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Ayo, panggillah namaku, My Lord.

Kelompok sirkus menyusup ke dalam kediaman Phantomhive dan berhadapan dengan para pelayan. Saat itu, atas perintah tuannya, Sebastian sang butler, mengundang berbagai cerita hingga berakhir sepihak...

Api berwarna merah pekat menyala-nyala, membakar air mata sang badut yang berduka karena telah kehilangan segalanya.

Inilah komik bulter terdingin sedunia, dipersembahkan untuk anda.

180 pages, Paperback

First published November 27, 2009

About the author

Yana Toboso

183 books2,257 followers
Yana Toboso (枢 やな Toboso Yana) is a female Japanese manga artist born in Warabi, Saitama Prefecture, Japan and currently resides in Yokohama. She is best known for Black Butler (黒執事 Kuroshitsuji), a popular shonen manga series.

She has also written yaoi under the pen name Yanao Rock (簗緒ろく).

Yana Toboso draws herself as a devil with a black body and horns, a white head, and a pointed tail. She has never uploaded a picture of herself, so her actual appearance is unknown.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 285 reviews
Profile Image for Miss Ryoko.
2,650 reviews166 followers
January 3, 2015
Not gonna lie, I'm totally giving this volume a 5 star rating simply because of this:

bad ass

OMG that is so many levels of bad ass I can't even begin to describe it!!! The first chapter of this volume kicked so much ass I was about ready to jump out the window from the sheer awesomeness of it all! The rest was good too...but seriously, that first chapter has probably been my favorite in this entire series so far.

I really like the reapers! William is righteous, Grelle is AMAZING, and the new one that showed up, Ronald, seems pretty awesome.

But what is it about the dudes in this series? We all know Toboso-sensei is great at drawing men...but does she honestly have a "All the dudes I draw need to be studs" rule or what? Because seriously, they're always sexy in some way. Its ridiculous! LOL.... but Sebastian is the studliest of them all (no doubts about that).

Anyway, this volume was pretty awesome! I really love this series!
Profile Image for Kaitlin.
73 reviews17 followers
October 4, 2013
Holy shit...THAT sure took a dark turn!

The beginning was filled with action right away. It starts with the Circus troop attempting their attack on the manor and I must say...

DEM SERVANTS! What badasses!

BTW: When did Mey-Rin get so hot?

Though I really did feel conflicted about everyone in the troop . On one hand, they kind of deserved it, I mean...snatching innocent children and what not. But on the other hand they were rather tragic and emotionally warped characters. The that was the hardest to bare was definitely Doll's. Again, I know she was part of the ring but I really liked her. She was spunky and seemed to have a heart. There was something about her that was redeemable I guess.

The author really humanized the troop. You felt their emotions, struggles, hopes & dreams, and thoughts. Maybe this is why it felt so tragic when . I actually felt bad for them! And wanted them to .

Now I'm going to talk about the big elephant in the room: Ciel.

DAFUQ was that?

Is it somehow possible that Sebastian, a demon, has more human qualities than an actual human? That little bastard is one warped mofo.

Check this shit out:

He totally just His reasoning? They were better off . Gah! wtf...

He gets even MORE twisted
The look on Sebastian's face says it all...

WOO BOY. This manga is sure getting dark! There is however several comedic characters. You've got the servants and Prince Soma/Agni. I also find the grim reaper William to be a more subdued relief from all the drama. I'm very interested to see how his character will play out as the series continues!

Profile Image for Ozan .
119 reviews47 followers
January 16, 2018
The Circus adventure was very good. The Second time the manga really imperesed me.
These words from Ciel really made me think:

''You Fought to protect your own world, there is nothing wrong with that. After all, the justice in this world is a sham created by those in power for themselves. No one gives a damn about anyone else. If you are careless, you are sure to lose. To begin with only two kinds of humans existed in this world. Those who rob and those who are robbed. And today, i shall rob you and your allies of your futures. That's all there is to it.''
Ciel Phantomhive

Words of the aristocrat of evil. Not bad for a shouta, Pretty cool words huh ? Not entierly true though, especially what the circus memebers did to protect their world... That was really wrong... But they were really desperate too... :/ But there is some partly truth to the Ciel's words...
Profile Image for n*.
138 reviews78 followers
July 21, 2020
ah. so that's why mey rin, finnian and baldroy are so bad at what they do.
Profile Image for Despair Speaking.
316 reviews135 followers
August 9, 2012
I'm tired of writing summaries. It's not like anyone reads my reviews so I'll just put my opinion...

Wah~ I wish even more that I have a butler like Sebastian! How can he find such awesome people?! Okay, so he's a demon but still!!! Innocent gardener is actually a human experiment. Glasses maid is actually an unparalleled sharpshooter. Idiot cook is actually a demolitions expert. How cool is that!!!

The only thing that ruined it for me was when Ciel let the children die and when it turned out the orphanage of a sort Joker and the others were protecting turned out to be a fake. Okay, I understand Ciel's point that those children were kind of hard to save since they were really gone mentally and emotionally but wasn't that too harsh? Although yes, dying might be better than to prolong such miserable lives... Anyway, I can't believe Joker and the others never thought to check that orphanage! I mean, seriously? After all those years, they never bothered to check?! That's retarded!!!

Otherwise a good manga. Sebastian reminded me of Ryuk though with the comment, "And that's why humans are so interesting."
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for tig :3.
115 reviews156 followers
February 20, 2024
“desperately struggling, kicking down other people. stealing the stolen, while repeating your reasons over and over. and even so, you aim for the horizon over the hills… that’s why humans are interesting.”

my favourite volume so far, literal chills from every panel ;__;
Profile Image for Cornerofmadness.
1,819 reviews17 followers
February 10, 2012
Black Butler rounds out the circus arc and it is an unhappy, angst-fest of a volume. That’s not to say it’s not good, because it is, but it is the darkest thing so far, beating out the Jack the Ripper arc and that’s not an easy thing to do. I think that’s because the Yana does a very good job of making us pity Joker and his crew. The plight of children in Victorian times is about as foreign from today’s views as you can get. Joker and the rest were done practically from the moment they were born deformed and/or injured which was common place in the work houses. The pity only cranks up when its revealed what they were fighting for and the lies they were told.

That said, they were doing a very bad thing, luring in children for a deranged noble and even more deranged doctor. Much of the beginning of the story is getting these pathetic details while Joker dies (Sebastian more or less killed him last book, we’re just waiting for him to bleed out). Ciel does find the missing children and more or less loses it as he’s forced to remember his own incarceration by sadists. He loses it to the point of doing something unbelievably drastic. (More on that at the end)

In the meantime, the rest of the circus performers attack Ciel’s estate with the intent to kill. We finally get to see what his staff is really capable of. I was sort of hoping it wouldn’t be the ridiculously over the top stuff the anime gave us but it was. I have a few problems with this too (that spoiler also at the end). They protect the estate – and Lady Elizabeth who’s visiting – with lethal force. And the Grim Reapers give one last twist of the knife in showing what shaped the circus crew (though they also felt like the lone untied thread. I wasn’t sure why they were at the circus. To retrieve the souls obviously but I was wondering why they let Sebastian do their dirty work).

The final chapter is a bit of silliness that fell a little flat with me. A cross dressing lesbian tailor who is there to make Ciel and Lizzie Easter clothing. She was too over the top to be enjoyable for me, at least. I did like Ciel wanting to shield Lizzie from the brand on his back. The art is gorgeous. The story is sad, good, but sad. It’s becoming more and more a manga I can’t wait to see more of.

Now for the spoilers.

Seriously, if you haven’t read it you might want to stop now.


So. It’s not that I don’t like the idea of Finney, Baldo and Mey-Rin having hidden abilities. I really love the idea of Finney being a test subject, trained to kill, possessing super strength and the ability to heal. Baldo’s story is less clear in this but he’s obviously military trained. It’s Mey-Rin that bothers me deeply. I have no issue with her being a super sniper. It’s her cover story that makes no sense. Why blind her with glasses? I don’t get it. Maybe it’ll be explained later (and a better one than was in the anime hopefully). Their clumsiness in the jobs they hold at Phantomhive Manor (jobs they are ill suited to and untrained for) is comedy relief but Mey-Rin makes little sense.

Ciel’s drastic actions bother me. He was so freaked out he had Sebastian destroy the place with fire with the missing children inside instead of trying to rescue him. To the story’s credit, Sebastian calls Ciel on this later and the boy (and it’s easy to forget he IS a boy) admits his own arrogance in the decision. His belief was living through what they had, the kids would rather be dead. That is arrogant, unsubstantiated and possibly erroneous. He figures that he’s stronger than everyone and since he barely survived a similar torture, then no one else has a prayer of doing the same. Arrogant, yes, showing his true age, yes. I guess I’m sort of hoping that more will be made of this later since he did murder a bunch of innocent kids but I’m thinking this is probably the end to it. I could be wrong.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Annie.
773 reviews43 followers
July 6, 2018
Reseña completa---> http://bit.ly/2u3asws

Si algo debo decir es que a mi la estética de los circos me fascina, aunque los circos en sí mismos no me llamen tantísimo la atención así que leer este arco ha sido una delicia pues, y esto es algo que no menciono muy a menudo, Yana Toboso tiene un talento increíble a la hora de dibujar, y en la historia también no nos vamos a engañar. Yana retrata de maneras exquisitas a sus personajes, jugando con las líneas y texturas para darnos un manga que no solo es profundo y genial si no que además es, visualmente hablando, una belleza, desde los rostros y expresiones de los personajes hasta su ropa (que a Yana le encanta jugar con la ropa de Ciel y con la de su prometida Lizzie), Black Butler es un manga que se siente fresco y hermoso de una manera que es difícil de describir, que tienen que leer para descubrir esa magia. Pero, volviendo al tema, este tomo es de personajes y sentimientos, no saben lo triste y difícil que fue leer la historia de los chicos del circo y darnos cuenta, al final, de que todo por lo que peleaban era en balde, que era tan frágil y volátil como una cinta al viento, además en este tomo pudimos conocer un lado muy oscuro del Conde Phantomhive, se nos reveló como el joven traumatizado que es en realidad, un niño que juega a ser frío y cruel pero que en el fondo es un chiquillo aterrorizado que carga unas enormes culpas del pasado, un joven que ha vendido su propia alma al demonio con tal de conseguir su anhelada venganza...Peroooo lo que más destaca en este tomo en particular no es Ciel, no es el Barón Kelvin, no es Sebastian, son los sirvientes de la Mansión Phantomhive. Todos ellos siempre se nos habían mostrado como tontos y como simples personajes que estaban ahí como recurso cómico pero ¡OMG! Leer sobre ellos y descubrir sus verdaderas y sangrientas personalidades ha sido todo un deleite aunque fuera de una forma tan perversa, cruel y vil como la de matar a los queridos personajes del circo pero de que es genial, nadie niega que es mega genial.
Profile Image for Loveliest Evaris.
398 reviews75 followers
April 16, 2012
I will NOT, I repeat, NOT be continuing this series. After this volume, I've lost all enjoyment in this series.

It wasn't that it wasn't good; it was .. I guess.. But Ciel Phantomhive, you have pushed me to Alienation Planet for the last time, and this last time, it was a forceful shove off the cliff into a glass filled pit of anger and hair-pulling.


I have a love-hate relationship with Ciel Phantomhive. I love him -- but it's a grudging love-- because of the fact that he's a child and I like how he's drawn, because lots of authors make ugly children.. I DESPISE him because of his friggin ARROGANCE, the sheer audacity..

I mean, it's probably because he's rich and of an aristocratic family.. and British. British people at the time this series takes place were especially uppity, 100x then they are now.. much like Americans are today... The fact that he has a demon butler that does whatever he says, along with 'pawns' ... the sheer .. urgh!

Yeah, he was abused, possibly raped in the ass with the hilt of a dagger, who knows what happened. All I know was he was held down , chained up, and put on an altar , and branded like cattle. That's traumatizing, but God, man, be at least a little GRATEFUL you have your fiancee and your servants who love you unconditionally and want to take care of you and share your burden! Only a biblical figure would have that much gall to think that they were greater than everyone else because they 'suffered the most' and 'experienced the most pain' .. "you don't even know me, you don't know the pain I feel" .. well enlighten us! Instead of sitting on your throne with your scowl of boredom, tell us a little bit about your traumatising past? You can't? You throw up at the mere thought of it? Well then get off your high horse, since you obviously don't have a pair to face your past, instead just push in the back of your head and suck on a lemon day in and day out.

Maybe it's the whole British 'stip upper-lip' mantra that they quoted day in and day out.. probably because he's in the public eye.. That's all well and good, but you have a thousand rooms in your mansion; you could just lock yourself in one of them and cry... But then again, psychology and child counseling was sh*t back then, so... My ideas would probably be looked at with looks of confusion, surprise, and suspicion.

On to my review of this volume:

And then after all this stupid angsty-ridden crap, there is this stupid story of fitting Ciel with an Easter dress. Like seriously? Totally unacceptable. 1/5 for that whiplash-transition. But not just a 1/5 just because of that, but because of what is written in the spoiler. I take my leave .____.
Profile Image for Marc D. Hayakawa ✨.
717 reviews78 followers
December 10, 2019
5/5 estrellas.

Es un deleite para mí seguir leyendo mi manga favorito, especialmente este tomo en donde conocimos un poco sobre la verdad detrás de los sirvientes de la familia Phantomhive 🔥
Los amo muchísimo, sí.

Y ésto se está poniendo cada vez mejor.
Profile Image for Chivitouille.
286 reviews13 followers
December 30, 2014

Finalmente llega el desenlace del arco del Circo de Noah.
La historia continua justo como había terminado el tomo anterior, cuando los integrantes de la troupe entran en los terrenos de la mansión Phantomhive.
Esta parte de la historia me ha dejado con sentimientos encontrados, por una parte finalmente podemos ver las habilidades de Finny, Mei-Lin y Bard, así como un pequeño atisbo de quienes son y cómo llegaron a la mansión, detalle que hasta ahora no habíamos podido ver; y por otro lado vemos la consecuencia que uno a uno van experimentando los de la troupe al haberse atrevido intentar buscar a Ciel en su mansión teniendo semejante servidumbre para proteger el lugar.
Me dan pena cada uno de ellos por todo el trasfondo que tienen y aunque seguían las órdenes del Barón Kelvin, esto no disminuye lo desalmado de sus actos a pesar de tener una razón para ello.
Joker al enterarse de que los de la troupe se van a topar con semejante reto a vencer como es obvio no puede evitar preocuparse, sin duda es un personaje que al final la realidad le da un duro golpe, puesto que aún al ser consciente de sus actos hay muchas cosas que ignoraba, al saber más de su pasado no puedo evitar sentir lástima, tristeza y pena por él.
En este momento hace acto de aparición un personaje que aprovechó la oportunidad de hacer uso de la locura del Barón Kelvin para su propio beneficio y en pos de su investigación. Un personaje que resulta ser igual de despreciable.
Con la explicación de su investigación acontece una escena que desencadenará que Ciel rememore cierto momento crucial de su pasado, lo que provocará una conmoción que lo llevará a tomar desiciones movido por el momento, que muy posiblemente tengan una repercusión importante más adelante.
Pobre Ciel, su pasado ha sido demasiado traumático.
A partir de esto hay varias cosas que se mencionan por parte de Undertaker que aún no son del todo claras pero que al parecer resultarán bastante significativas, a pesar de que se ha avanzado mucho en la historia aún hay muchas cosas que ignoramos y es de agradecerse que en este arco nos hayamos enterado de bastantes.
Ahora bien, tengo la impresión de que muy posiblemente la Reina tenía la sospecha de que al final la resolución de este caso no iba a terminar del todo bien, puesto que hacen su pequeña aparición varios personajes relacionados con ella, que resultan interesantes y que espero podamos ver en los siguientes tomos. Tengo que mencionar que esto parece muy sospechoso.
Para concluir el arco Ciel y Sebastián tienen una conversación en la que nos damos cuenta de cómo piensa Ciel, diría que todo lo que dice es una combinación tanto de lo que él ha venido haciendo anteriormente en su condición como perro de la Reina así como de todo lo acontecido, puesto que hace unas afirmaciones severas pero no carentes de verdad y aunque él se compare y describa de cierta manera con aparente seguridad al hacerlo, al final todo lo vivido lo deja pensando y en un estado aletargado.

Tengo que decir que este arco me ha resultado cruel, triste, en momentos impactante y desolador, en comparación a los tomos anteriores se nota un punto y aparte en la historia, destaca por la elaboración de personajes que enriquecen la trama y nos muestran una parte oscura que a mi parecer hasta ahora no habíamos visto de manera tan concisa.
El capítulo final es un respiro y una contraparte algo drástica con respecto a todo lo anterior pero aún así se disfruta enormemente, en donde las cosas aparentemente vuelven a la normalidad...aunque sin duda el avance de la próxima historia provoca un desasosiego.
Profile Image for Laura.
1,018 reviews77 followers
March 17, 2017

With every volume I read, I become more invested in this series. I love all the characters and all the plot twists. Yana Toboso does such a wonderful job creating a gripping series with beautiful, lush art. The art is just as much a reason to read it as the plot. It’s the best manga art I’ve come across, so far.

Following Ciel through his journey has been exciting and sometimes heartbreaking. This was one of those times that it was heartbreaking. Ciel was forced to confront a very painful past. Still, though his surroundings are full of horror, he pulls himself together and does his duty. I never feel sad when Ciel has his moments of weakness. After all, he’s only a child. And Sebastian is always there for him. He may have his own terrible agenda, but it’s hard to dislike him when he is constantly catching Ciel as he falls. Also, he’s so bad ass.

This one closed the door on the Noah’s Ark Circus with a definite finality. It looks like there may be some issues with Ciel’s realtionship with the Crown. He veered a little from the plan, and that may come back to bite him. Of course, with Sebastian on his side, I can’t see anyone harming him. The last chapter was a little bit of fluff. It looks like the next volume will begin a fresh story for Ciel.

If you haven’t read any of this series, try it out. It’s really awesome. There’s a ton of action and the art is beautiful.

Profile Image for Alexxy.
379 reviews61 followers
November 28, 2018
And finally, in this volume, we wrapped up the circus arc. I will miss the characters a the setting. Farewell!

Chapter by chapter musings:
Profile Image for rylie.
173 reviews10 followers
December 2, 2022
this got so dark so quickly 😰 the servants are really growing on me, i’m excited to learn more about them. there were so many cool panels in this volume but everything i learn about ciel just keeps getting sadder :( i love the reapers though i hope to see more of them soon hehe
Profile Image for natalie.
732 reviews34 followers
July 10, 2013
This book was so intense, extremely violent, beautifully illustrated.
I just... I loved it.
Profile Image for Mahdiye HajiHosseini.
442 reviews32 followers
August 27, 2021
اپدیت ۴ شهریور ۴۰۰-
گودریدز داره منو میکشه امروز و نه تنها برای نسخه درستی ثبت نمیکنه اطلاعاتمو که اشتباهی ریویومو پاک کردم.
این جلد پایان ارک سیرکه. و از محبوب‌ترین های من توی کل سری.
تا اینجا دارک‌ترین قسمت داستانه. درد و رنجی که پس‌زمینه کار وجود داشت حالا مستقیم روی سطحه.
جوکر و باقی اعضای سیرک رو دوست داشتم و این حتی دردناکتر میکرد برایم داستان رو. تلاش واهیشون برای نجات دوستاشون تو ورک‌هوس بی‌خبر از اینکه دیگه وجود ندارن و حتی هیچوقت هم نفهمیدن، غم‌انگیز بود. اینکه پروتزهایی که همیشه هدیه‌ای فوق‌العاده میدونستن چنین منشا ظالمانه‌ای داشتن، دردناک بود. همدردی شیل با بچه‌ها و اینکه مرگ راحت رو بزرگترین لطف در حقشون میدونست، غم‌انگیز بود، بیشتر از اینکه برای بچه‌ها برای خودش.
اینکه جوکر حسرت میخورد که اگه در این کشور و این شرایط به دنیا نیومده بود، چه زندگی‌ای میتونست داشته باشه، و من اینقدر درک میکردم حسرتشو، غم‌انگیزتره حتی.
این جلد بیشتر از هرچیزی پر از احساسات قویه و شاید واسه همین از محبوب‌هامه.
Profile Image for Rachel Joy.
423 reviews12 followers
April 5, 2017
Yeah, that's all I have to say for this one ;).
Profile Image for Sakuranko.
484 reviews61 followers
August 28, 2017
Me encantó este capítulo de principio a fin. Me encanta la dinámica entre Sebastian y Ciel. Me encanta saber y aprender más de Ciel.

5 Estrellas
Profile Image for elliot.
247 reviews
May 27, 2022
su malikanede yasasam cocuklar disinda becermedigim insan kalmazdi yemin ederim
Profile Image for Kaoyi .
264 reviews
April 30, 2018
Un final redondo, el mejor que ha podido tener. un 10 seguro.
Profile Image for Mal.
769 reviews136 followers
August 18, 2014

i have too many feels about this part.

I have a lot to say about this one, so even though I don't generally review mangas anymore, I'm going to do it anyway :P

Warning, there may or may not there is be spoilers, if you're looking at this before reading - for some reason? - than I'd advise against continuing.

First I have to say that I heard, only heard, that the third season is going to be involving the circus, and you don't even understand the excitement I have. Because the way that the anime went was good, but this is way better. Far more entertaining, and it's like there's actually a story for me to follow. I felt like a lot of the anime - keep in mind I've only watched the first season - was filler episodes? It may just be me, but I didn't get into it until the last few episodes and cried my eyes out.

I liked how you found about Mey-Rin and Finny and Baldo here rather than in the animation, because it was so much more memorable. It was like they all of a sudden became these super mega badasses, and Toboso paired it really well with the circus performs because ... So. Many. Feels. There. I just can't even handle it. And the way it left off at the actual circus, like he was lonely ... That was really depressing.

Another thing!! Black butler was originally supposed to be a yaoi and DANGIT I WISH IT WAS DX Because when Sebastian holds Ciel my life's just feels close to complete, but it's so so faaaaar. * sobs * why are books so cruel to my emotions? Because it's like they could totally be a couple, but because it didn't turn out to be a yaoi the undertones are just ... Really strong undertones, and I'm just like -- nooooo.

There was just sort of everything in this book for me. And things are beginning to click together in a way they didn't when I was watching the series. So all and all, bravo, bravo. * claps hands * <3

Also-- this is my one hundredth book this year, so it's special ^^
Profile Image for Yue.
2,344 reviews30 followers
November 6, 2015
The manga is so violent now, too much blood. I feel so sorry for little Ciel; his past is so dark. When he was in Sebastian's arms he looked so fragile.

But then, his decision about all members of Gelvin's house... that was disturbing, and so coward of him. Who the hell does he think he is? Only because he went thru so much, and terrible stuff, and because he is the master of a great demon like Sebastian, he does not have any right. I don't understand his decision at all, and it made me almost dislike the manga... I was so obsessed with this manga, and now... It was horrible.

It started to get a little better when Nina showed up, the measurement's scenes was very funny; however, I cannot forget what happened to the Joker and all his friends.

Maybe I need to take a break from this manga. Actually I am feeling a little depressed with all the events that went thru.
Profile Image for Sarah.
885 reviews68 followers
February 21, 2013
Ah, this volume was so bloody and dark and disturbing and I loved it. A fitting end to the Noah's Circus story arc, especially if you are fans of Ciel's servants and the shinigami that collect the souls of Victorian London. Last chapter was a welcome bright spot in a book of mostly depressing material, although the cognitive dissonance in its placement was a bit jarring. I really wish Yen Press did 'next volume' previews for Black Butler; it needs it!

PS - Nina Hopkins is basically a representative of a good portion of Tumblr users, especially the Ciel fans. Look into your dashboards, you know it to be true!
Profile Image for gabi.
1,007 reviews28 followers
November 24, 2017
CIEL!!!!! At times it seems that he is just a simple, cute boy. But at other times he so casually kills people.

Reread: I am being assaulted with feels!!! I can not handle this. There are so many different sides to Ciel. Agh!
Profile Image for Feri Malvido.
191 reviews16 followers
April 8, 2023
i loved it so much!
we get to know more from the servants of the Phantomhive manor and it was Amazing!
this manga never disappoints me!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 285 reviews

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