
Fair Wage Quotes

Quotes tagged as "fair-wage" Showing 1-3 of 3
Abhijit Naskar
“Disparity, Education and Economy

Every dollar spent on luxury is a dollar of disparity. Citizens of earth could force big tech to pay their employees fair wages tomorrow, if they just stop buying their fancy, overpriced products and go for humbler alternatives unless the companies bring down their disparities in salary.

The CEO may enjoy certain benefits of their position, but not until those working at the bottom can afford the fundamentals of life for their family. I'll say it to you plainly. An employee wronged is a company wronged.

You see, trying to build a disparity-free economy pursuing revenue is like trying to achieve pregnancy through vasectomy. So long as greed drives the economy, it's not economy, but catastrophe. So long as greed drives the industries, it's not industrialization, it is vandalization.

Ambition to climb the ladder of status so that you could be on the affluent side of disparity, is no ambition of a civilized human, it's the ambition of a caveman. So, before you pursue an ambition in life, educate yourself on a civilized definition of ambition.

Yet the situation in our world is so pathetic that that's exactly the kind of ambition educational institutes sell. Schools and universities don't teach you to build a civilized society free from disparity, they teach you clever tactics to be on the affluent side of disparity. This is not education, this is castration.

Concern for the society should be the bedrock of education - collective welfare should be the bedrock of economy - if not, we might as well start living as hobos on the streets, because with greed as the driving principle of education and economy, sooner or later all of us will end up on the streets.”
Abhijit Naskar, Ingan Impossible: Handbook of Hatebusting

Gyan Nagpal
“acknowledging the relative and emotive nature of ‘worth’, a fair wage is nothing but an economic and emotional threshold at which an individual no longer worries about immediate financial security. It is the point at which the focus shifts from the pay, to the work itself”
Gyan Nagpal, The Future Ready Organization: How Dynamic Capability Management Is Reshaping the Modern Workplace

Dmitry Dyatlov
“I guess I studied a little bit of economics back in my day. Then I read somewhere that economics is a form of brain damage. the more I thought about it the more, it made sense. Any theory of economics that does not include things such as Value, and Effort and the Phenomenon of Unequal distribution of pussy is bullshit. For instance, if you're gonna offer me a job, and I cannot afford to spend some time with a decent looking girl in Vegas once a month, for instance, I think you're not paying me enough.”
Dmitry Dyatlov