
Healing Journey Quotes

Quotes tagged as "healing-journey" Showing 1-30 of 200
J.R. Ward
“Then again, he supposed the healing process, in contrast to trauma, was gentle and slow... The soft closing of a door, rather than a slam.- John”
J.R. Ward, Lover Reborn

Jeanne McElvaney
“There is a moment in our healing journey when our denial crumbles; we realize our experience and it's continued effects on us won't "just go away". That's our breakthrough moment. It's the sun coming out to warm the seeds of hope so they can grow our personal garden of empowerment.”
Jeanne McElvaney, Healing Insights: Effects of Abuse for Adults Abused as Children

Alexandra Katehakis
“Intensity-seeking is an enslavement of our own perpetuation. When we step out of the delirium of always seeking someone new, and meet the same old sad and lonely child within, our healing journey begins. Exhausting ourselves with novelty is a defense against our deepest pain, one that we cannot outrun. But once we stop and feel our losses, we can begin our healing journey and be the authentic, joyous person we were born to be.”
Alexandra Katehakis, Mirror of Intimacy: Daily Reflections on Emotional and Erotic Intelligence

“The damage and invisible scars of emotional abuse are very difficult to heal, because memories are imprinted on our minds and hearts and it takes time to be restored. Imprints of past traumas do not mean a person cannot change their future beliefs and behaviors. as people, we do not easily forget. However, as we heal, grieve, and let go, we become clear-minded and focused to live restore and emotionally healthy.”
Dee Brown, Breaking Passive-Aggressive Cycles

Dana Arcuri
“Healing trauma involves tears. The tears release our pain. The tears are part of our recovery. My friend, please let your tears flow.”
Dana Arcuri, Soul Cry: Releasing & Healing the Wounds of Trauma

Dana Arcuri
“Healing is like an onion. As you process through one layer of trauma to release the pain and heal, a new layer will surface. One layer after another layer will bring up new issues to focus on. Pace yourself. Only focus on one layer at a time.”
Dana Arcuri, Soul Cry: Releasing & Healing the Wounds of Trauma

Laurie E.    Smith
“Before we take leaps, we may need to let go, heal the past, or lovingly rearrange our emotional lives to create space for what is in our highest good now.”
Laurie E. Smith, Leap With Me: A Creative Path to Finding and Following Your True Voice

Laurie E.    Smith
“To fully integrate new ideas into our lives, we need to experiment with them, and through trial and error, explore how they might work for our unique circumstances.”
Laurie E. Smith, Leap With Me: A Creative Path to Finding and Following Your True Voice

Laurie E.    Smith
“We each need the dignity and freedom to be able to test new ideas and finetune them to see how they might best work for us.”
Laurie E. Smith, Leap With Me: A Creative Path to Finding and Following Your True Voice

Laurie E.    Smith
“Stories remind us how similar we all are, which can help us relax, open, and feel more connected.”
Laurie E. Smith, Leap With Me: A Creative Path to Finding and Following Your True Voice

Laurie E.    Smith
“The state of openness we often get into when we hear or tell stories is magical.”
Laurie E. Smith, Leap With Me: A Creative Path to Finding and Following Your True Voice

Laurie E.    Smith
“When we are in a state of feeling open and connected, we start integrating new ideas and our own wisdom in a way that can transform and change the direction of our lives.”
Laurie E. Smith, Leap With Me: A Creative Path to Finding and Following Your True Voice

Laurie E.    Smith
“When feel open and connected, we start integrating new ideas and our own wisdom in a way that can transform our lives.”
Laurie E. Smith, Leap With Me: A Creative Path to Finding and Following Your True Voice

Laurie E.    Smith
“When we feel open and connected, we integrate new ideas with our own wisdom in a way that can change the direction of our lives.”
Laurie E. Smith, Leap With Me: A Creative Path to Finding and Following Your True Voice

Laurie E.    Smith
“As we receive, we give; as we give, we receive. This fluidity triggers flow, a state in which new ideas and insights come, and our creativity, intuition, and compassion grow.”
Laurie E. Smith, Leap With Me: A Creative Path to Finding and Following Your True Voice

Laurie E.    Smith
“We can be supported and uplifted by people whom we’ve never met in person.”
Laurie E. Smith, Leap With Me: A Creative Path to Finding and Following Your True Voice

Laurie E.    Smith
“Joy can be a powerful touchstone, leading us to a sense of peace, purpose, strength, and comfort.”
Laurie E. Smith, Leap With Me: A Creative Path to Finding and Following Your True Voice

Laurie E.    Smith
“It is in joyful moments that we most easily connect with our inner guidance about what is best for us and our lives.”
Laurie E. Smith, Leap With Me: A Creative Path to Finding and Following Your True Voice

“Amidst the Orange Dreamy hues of life, a mindful truth whispers: 'No one is too busy; silence echoes unspoken desires. The heart yearns in a silent war with the mind's certainty. In this dance, acknowledge the ache, for within, lies the key to healing.”
Huzefa Nalkheda wala

“Don't try to bottle up your emotions. Let yourself grieve the loss of the relationship. Cry, scream into a pillow, write in a journal - whatever helps you process your feelings in a healthy way.”
samya chauhan

Georgia Clare
“Sharing experiences with others facing similar challenges provided not only practical insights but also emotional support, reinforcing the idea that change could be a shared journey.”
Georgia Clare, Quote Therapy: Practical Wisdom for Healing and Joy

“We are not always responsible for what has happened to us, but it is always our responsibility to heal from it.”
Zara Hairston, It Came 2 Pass: Book 1, In the Beginning

Mitta Xinindlu
“Through love, we're going to heal one relationship at a time.”
Mitta Xinindlu

Brittany Burgunder
“You can’t change your past, but you can alter your future by steering a new course in the present.”
Brittany Burgunder

Mystqx Skye
“Having a positive relationship with yourself, taking steps to be mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically healthy — is the greatest gift you can give yourself.”
Mystqx Skye

Emilia Thornrose
“Talking with you
Is a time-traveling nightmare
Every time I do I am a child,
I am in a house,
I haven't set foot in
In years
But I can still feel
The cuts on my feet
From eggshells
That have not left me”
Emilia Thornrose, There's This Girl

Emilia Thornrose
“My body will never tell you what my favorite flower is
Or how I want them more than only once a year
It won't tell you that I love to knit
But have never finished a single project
It will never show you that I hate sunrises
Or that every night I tell the stars goodnight before bed
Or how much I love horror movies
even though I always get too scared to sleep alone afterward
My body will never let you know my worst memories
My body will never share my deepest secrets
Or ever utter my most hopeful of wishes
You never seemed to understand that.”
Emilia Thornrose, There's This Girl

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