
Fathers Day Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "fathers-day-quotes" Showing 1-23 of 23
Amit Ray
“There is no teacher equal to mother and there's nothing more contagious than the dignity of a father.”
Amit Ray, World Peace: The Voice of a Mountain Bird

“Every child grows up thinking their father is a hero or villain until they are old enough to realize that he is just a man”
Mark Maish

Mouloud Benzadi
“A father's feelings are sometimes unspoken, his fears and tears can be hidden, but his love is deeper than the ocean.”
Mouloud Benzadi

“He never had time to look at the stars and fulfill his dreams, as he was too busy in fulfilling mine my hero my father”
Sonal Bharija Singh, Iridescent Life

Mohith Agadi
“Father is Everyone's First Preceptor.
Happy Father's Day!”
Mohith Agadi

Neena H. Brar
If I have to write a poem about my father
it has to be about integrity
and kindness —
the selfless kind of kindness
that is so very rare
I am sure there will be many people
living somewhere who must be as kind as him
but what I mean to say is
I have not met one yet

and when it comes to helping others
he always helps too much
and as the saying goes —
help someone, you earn a friend.
help someone too much,
you make an enemy. —
so you know the gist of what
I’m trying to say here

anyways I was talking about the
poem about my father
it has to be about
and hard work
because you see
you cannot separate these
things from him
they are part of him as his two eyes and
two hands and his heart and his soul
and his whole being
and you cannot separate
wind and waves
or living and the universe
or earth and heavens
and although he never got any
award from bureaucracy
the students he taught ages ago
still touch his feet and some
of them are the people
you have to make
an appointment to meet even if
it is for two minutes of their time
and that’s a reward for him
bigger than any other that
some of his colleagues got
for their flattery

and also I have to write about
reliability as well
because you see
as the sun always rises
and the snowflakes are always six-folds
and the spring always comes
and the petals of a sunflower and every flower
follows the golden ratio of symmetry
my father never fails to
keep his promise

I have to mention the rage as well
that he always carries inside him
like a burning fire
for wrongdoings
for injustice

and now
he carries a bitterness too
for people
who used him good
and discarded
as it always happens with every good man
in our world of humans

and you must be thinking he has
learned his lessons well
you go to him —
it does not matter who you are
if he knows you
or you are a stranger from
other side of the world —
and ask for his help
he will be happy to do so

as you must know
never change
not their soul in any case.”
Neena H. Brar

“The importance of fatherhood is indisputable. And children always reach for their fathers.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr, CEO of Mayflower-Plymouth

Olaotan Fawehinmi
“And yes, many of us became fathers to fully understand what it means to be a father.

Albert Einstein once said: "Every man is a genius but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb trees, it will spend the rest of its life believing that its stupid."

To the men who never let other people’s metrics of success become the yardstick with which they measure theirs. It is no coincidence that we are diagrammatically represented by a circle with an arrow on the edge that points out.

To all of us who may not always be "there" so that we can always "be there",

To every hunter, every fighter, every missionary,
To every planter and tiller of a garden of eden,
To every warrior, conqueror of territories, every man always going out so he can bring something home.

To every provider and protector of his family.
Every defender of his domain and representative of God in the lives of his dependants.

To every man that choose character over caliber,
Every Major General, Lord of the Rings,
Lion of the Tribe of his house.

To every correcter with a shout,
Every tough and tender 9-ribbed carrier of his cross.

For every skill, strength, qualification and effort that we put into building meaningful relationships with our women, bonds with our children, and shield through tough times.

For every ‘crave’ for success without substituting values.

For the unconditional love, unflinching sacrifice, and diehard determination to go places our parents never imagined for themselves.

To those who happily lead, as though money, fame and power didn’t exist.

To those who stand tall and sit straight,
Who understand that it doesn't take a 6-figure to be a Father figure.

Happy Father's Day to every man who understands the responsibility and deserves the title.

*Happy Father's Day to You and Me.*”
Olaotan Fawehinmi, The Soldier Within

Connie Kerbs
“Mothers and fathers must be gentle at least some of the time. Mothers and fathers must also be strict at least some of the time. Most of the time, though, most mothers and fathers must be mostly strict and gentle together.”
Connie Kerbs, Paths of Fear: An Anthology of Overcoming Through Courage, Inspiration, and the Miracle of Love

Mitta Xinindlu
“A dedication to my child. Thank you for inspiring me to reach the depths and the highs of life. I love you forever.”
Mitta Xinindlu

“Fatherhood is the silent language of love, spoken through actions louder than words —the unspoken gestures and care, the tireless efforts and sacrifices, and the unwavering support and guidance.”
Aloo Denish Obiero

“But the world hinges on this man of fortitude with affirmative tenacity whose strength and heroism are defined in the care they show, ever so reliant.”
Sravani Saha Nakhro

“I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father’s protection.”

Sigmund Freud

vinay chouhan

“An honourable father is the beacon and strength to his family.”
Wayne Chirisa

Mitta Xinindlu

Fathers who protect their children deserve appreciation.
These are gatherers of food who fend off starvation.
Fees are paid in full; there's never depreciation.
Daughters and toddlers are safe under their nation.

They prove that their children come first.
Payroll to payload, they're there to play their verse.
Main role, second role, they're there to nurse.
Male role, great role, they stop the abandonment curse.

Their kids' needs are satisfied, they're never hollow.
Their kids feel prioritised, the rest follow.  ”
Mitta Xinindlu

Aiyaz Uddin
“You will be in my prayers forever oh my dearly father,
Even if I search everywhere I will not find like you another,
You facilitated everything in our lives without making us bother,
We cannot repay the love you gave us even if we try to gather,
You will be missed in every part of our life until we reunite in heaven together.”
Aiyaz Uddin

“Dads, let your faith be a flame that ignites a fire of righteousness in the hearts of your sons. Be a shining example of God's love and strength, that they may grow into mighty men of God, unwavering in their faith and unshakeable in their character. Let your legacy be one of victorious faith, not defeated complacency, that your sons may rise up and change the world for Christ.”
Shaila Touchton

Mystqx Skye
“Men and how they taught me. I didn’t grow up with men acting as a good role model. But I grew up surrounded with men who exemplifies all the bad things that I don’t want to have or experience in a relationship. Seeing the worst scenario before it happens to you is like being given a gift of “preview” to your horrific future and that is definitely one of the best teacher in life. And after reaching a certain level of maturity, I am actually thankful cause that made me raise the bar - EYO! (Educate Your Opinion)”
Mystqx Skye, EYO! Educate Your Opinion

“To the dads who think they’re the funniest person in the room—and sometimes, they actually are! Whether you're telling those classic dad jokes, giving life advice that sounds suspiciously like a punchline, or fixing things in ways only you understand, you bring humor to every situation. Today’s your day to kick back, relax, and maybe even laugh at your own jokes. You’re the kings of comedy in our hearts. Enjoy your day, you hilarious legends!”
Life is Positive

“Happy Father’s Day to the coolest dads out there! You guys rock the dad game like pros. Whether you're fixing stuff with duct tape, grilling up a storm, or dropping those classic dad jokes, you make being a dad look effortlessly cool. Today’s your day to kick back, relax, and enjoy some well-deserved appreciation. So here’s to the dads who keep it cool, keep it fun, and keep us laughing. You’re the best, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Enjoy your day, you legends!”
Life is Positive