
Captivated Quotes

Quotes tagged as "captivated" Showing 1-16 of 16
Crystal Woods
“Every word you’ve ever said, is written somewhere in my mind.”
Crystal Woods, Write like no one is reading 2

Kailin Gow
“since no words would come to mind, I just drank him in for a minute. - Taylor First, The Tutor by Kailin Gow”
Kailin Gow, The Tutor

Henry James
“She couldn't have told you whether it was because she was afraid, or because such a voice in the darkness seemed of necessity a boon; but she listened to him as she had never listened before; his words dropped deep into her soul.”
Henry James, The Portrait of a Lady

E.M. Jade
“Gawk? What is gawk?" he asked.
"You tell me. You're the one that does it." I said...
"My definition of gawking would be..." He paused as if to hold back what he was going to say. But he couldn't any longer. "...when you look at her, your heart starts slamming uncontrollably in your chest. So much that it scares you. And every other noise that surrounds you slowly fades away into absolute silence. You only hear the sounds she makes. And when she looks back at you, when her eyes meet yours, it's as if she is looking deep inside your soul. And she can see all of the hatred you're consumed in. Her eyes quench the thirst of your soul, gently soothing your damaged heart in the most alluring way... a way you could only dream of.”
Deb Apodaca, Captivated

“A profound impression was created by the discourses of Professor GN Chakravarti and Mrs Besant, who is said to have risen to unusual heights of eloquence, so exhilarating were the influences of the gathering. Besides those who represented our society and religions, especially Vivekananda, VR Gandhi, Dharmapala, captivated the public, who had only heard of Indian people through the malicious reports of interested missionaries, and were now astounded to see before them and hear men who represented the ideal of spirituality and human perfectibility as taught in their respective sacred writings.”
Henry Olcott, The Life of Buddha and Its Lessons

Ahmed Mostafa
“I looked into your eyes and was captivated by the chaos that ran through you. I wish you hadn't said all the things I wanted to hear!”
Ahmed Mostafa

Israelmore Ayivor
“Plantations of good morals are easily captivated, colonized and corrupted by the pests of a bad company. Spray away bad companies and you will experience a bumper harvest of your dream fruits!”
israelmore ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes

Michael Ben Zehabe
“Zoe returned by rail to Claremont Village. After the train pulled away, she stood alone, beneath a security camera affixed to a lamppost. She looked up, and its lifeless eye looked straight back. In some uncontrollable fancy she turned and curtseyed, imagining someone wonderful on the other side of the lens would be captivated by her new American dress.”
Michael Benzehabe

Ryan Lilly
“Capitalize on charm by continually captivating your customer.”
Ryan Lilly

“I am captivated by the beautiful colors of Fall,
Show me,show me,
Show me All!
Orange, yellow, purple, reddish-brown,
And the rustling of the leaves as they fall to the ground.”
Charmaine J. Forde

Valentine Glass
“It would be an understatement to suggest I disliked him at once. To claim I was nevertheless captivated against my will would also be minimizing. Here was a man who had my attention in under a minute and whom I wanted to tear to shreds.”
Valentine Glass, The Temptation of Eden

“I am captivated by Jesus Christ.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“Captivated by the Truth of God, the witness must only declare the wonderful works of the Holy One.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“When God’s love finally broke through the stone-cold calloused shell that barricaded my heart from His, I couldn’t keep walking or living the way I had been. My life was no longer my own. It belonged to Him. When your heart is captivated by love, you cannot keep selling yourself to a prostitute. When your heart is captivated by God you cannot keep selling your soul to worthless idols.”
Michael J Heil, Pursued: God’s relentless pursuit and a drug addict’s journey to finding purpose

Grace Hitchcock
“I must confess that you captured my heart the moment I first beheld you, and every moment I’ve spent with you afterward has only confirmed your kind, unselfish nature.”
Grace Hitchcock, Hearts of Gold Collection

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“Would you rather I was poetic about how I'm charmed by your beauty, even though I can only see half your face? Which, by the way, from what I can see is pleasing. Would you rather I tell you I'm captivated by your eyes? They are a pretty shade of green from what I can tell.'

I started to frown. 'Well, no. I don't want you to lie.'

'None of those things were a lie.' He tugged on the bow as he dipped his head, brushing his lips over mine. The soft contact sent a wave of awareness through me. 'I told you the truth, Princess. I'm intrigued by you, and it's fairly rare anyone intrigues me.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, From Blood and Ash