
Curiosity Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "curiosity-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 65
Hank Green
“I follow and cultivate my own curiosity. I think curiosity is one of the top two or three human characteristics. It's something that I really like about myself. [...] I want to understand stuff! I want to understand people! Following my curiosity so frequently leads me to better life decisions and better business decisions but also - just feeling better! You're never going to feel bad about your whole life if you loved people and you were curious. I mean, that's kind of all I want!”
Hank Green

“You know, people start things for different reasons. But ultimately it turns into pure passion and one becomes insatiate. There is no end once you start drinking sea water. Curiosity is an addiction for which there is no cure.”
Abhaidev, The World's Most Frustrated Man

“Curiosity is the flame that kindles the fire of knowing, and together, they illuminate the path to understanding.”
Norbertus Krisnu P

Stephanie Meriaux
“Choosing compassion will foster open-heartedness for your soul, whereas judgment will foster close-heartedness.”
Stephanie Meriaux, Navigating Divorce with a Peaceful Heart: A Practical Guide to Cultivating Inner Peace in the Midst of Chaos

Mehmet Murat ildan
“If you want to live in a place where no one can reach, you should know that people will be much more willing to get there because you have stimulated their curiosity tremendously!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Tania Israel
“Ask questions from a place of curiosity rather than judgment. Don’t try to lure someone into saying something inconsistent or incorrect and then leaping on them with a ‘gotcha’ – it won’t help anything, and it’s disrespectful.”
Tania Israel, Beyond Your Bubble: How to Connect Across the Political Divide, Skills and Strategies for Conversations That Work

“Curiosity can make one act on impulse, and the desire gets so intense that it becomes a matter of urgency.”

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“People will always believe in something, without proof, just to feed their curiosity.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Sometimes you see a strange man standing in a strange place waiting and then you start waiting to find out what the man is waiting for! Maybe someone else will start waiting too to see why you're waiting! Curiosity creates strange chains!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Luigina Sgarro
“Curiosity killed some cats, but only after giving them a wonderful life.”
Luigina Sgarro

“The incurious eye misses the obvious, the subtle, the subtext. The incurious eye is glazed in a cataract of ignorance and indifference. The incurious eye is neither blind nor myopic. It is empty.”
Clifford Thurlow

“There is nothing more terrifying than those who are certain that what they believe is undeniably true.”
Clifford Thurlow

“Curiosity is the light in the darkness.”
Clifford Thurlow

Gavin Nascimento
“School teaches us to conform, but the imagination teaches us to create.

Authority teaches us to obey, but curiosity teaches us to question.

Society teaches us to follow, but the heart teaches us to lead.

The path we seek is within, do not be misled from without.”
Gavin Nascimento

Jen Malone
“And if you have curiousity, you have everything: 1. It's nearly impossible for you to be bored. 2. You'll be a lifelong learner. 3. You'll probably be a traveler. 4. You'll definitely be an empathetic person, because you'll want to learn people's stories and what makes them tick.”
Jen Malone, The Arrival of Someday

“Curiosity is an engine of life that adds light and warmth to the everyday hustle, and questions are a spark needed to start it.”
Elena Sullivan

“It is said of curiosity that nothing has driven mankind closer to both the cutting edge of innovation and the brink of utter destruction.”
Nyk Zukowski

cracks open the doors
to a world of
Monika Ajay Kaul

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