Healing Journey Quotes

Quotes tagged as "healing-journey" Showing 121-150 of 200
Wendy E. Slater
“Together let us hold the intention that all aspects of this living planet come together in love, acceptance, and celebration of both our diversities and commonalities. Let us possess the common purpose that we heal from our hearts into compassion and forgiveness for ourselves. Together let us own the belief that we will no longer unite with blame and judgement, but come to accept that we all carry the same wounds. In acknowledging this, the hope is for the whole planet in its jubilant diversity to be healed from any and all woundings so that we come together on equal footing, living in peace and joy and setting the tone for a future of harmony within and on this planet.
Peace to all and healing to all.”
Wendy E. Slater, Of the Flame, Poems - Volume 15

Nadia Hashimi
“Grief is nothing but the far brink of love. Love is the sun; grief is the shadow it casts. Love is an opera; grief is its echo. You cannot have one without the other. But if you follow that grief, you will find your way back to love.”
Nadia Hashimi, Sparks Like Stars

Jacqueline Simon Gunn
“I had trusted him. I had even trusted him after he betrayed me. I was too open for my own good. I still gave that man my heart even after he destroyed it.”
Jacqueline Simon Gunn, Let Love Rule

Gill Mann
“I want the sky to dim and the birds to fall silent. I want leaves to wither and fall to the ground. I want the world to acknowledge that everything has changed. Forever.”
Gill Mann

Mitta Xinindlu
“I prayed to have my enemies removed from me. People started leaving me, even family members. What a blessing!”
Mitta Xinindlu

Michael Brant DeMaria
“It is precisely when our lives have become unmanageable and tragic that the ego can finally be knocked out of the controlling center of our psyche.”
Michael Brant DeMaria, Ever Flowing On - 2nd Printing

“Everything you need to heal you already have within you.”
Skylar Sustin

C. JoyBell C.
“Healing is like a twisty pretzel, it's never linear. The process of healing is not something we need to be seeing as a staircase (one step higher after the other); but we need to see it as a part of life, an element of life, which is exactly what it is. Today you'll be better, tomorrow you'll be out of control, the next day you might be worse than that, and after that you'll be on top all over again. Like a pretzel. And there's salt all over it, too! But that's just like all other processes we go through, because life is a dance all over the dance floor; it's not an elevator ride. It's not one floor after the other. I mean, if it were that way then it wouldn't be worth living, would it? So, the next time you feel like you're losing your battle, remember that it's all about the salty pretzel: and at the end of the day, the pretzel is gonna be good. And you're gonna have a coke to wash it down. And you're gonna be okay.”
C. JoyBell C.

Kemi Sogunle
“Pain and love cannot co-exist in the same space. You can never love anyone from a place of pain. You cannot truly love yourself when you are in pain. The more pain you carry in your heart, the harder it becomes to love anyone including yourself.”
Kemi Sogunle, Beyond The Pain: A Return to Love

Kemi Sogunle
“Love is a choice. You can choose to love or hurt but the consequences you suffer will always be based on the choice you make. No one can force you to choose between the two but the state of your heart, mind and soul will determine the one you lean toward. Always remember that with hurt you can destroy but with love you can CONQUER!”
Kemi Sogunle, On Becoming Restored

Felicia Miracle Hankins
“When we trust our own gut and intuition things work out in greater flow.”
Felicia Miracle Hankins

Felicia Miracle Hankins
“Sometimes it's isolation before elevation.”
Felicia Miracle Hankins

Mitta Xinindlu
“There is nothing as lonely as being in isolation, and problems still follow you.”
Mitta Xinindlu

Leslie Marmon Silko
“We all have been waiting for help a long time. But it never has been easy. The people must do it. You must do it.”
Leslie Marmon Silko, Ceremony

“Healing our mind is crucial, because otherwise our problems, which are beginningless, become endless. We may use medicine or some other external means to heal a particular disease, but the disease will return unless we heal our mind. If we do nothing to heal our mind, there is always the danger that we will again create the cause of the disease, that we will repeat the actions that caused us to become physically unhealthy. We will then experience the same illness in future lives, or even in this life.

Curing disease through external means is not the best solution because the cause of disease is not external. Bacteria, viruses, spirits, and so forth may act as external conditions for disease, but disease itself has no external cause. In the West, however, the external conditions for a particular disease are usually regarded as its cause. The cause of disease is not external; it is in the mind – or we could say, it is the mind. Disease is caused by our self-cherishing, ignorance, anger, attachment, and other delusions and by the negative actions motivated by these negative thoughts. Our negative thoughts and actions leave imprints on our mind, which then manifest as disease or other problems. The imprints also make it possible for disturbing thoughts and negative actions to arise again.

A physical sign necessarily has a physical cause, but the physical cause arises because of the inner cause, the imprints left on the mind by negative thoughts and actions. To fully understand disease, we have to understand the inner cause, which is the actual cause of disease and which also creates the physical conditions for disease. As long as we ignore its inner cause, we have no real cure for disease. We must study its development and recognize that its cause is in the mind. Once we recognize this, we will automatically understand that the healing of disease also has to come from the mind. (p. 4-5)”
Thubten Zopa, Ultimate Healing: The Power of Compassion

Rupi Kaur
“list of things to heal your mood:
1) cry it. walk it. write it. scream it. dance it
out of your body.
2) if after all that
you are still
spiraling out of control
ask yourself if sinking into the mud is worth it
3) the answer is no
4) the answer is breathe
5) sip tea and feel your nervous system settle
6) you are the hero of your life
7) this feeling doesn’t have power over you
8) the universe has prepared you to handle this
9) no matter how dark it gets
the light is always on its way
10) you are the light
11) walk yourself back to where the love lives”
Rupi Kaur, Home Body

Victoria Cline
“God has always been with me through all the good, bad and ugly chapters of my life. Why would He leave me now?”
Victoria Cline, Green Skies and Holy Whispers

Darci J. Steiner
“How can we know what forgiveness is until we have been utterly broken by our sin?”
Darci J. Steiner, Study Guide for Beauty Beyond the Thorns: Discovering Gifts in Suffering

Felicia Miracle Hankins
“You end up hurting yourself every time you use your energy to prove a point”
Felicia Miracle Hankins

Felicia Miracle Hankins
“Use your energy to improve the point at the mirror.”
Felicia Miracle Hankins

Felicia Miracle Hankins
“A dishonest tongue stores truth in the heart. It's the reason why true colors are shown in moments of anger.”
Felicia Miracle Hankins

Felicia Miracle Hankins
“You never have to look for your people, they just show up.”
Felicia Miracle Hankins

Felicia Miracle Hankins
“When you can control your emotional thermostat, you give gratitude a place to stay.”
Felicia Miracle Hankins

Felicia Miracle Hankins
“Settle the issue in your heart.”
Felicia Miracle Hankins