and the problems of others. They are there to seek attention and to seek joy from the pain and misery of others. That is why they condemn, mock and ridicule those who try to come up with a solution.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Germany Kent
“Too often too much social media and the latest internet trends drain us and erode us of creativity, drive, peace of mind and sense of purpose. ”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“Online dating is a lot like picking out a vacuum cleaner: There is a great selection. They all look like they would be a good fit, they may not be exactly what the manufacturer promises, some may have already been used and returned, there are strings attached, and some come at a high cost. ”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“Every digital citizen should have a plan and a vision. Before you begin on social media design a blueprint of how you want your overall digital footprint to look to a global audience.”
Germany Kent

Torron-Lee Dewar
“The internet is used as not just a tool anymore but as part of our daily makeup. Almost like oxygen. Discipline goes a long way in protecting our sanity.”
Torron-Lee Dewar, Creativity is Everything

Alex M. Vikoulov
“In my life as a human, I see clues that evolution on Earth and elsewhere in the cosmos at large is not being pushed from behind in entropic randomness but being pulled forward by complexification, natural selection and other evolutionary forces orchestrated by a strange unseen teleological attractor, in McKenna’s words the 'Transcendental Object' at the end of time. The Noosphere is the collective consciousness of humanity, the networks of thought and emotion in which we all are immersed, it’s a cognitive layer of the planet, which has found a physical expression in the form of today’s Internet. As the Noosphere gains more coherence, typical of a biological brain, this process of “planet cognification” accelerates.”
Alex M. Vikoulov, The Origins of Us: Evolutionary Emergence and the Omega Point Cosmology

Alex M. Vikoulov
“In my life as a human, I see clues that evolution on Earth and elsewhere in the cosmos at large is not being pushed from behind in entropic randomness but being pulled forward by complexification, natural selection and other evolutionary forces orchestrated by a strange unseen teleological attractor, in McKenna’s words the 'Transcendental Object' at the end of time. The Noosphere is the collective consciousness of humanity, the networks of thought and emotion in which we all are immersed, it’s a cognitive layer of the planet, which has found a physical expression in the form of today’s Internet. As the Noosphere gains more coherence, typical of a biological brain, this process of 'planet cognification' accelerates.”
Alex M. Vikoulov, The Origins of Us: Evolutionary Emergence and the Omega Point Cosmology

“If internet and social media can be down for five days and during those five days , you don’t have people to talk to . You need to assess and evaluate your life. No matter how addicted you are on social media, you need to bond with physical people around you. There is no connection that beats human contact. Don’t lose what differentiate us from robots. Allow yourself to feel. Never shutdown your emotions or feelings.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Germany Kent
“Being a good digital citizen means recognizing and understanding the impact that the world wide web has on the virtual population and a commitment to adding valuable content whenever and wherever possible.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“In today's digital age, you are responsible for the things you post online and those things can both directly and indirectly affect your brand.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“This day and age, your social media channels introduce you to the world by telling your story via images and video.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“True internet influencers have discovered a way to help people through finding purpose in their own lives that generated loyal followers.”
Germany Kent

“The only thing consistent in Social Media is that there is always someone new to hype. They will hype now and forget about you tomorrow. Don’t end up doing stupid and bad things trying to be hyped, because there will always be someone they hyped. Either you doing bad and stupid things or not. Do what you do best and do it with love. If time has come for them to hype you, they will. If they don’t. You would still be enjoying what you do.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“The problem about Social Media is most people lack creativity. If someone does something. It works for them and they become successful and get exposure. Everyone else, leave whatever they are doing, then try to recreate the same event and moment. Thinking they will also be successful. Ways of success are like a airplane ticket. Everyone has must have their own ticket. Once ticket is torn , you can give it to someone if you want, but it will be useless. That is what happens when people trying to copy someone success. They are using a used ticket hoping they will fly.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Of all the arts, for us the Internet is the most important.”
Tamerlan Kuzgov

“Today, our brain has turned into the Internet.”
Tamerlan Kuzgov

Devin Schumacher
“Take this link upon the page!
And, in clicking from site to site,
Thus much let me say —
You are not wrong, who think
That my domains have been a link;

Yet if traffic has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a search result, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?

All that we see or seem
Is but a domain within a domain.
I stand amid the noise
Of a crowded internet, oh joys!
And I hold within my hand

A subdomain, oh so grand —
How few! Yet how they hide
In the shadows, far and wide,
While I sigh — while I sigh!

Oh SEO! Can I not rank
Higher with a smarter plan?
Oh SEO! can I not save
One from the pitiless game?
Is all that we see or seem
But a domain within a domain?”
Devin Schumacher