
Bad Company Quotes

Quotes tagged as "bad-company" Showing 1-27 of 27
Michael Bassey Johnson
“To be of good quality, you have to excuse yourself from the presence of shallow and callow minded individuals.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Always remember that you were once alone, and the crowd you see in your life today are just as unecessary as when you were alone.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

E.A. Bucchianeri
“Evil influence is like a nicotine patch, you cannot help but absorb what sticks to you.”
E.A. Bucchianeri, Brushstrokes of a Gadfly

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Always be careful of where you run to. When the going gets tough, take it easy and slow down, else you venture into the den of lions.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

Frank  Sonnenberg
“Keeping bad company is like being in a germ-infested area. You never know what you’ll catch.”
Frank Sonnenberg, Listen to Your Conscience: That's Why You Have One

Richelle E. Goodrich
“Announcing the intended arrival of some people is kind of like issuing a hurricane warning. ”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Making Wishes: Quotes, Thoughts, & a Little Poetry for Every Day of the Year

Patricia Highsmith
“He seems to be making you that way too - enough to tolerate people like him. And once you start tolerating them, you're going to end up being like them yourself.”
Patricia Highsmith, The Glass Cell

Israelmore Ayivor
“Plantations of good morals are easily captivated, colonized and corrupted by the pests of a bad company. Spray away bad companies and you will experience a bumper harvest of your dream fruits!”
israelmore ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes

Michael Bassey Johnson
“It is certainly impossible to lose respect if you lose out of some stupid discussions.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

Ambrose Bierce
“ALONE, adj. In bad company.”
Ambrose Bierce, The Unabridged Devil's Dictionary

“Never borrow the devil's pitchfork for he will surely use it against you. - On Uncomfortable Associations”
Lamine Pearlheart

Shon Mehta
“The presence of the person you hate is far more agonizing than absence of the person you love.”
Shon Mehta, Lair Of The Monster

Israelmore Ayivor
“The fact that a seed is viable is not a proof that it’s going to bear good fruits. Some good seeds are destroyed by bad soils. So is leadership; everyone was born to lead, but not all become leaders!”
Israelmore Ayivor, Leaders' Watchwords

“to be right in the wrong direction may be wrong; what then is the wrong direction?”
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Dada Bhagwan
“When bad or harmful associations (kusang) infiltrate within, the heart becomes impure, and when the heart becomes impure, God moves away from within. It is all dependent on the heart, isn't it! If you lose the heart, then it is over!”
Dada Bhagwan, Harmony In Marriage

Dada Bhagwan
“Spiritual discourses with poor people is good, but what is the use of bad company of wealthy people?”
Dada Bhagwan, Aptavani-4

Amit Kalantri
“Stay away from addictions in life or addictions will take you away from life.”
Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

Israelmore Ayivor
“You can do it even if everyone says you can’t while your mind says you can. You cannot do it if your mind says you can’t while everyone says you can!”
Israelmore Ayivor, Leaders' Watchwords

Dada Bhagwan
“From the moment one encounters bad company (kusang), there is nothing but unhappiness, thus run away from the bad company. When you feel unhappy inside, know that this is bad company so run from there. Run away from that which arouses unhappiness at its mere sight.”
Dada Bhagwan

Dada Bhagwan
“That which takes one away from religion (dharma) is bad company (kusang).”
Dada Bhagwan, Death : Before, During & After...

Dada Bhagwan
“Misery will not leave from where there is excessive bad or harmful associations with that which takes you away from the Self (kusang). Whereas happiness will not leave from where there is excessive association with Self-realized beings or spiritual discourses (satsang)!”
Dada Bhagwan, Avoid Clashes

Dada Bhagwan
“For those people whose association is harmful to the Self (kusangi), there is no better respectful fear (taap) than that of satsang (spiritual company).”
Dada Bhagwan, Brahmacharya : Celibacy

Dada Bhagwan
“That which takes one away from religion (dharma) is bad company ().”
Dada Bhagwan

Dada Bhagwan
“One has become entrenched in kusang (association that takes one away from the Self; bad company). That is why the disease of worldly life has become chronic. And what if one were to become entrenched in satsang?”
Dada Bhagwan

Amit Kalantri
“It is challenging to fly with eagles when you have been walking with turtles.”
Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

Ljupka Cvetanova
“If you ask men, feminism is just a result of a bad company.”
Ljupka Cvetanova, The New Land

Binod Shankar
“You are the company you keep (and the company that keeps you). You must manage the crowd that you hang out with. Your circle can make or break your career and life, and you won’t even realize it till it’s too late.”
Binod Shankar, Let's Get Real: 42 Tips for the Stuck Manager