Grateful Quotes

Quotes tagged as "grateful" Showing 121-150 of 551
“When nothing is expected, and everything is appreciated, all becomes magical.”
Broms The Poet, Feast

Richelle E. Goodrich
“Let gratitude saturate your heart for every good thing, both great and small, and then endure—oh, steadfastly endure—all else that remains.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Being Bold: Quotes, Poetry, & Motivations for Every Day of the Year

Charlotte Eriksson
“i don’t love things enough. i love very little.
it’s just one of many things i’m gonna change one day when things are different.”
Charlotte Eriksson, He loved me some days. I'm sure he did: 99 essays on growth through loss

“You are not blessed until you recognize that you are blessed.”
Toyin Omofoye

A.A. Milne
“When you love what you have, you have everything you need.”
A.A. Milne

“Happiness not belong to the great in everything, happiness just belong to someone who find a simple things in his life and still remain grateful.”
Akbar de Wighar

Colin Wilson
“During the course of an ordinary day, we are constrained by a kind of natural caution, an anticipation of possible difficulties and problems, which tint our consciousness a shade of grey. Talking and thinking about peak experiences makes us realize how lucky we are, and that we can dispense with the caution and constraint. It is like realizing that you have more money in the bank than you thought.”
Colin Wilson, Dreaming to Some Purpose: The Autobiography of Colin Wilson

Simona Ondrejkova
“Every time you feel gratitude, you’re reminding your brain to look for more ways to be grateful. As you bask in noticing life’s abundance, your body rewards you with serotonin, oxytocin and dopamine - boosting your immunity and energy.”
Simona Ondrejkova

Louisa May Alcott
“Then I don't feel as if I'd wasted my life. I'm not so good as you make me, but I have tried to do right. And now, when it's too late to begin even to do better, it's such a comfort to know that someone loves me so much, and feels as if I'd helped them.”
Louisa May Alcott, Little Women

Aiyaz Uddin
“For Yesterday I was not the one I was,
For Today I am what you made me who I am and
For Tomorrow I leave it up to you oh God!”
Aiyaz Uddin, The Inward Journey

“Gratitude is a choice, and it needs to cultivated like a muscle that grows and develops. It’s a healthy habit that when practiced, helps us cultivate resilience.”
Patrick Regan, Bouncing Forwards: Notes on Resilience, Courage and Change

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Wealth without thankfulness is nothing more than well-heeled squalor.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

“After you achieve a goal or complete a project, the first thing to do is celebrate. Take time to congratulate yourself on your accomplishment, thank and be grateful for the people who helped you reach it, and indulge in areas of pleasure you might have had to set aside while focusing on your just-completed goal. Spend time on other important areas of your life, like self-care, family, and friends, that you may have neglected during your goal-striving efforts.”
Noel Brick, Strong Minds: How to Unlock the Power of Elite Sports Psychology to Accomplish Anything

Olawale Daniel
“You argue that your 2020 wasn't the best year for you, yet you are still alive and kicking. Covid-19 came and you are still intact, are you smelling that high level of ungratefulness?”
Olawale Daniel

Mizi Wahid
“It sounds weird to be grateful for things that don't turn out the way you want them to. But I realised that there were many blessings that I'm grateful for today which I wouldn't have had if I did not have to make a few u-turns and detours along the way.”
Mizi Wahid, The Art of Letting God

Mango Wodzak
“Those who thinks of thanks, receives bliss in blessings.”
Mango Wodzak, Topsy-Turvy World - Vegan Anarchy

Marty McConnell
“Praise the miracle body The odd and undeniable mechanics of hand
Hundred boned foot, perfect stretch of tendon
Praise the veins that river these wrists
Praise the prolapsed valve in a heart
Praise the scars marking a gallbladder absent
Praise the rasp and rattle of functioning lungs
Praise the pre-arthritic ache of elbows and ankles
Praise the lifeline sectioning a palm
Praise the photographic pads of fingertips
Praise the vulnerable dip at the base of a throat
Praise the muscles surfacing on an abdomen
Praise these arms that carry babies, and anthologies
Praise the leg hairs that sprout and are shaved
Praise the ass that refuses to shrink or be hidden
Praise the cunt that bleeds and accepts, bleeds and accepts
Praise the prominent ridge of nose
Praise the strange convexity of rib cage
Praise the single hair that insists on growing from a right areola
Praise the dent where the mole was clipped from the back of a neck
Praise these inner thighs brushing
Praise these eyelashes that sometimes turn inward
Praise these hips preparing to spread into a grandmother’s skirt
Praise the beauty of the freckle on the first knuckle of a left little finger
We’re gone in a blizzard of seconds
Love the body human while we’re here
A gift of minutes on an evolving planet
A country in flux, give thanks
For bone, and dirt, and the million things that will kill us someday
Motion and the pursuit of happiness, no garauntees, give thanks
For chaos theory, ecology, common sense that says we are web
A planet in balance or out
That butterfly in Tokyo setting off thunder storms in Iowa
Tell me you don’t matter to a universe that conspired to give you such a tongue
Such rhythm or rhythmless hips
Such opposable thumbs
Give thanks, or go home a waste of spark
Speak, or let the maker take back your throat
March, or let the creator rescind your feet
Dream, or let your god destroy your good and fertile mind
This is your warning
This your birthright
Do not let this universe regret you”
Marty McConnell

Isaac Nash
“We learned when we were younger that if someone does something good for you, you say "thank you". By nature, if someone has a stable life, won the lottery, won an Oscar, won a championship, won an individual medal, got a specific job promotion, got pregnant, was cured of any illness, his/her children graduated from college, maintain a healthy body and/or mind, got on a flight on time, etc; then he or she is thankful. On the other hand, we were not told to be thankful if none of these great things existed or even the opposite of them.”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Jonas Caino
“Ask yourself everyday: What do I need to be grateful for today?”
Jonas Caino, Make Rain: 180 Powerful Insights into How Rainmakers Sell Their Way to Financial Success

Suraj Sani
“There’s not much to be ungrateful for, and not much to be grateful for either.”
Suraj Sani, Thorns in the desert

Lidia Longorio
“Thank you for everything. Thank you for your support. Thank you for giving my books a chance. Thank you for letting me grow. Letting me learn and being on this journey with me.”
Lidia Longorio

“Everyday is a blessing. Be kind. Spread love.”
Independent Zen

“Life is a feast, but it’s only the food you ingest that may nourish you.”
Dr Toyin Omofoye

Laura Chouette
“To have everything
one wishes for never satisfies oneself
- it is the thought of having just enough
of everything
that leads to happiness
without having anything.”
Laura Chouette, Profound Reverie

“When you commit and act despite feeling a bit scared, when you side-step or clamber (however clumsily) over obstacles and setbacks, when you seek out adversity to learn from suffering, not despite it, and when you scour your world for tiny reminders of things to be grateful for in life, you are on your way.”
Simon Marshall, The Brave Athlete: Calm the F*ck Down and Rise to the Occasion

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“The more thankful that I become the more I realize how pathetically impoverished I was before I became thankful. And I often wonder how impoverished I still am.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“There is no correlation between how many people or things, how much money, or how many problems you have … and how grateful, happy, or peaceful you can be.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Steve Maraboli
“May each new day find us learning from the past, working towards the future, facing the sun, and grateful to God.”
Steve Maraboli

Ronda Rousey
“I thanked my coaches, my teammates, and my family. I was sincerely grateful for everything they had done to get me to this moment.”
Ronda Rousey, My Fight / Your Fight