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Monster Match

Threading Carefully

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Lonely and bored with life, I was talked into going on a trip to the Monster world.
I planned on seeing new things and visiting places different from what I'm used to, but I never planned on him.
Nova wasn't like the others of his kind or anything like me. He was a combination of several humans but didn't think like one or share the same experiences. He was the only one willing to find me the medicine I needed, but only if I made a trade with him.
He wanted the human experience. To cuddle, hold hands, kiss, and make love with someone like me. I didn't know how far I'd go for the needs of my patients at the hospital, but after a while, I realized how far I wanted to go for him.

182 pages, Kindle Edition

Published February 2, 2024

About the author

Ashlynn Mills

49 books300 followers
Ashlynn Mills is a Latina from Texas who currently resides in Missouri with her family running a farm. She enjoys reading and writing all genres about people falling in love.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 98 reviews
Profile Image for ✨Lucy  IntheSky☄️.
956 reviews124 followers
March 20, 2024
If this is your first m/m monster romance, please don't be discouraged - there are definitely better ones out there.

It's a full-on 1.75⭐ from me, I did like Nova and was completely rooting for him, so I'll round it up to 2⭐ but I definitely did not like his story.

This book is written with so little passion that I wonder why the author decided to publish it in the first place. It's clear this isn't their usual genre and they're not a monster lover. I should know, I've been one for years and you can immediately tell when an author loves their monsters.

The story wasn't interesting, the side characters were boring and the dialogues weren't that good either. The plot was trying to happen but it wasn't developed enough.

An interesting premise, but the book spectacularly failed to deliver the magic and the beauty of the monster involved. The story should've been unique and intriguing, but it was far from it.

🟣 Monster/human worlds collide
🟡 A doctor/monster
🔵 A monster made out of victims of a serial killer
🟢 Gay (was built for it, had no option to choose) / gay-awakening (the author says demisexual but I don't agree)
❗ Non con, sexual slavery, little time on-page until the owner of the monster is killed
🌶️ Quite good, could be so much more developed; t/b

This story did Nova, the patched up monster, very dirty. It didn't give him a happy ending, it gave no resolve on the issues he was facing and he still had to hide at the end of the book.

Considering the opening about how he came to be, I expected a darker, grittier story, especially since finding out it was Nova who killed his master for constantly raping him, cutting him up and sewing him back together.

Nova was in constant pain and lived a terrible life and even when he finally killed the guy, he was isolated, noone wanted him around and the idea of him being combined of many people - where one or the other comes to the surface occasionally - wasn't really developed further, it all apparently stopped with him killing his master.

There's a monster hook-up app that's a main topic in this series and apparently Nova goes on that app and starts talking to Franklin, the ginger doctor from the human world. They talk and decide to meet up and then start seeing each other.

Franklin was straight his whole life and then met Nova after talking to him for about a week. The story claims Franklin's demisexual, because he's had a connection to Nova prior to hooking up, but how can you form such a connection in one week and just by talking on the app?
Franklin's clearly stating he's had women but never really felt anything, was hardly ever aroused and when he meets Nova, he's really starting to come alive, he's hard, he wants sex, he wants it all. So for me this was Franklin's gay-awakening.

I expected hot monster sex and had to wait a long time to get it and even when I did, Nova's 2 dicks were not utilised. The second dick was mentioned again near 90% of the story and the DP Franklin got was at the end of the book. I'm glad they were cuddling and watching movies and listening to music, but damn, Nova is a monster and he's so interesting, so why is everything so uneventful? Or at least - where is the hot sex??

“You did so amazing, Franky. Just when I thought you couldn’t be more perfect, you are.”
“I’m far from perfect,” I rasped out.
“More like far past it.”
“Look at you, buttering me up even after coming inside me. It must be sincere.”


The only good thing in this story was Nova being a top - when he was forced to bottom his whole life, completely against his will. Never enjoyed it. Nothing. He knew nothing but pain. So it's interesting how Nova's budding new relationship was packed into just some music and cuddles when his story ran so much deeper than that.

You'd expect a lot of things going on here, but the only drama was Nova being accused of bringing the poisonous flowers to the human world - and that was it! And even that got a quick solution - he somehow made a magic portal a voilà, he was suddenly in Franklin's closet! Almost the end of plot, nothing drastic, nothing life-changing, overall - nothing.

What kind of conclusion did the story bring of Nova not being able to go to Franklin's world? He was abused, yet noone found that out. He was denied going to college and having an apartment, basically at the end of the book he was still hiding with Franklin. He was still waiting for his visa to be approved. What kind of ending is that??

I don't think I've ever found a monster world that was this boring, this confusing and the monster that should've been handled with great care and love, who was still left out to fend for themselves without putting their old life finally to rest and have a clean, joyful new beginning.
It's not a new beginning to me if Nova still has to hide. If you create a monster, and you give them such an awful past - please delicately bring them to safety, to love, resolve their pressing issues and grant them that bloody happy ending.

Not good. Not good at all.
Profile Image for ⋆˚ʚ Abril ɞ˚⋆.
268 reviews50 followers
July 5, 2024
«Franky me abrazó con fuerza mientras dábamos vueltas bajo la luz de las estrellas y la luna. Las dos eran impresionantes, pero Franky seguía siendo mi luz favorita destacando sobre el cielo nocturno.»

📚⇢ Fue una historia muy entretenida y linda de leer; tenemos a Nova, un chico que fue creado de diferentes partes humanas y que tiene un gran interés por conocer todo acerca de los humanos y de su mundo, así es como decide hacer trato con Franky, un médico que accede a darle todas las experiencias románticas humanas a cambio de plantas medicinales para sus pacientes. Poco a poco ambos van dándose cuenta que la belleza que más importa es la del interior y que sus sentimientos son tan únicos y especiales que ya no pueden estar lejos del otro.

📚⇢ Creo que mi cosa favorita del libro fue Nova, es súper tierno, amable, inocente y sólo se merece todo lo bueno del mundo; es alguien que, a pesar de haber sufrido a manos de su creador y de los desprecios humanos, tiene un gran desarrollo en el cual va descubriendo quién es y su valor como persona, así como el amor que es capaz de sentir por Franky, quien lo trata con todo el amor y cariño que él se merece. Tienen todas esas experiencias de primeras veces en donde van a citas tomados de la mano, ven películas abrazados y poco a poco van enamorándose más y más. Franky nunca había sentido algo así por nadie y se siente totalmente enamorado por Nova, es tal la confianza que le tiene que es el único que cree en su inocencia y lo defiende cuando lo acusan injustamente de cosas que no cometió; simplemente son tan preciosos y fueron hechos para estar juntos.
Profile Image for Lindsey.
331 reviews18 followers
February 3, 2024
Cute but rushed

The story itself was cute but seemed VERY rushed at times. Like they’d get off the phone with Edgar only to immediately receive a call saying he’d been kidnapped. You literally JUST stopped talking to him, how was he suddenly kidnapped?

I disliked how Franky would tell him things weren’t appropriate but wouldn’t really explain WHY they weren’t okay or why asking sex related questions pushed boundaries. You’re his friend, you can’t explain it better than that? Nova literally has zero concept of these things, so his questions are completely innocent and it was frustrating to see him get shut down.

Again, it was cute. Just probably not for me.
Profile Image for HecAph.
619 reviews5 followers
May 8, 2024
Ay, no, no me gustó, igual la gente sabe que va a leer una vez que empieza estos tipos de libros, yo buscaba algo ligero pero encontré algo bastante absurdo, como uno era hetero pero al hablar un poco con el otro ya empieza a sentir cosas, ya eso me daba las pautas de que esperar
Profile Image for Joanna.
452 reviews
May 2, 2024
3.5 ⭐️

After we were done eating, Franky played my new favorite song and dragged me to the middle of the porch. He held on to me tightly as we spun around under the stars and the moon. They were both breathtaking, but Franky was still my favorite light standing out against the night sky.

Profile Image for LateciaJ.
2,043 reviews10 followers
February 16, 2024
I was so not expecting how cute and sweet this monster romance was gonna be. Now there was some messy moments...some very DIRTY scenes...but no hardcore gore...more of a "fish out of water" story. Nova could have been a tragic character but he was soooooooo sunny and optimistic despite his monstrous beginnings. Meeting Franklin was Nova's happiness amidst all the ugliness of the outside world. i enjoyed Franklin and Nova's journey to love and I can't wait to read more in this monster series.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.
Profile Image for Kit.
106 reviews4 followers
April 22, 2024
Are you ready for an angsty little precious bean? What about a Frankenstein retelling where the monster gets his happy ending? (Because we all know that the monster might be a monster, but Dr. Frankenstein is THE monster). Let me tell you about Threading Carefully!

The Characters
Enter stage left: Nova, a monster created by a serial killer and stitched together from his victims. Abused by his creator until the guy’s unfortunate demise (he fell onto my knife ten tiiiiiimes), Nova is actually the most adorable, gentlest golden retriever you have ever met. He is goofy, excited by every new thing, and just wants to live in peace. I adored Nova so much!

Nova is also very lonely, shunned by both monsters and humans for how he looks and denied access to the human world for dealing with his creator. Nova lives a solitary life out in the monster wilds, but he trades items he forages from his world for items from the human world for his house. He believes that nobody could ever want him because he isn’t conventionally good looking and he worries that he isn’t a good person because of what he had to do to escape his creator. There is a whole lot of self loathing going on here so get ready for some top tier emotional masochism and self doubt on this read. All the feels. Honestly I just want to wrap him in a million blankets and cuddle the hell out of him.

Stage right: Franky, a human surgeon desperate to do all he can for his patients and looking to trade for healing items to help save lives. Despite his parents’ very anti-monster views, Franky believes that they deserve the same rights and respect as anyone else and is vocal about it. He is also lonely and has a string of failed hook ups behind him but no real relationships. He believes himself to be straight (oops). Franky is a pretty easy going character and I found his acceptance of Nova and his joy at just being able to be there for him so lovely. He comes across as a very capable person who is open to new things and can probably take a lot in his stride.

The Relationship
Soooo Franky isn’t straight. Surprise! He and Nova get chatting on the Monster Match app when he visits to make his first trade with The Trader (guess who), and despite thinking he isn’t into men, he just doesn’t want to stop talking to Nova. He finds his messages cute and gets flutters thinking about him. Cue internal panic! Of course eventually they meet and things get a lot clearer (and spicier) and Franky realises that maybe actually he is demisexual and pan. I love that so much. Together they’re exploring what they each really want from a relationship and what it is really like, and they just don’t want to be apart.

I found the relationship really sweet. They just want to give each other the world and it’s adorable! There is a lot of anxiety while they’re pen pals about whether or not Franky is even interested in Nova, but things become easier once they meet in person. Nova still has doubts about Franky’s feelings towards him (and it isn’t made any easier by the fact he has been so isolated for his entire life so his frame of reference for everything is basically movies) but watching them muddle through and become closer is just the cutest thing.

Meanwhile, Franky is introducing Nova to all kinds of new human things that he never got to try before and revelling in Nova’s excitement at every new experience. The man puts syrup on everything, it’s hilarious. I just adored their whole dynamic.

The spice is great: there is plenty of it and while the scenes are not overly descriptive there is some amazing dirty talk that you definitely do not want to miss! And we have Nova’s two peens, so there is some extra fun to be had.

The Plot
Obviously, this is a novella and there are some things that were perhaps a little rushed or could have been tied up neater in a longer book. But overall I really didn’t care that much when I was enjoying Nova and Franky’s story so much! I knew pretty early on that I was going to be reviewing this book, because I was totally sucked into the pen pals plot and the emotions of the story were coming across really well. I was feeling things!

There are moments of horror and dramatic tension throughout the book, which add to the whole frankenstein theme. The prologue is very horror-heavy and quite different from the rest of the book, but I still thought it was really well written and I enjoyed it (I feel really weird saying that given the content). Watch out for noncon in the prologue if that’s a trigger. The rest of the book is set some time later, once Nova has escaped and established his own life, but you always felt the threat of the events at the beginning coming back to haunt him further.

Final Thoughts
I loved Nova and Franky’s story with all its twists and turns. My heart ached for them and at the same time the whole book made me so happy! I’m really glad I found this book and will definitely be getting a copy for my shelves.
Profile Image for Molly Otto.
962 reviews22 followers
February 9, 2024
Monster Match Off to a great start!

What a promising start to this Monster Match combined universe! Adore how Franky & Nova started off as pen pals/friends of sorts to get to know the real being before meeting. With some people, you need that connection prior to attraction, and I believe that's what made Franky so comfortable with Nova.
Novas innocence is a beautiful thing, and I was so happy for him to get to know more from Franky. These two are the perfect match for the other. Both need the other to survive, be happy, and just live their best life.
If rest of the series is anything like this we are in for a beautiful ride. Cannot wait to see what these authors have in store for us.
1,338 reviews13 followers
February 1, 2024
In great world building, the monster world allows entry from the human world through portals. Franky, a doctor comes through to trade for medicine with Nova, a magical monster made from at least ten people's parts and who he met through an app called Monster Match. It's a quirky original concept with a steamy love story between a couple you would never foresee. It's very different with an edge of sci fi and magic mixed in with a dark romance. I really enjoyed it. I received a copy of this book and this is my voluntary opinion.
Profile Image for Mariansen.
314 reviews11 followers
February 1, 2024
This starts off with a prologue that makes you wonder if it’s a horror story you’re reading, but I loved it! It’s Ashlynn Mills, some twisted dark stuff is expected ♥️

I was sucked into this story from the start, and Nova really had my heart. He’s just the sweetest, most amazing monster out there. And he’s curious, about everything 😏🔥 Oh… and he’s got two 🍆 🫦

Franky is open mined, gentle and just so perfect for Nova ♥️ Never been with a guy before, and is taken a bit by surprise about his own feelings. No angst around it though…

I just love stories with longing ♥️ Stories that makes you tear up a bit, but also laugh out loud the next page from the snarky humour.

Easy to read, and very well written ♥️
Profile Image for SophiaH.
553 reviews7 followers
February 11, 2024
Sweet and interesting with quite the emotional baggage dumped on us readers right at the beginning. You can't help but root for them both. The story felt rushed at times and I would have loved to explore this strange and dangerous world a little more but alas. Loved all the small things they did for one another, all those thoughtful gifts and the underlying message that in the end what really matters is not material but the presence of someone you trust and love.
Profile Image for Hayley.
878 reviews36 followers
March 20, 2024
Super cute little romance story. Nova and Franky were so sweet together. Nova being a contradiction being so sweet and kind, but also having a dark side. Some angsty drama and sweet loving as Franky explored his newly discovered sexuality. Nova being the "monster" but the real monster being a human showed how appearances can be deceiving.
Profile Image for Katrina Haynes.
664 reviews16 followers
March 30, 2024
This was a cute read.

This was such a sweet and cute read. I really enjoyed it. This was my first book by this author. I am really glad I read it. This was a nice comfort read
Profile Image for annita.
74 reviews
July 29, 2024
masterpiece, no sabía que necesitaba un libro así con esta temática
Profile Image for elio.
273 reviews1 follower
February 17, 2024
got so busy but finally i finished another book NDNXNRJRJTT i love me some frankenstein retelling
Profile Image for LC.
619 reviews4 followers
February 11, 2024
I’m not quite a newbie to monster stories. I’ve read a few here and there. This collaboration drew me due to the participating authors and the themes.

Threading Carefully is a Frankenstein retelling. Nova has been “made” by a sociopath named Leland. After five years, Nova can no longer take the torture from Leland and fights his way free. Nova starts a new life as a trader. Finding helpful and beautiful things to trade to humans for things he is curious about. It’s in this capacity that he meets Frank, human doctor looking for ways to save his patients.

This is a story that uses the Monster Match app to connect monsters to humans. Nova has been using the app to meet potential masters. He doesn’t share pictures unless asked and once he shares that his visas to the human towns has been denied, he is usually blocked. Then he meets Frank, Dr. redhead, on the app. What starts as chatting, becomes friendship, and then more.

This story is so sweet. I know, you’re like it’s a monster book, how can it be sweet? It inherently is sweet. Frank meets Nova on an app. He doesn’t know what he looks like. He doesn’t know anything about his past, they just start talking and in that talking they build this friendship that is so important and it leads to all the best things for Frank and for Nova. I think to me, it really brings out the feeling that the person inside the counts more. In our society, we are bombarded by images of what people think is the perfect body, what people think is the perfect look. Ashlynn reminds us that it’s the inside core of the person that matters most and I loved it. I loved it and I know I want to read it again already.
Profile Image for Kendra Patterson.
756 reviews9 followers
February 10, 2024
OMG! This is a bomb A$$ book! It starts off with a bang and keeps going. Nova is a supposed to be a monster but we find out the true definition of monster in this book. His master is some kind of messed up. Don't worry though because Nova gets away from him. Then he finds a new life in a dating app with a lonely man named Frank. He also finds a friend in a new client that he's getting healing products for in exchange for basic human kindness.

Frank is lonely and gets on a dating app since none of his dates seem to pan out. He's a little hard to get to know and people tend to stay away from him. When he decides to go to the monster world to get healing plants and products he finds Nova. He's not sure he's going to be able to trade for what he needs in touching but his patients need it so he's going to try. When they meet it just falls into place. What seemed like an unlikely option, turns into a seamless one.

This is such an awesome fantasy, romance with a little mystery. I loved everything about it. The world and character building is good. When the author is describing the weird animals in the monster world you get a clear picture. Who wants a monster horse that can become invisible? Me that's who. That Frank does have that one friend that stands by him is great. I loved the mystery thrown in surrounding who is selling dangerous poisons to the human world. I would definitely love some more books in this series. As this is a new to me author I'm off to check out their backlist. Highly recommend this book.
Profile Image for Autumn L.
159 reviews
February 21, 2024
Monster Romance

What I like about Threading Carefully was that they are two lonely souls that found each other. Nova character he struggle with humans in general and wants to know mores about them and have a relationship with one. But people don’t see him as a good monster, because he’s the only one of his kind and he built out of other killer because that’s what his master made him out of. Nova only wants to have somebody that cares about him and loves him for who he is, like he sees the movies that he watches. Franklin known that some monster species are not scary and dangerous, but they are beautiful, interesting, and well mannered creatures. Franklin is a lonely guy that doesn’t do much but work and he find himself going to the monster world, and when he does he find happiness there. This has the ups and downs that you will see throughout the book but in the end, you see them work everything out so they can use each other. The relationship starts as a friendship, and it grows more throughout. The first few times Franklin comes to us at the monster world. What I like about Franklin is that he is helping Nova out by trying new things with him, telling him all about his world that he doesn’t know. I also like the fact that throughout the whole book they’re together, that Franklin takes care of Nova From buying him things just showing him what it’s like to be with another human. The fact that both of them will do anything for each other. Either is to save the others life or to rest their own. It shows just how much they care deeply about each other. I did really enjoy reading Threading Carefully I would recommend this book to anybody that loves monster romance, and mm romance.
Profile Image for Amanda.
466 reviews
February 3, 2024
Threading Carefully is the first release in the Monster Match series. This story starts out very dark, then bounces between slow, heat and twisty. The story didn't grab me when Franky and Nova were texting through the Monster Match app, but by the time they're on the phone or in person I felt the charisma a little bit more.

I expected a different dynamic between Nova and Franky. Nova was innocent, lonely and naïve. Desperate would be a good word for how much he wanted to connect with another person. When he finally found that partner it was with hesitant and anxious Franky, who was so disconnected from other humans that he didn't seem any more prepared to control his own actions than he was to guide Nova in his new experiences. Nova mentioned wanting to find a new master to replace his old abusive one, which was a tragic but understandable reflection of how limited his experiences had been. But while this is brought up a couple times, it's completely forgotten midway through the book. Instead Franky is swept along by his own confusion about his desire for Nova, and they stumble along into a relationship.

There's some adventurist twists and angst. It felt a bit all over the place but the original concept was interesting and Nova's genuine nature overcoming his tragic start is worth the read.
Profile Image for Sarah.
293 reviews2 followers
February 4, 2024
Franky and Nova

I don't read a ton of monster romances and I don't know why..I have loved all of them that I have read. Ashlynn Mills did a fantastic job writing this. I loved the concept of this world and I am looking forward to the other Monster Match books.

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Smaller top

Franky is a Doctor that plays it safe but he steps out of comfort zone in order to help his patients better. So he gets in contact with a trader in the monster world to get him some healing items. When he gets on base he connects with a monster on the dating app Monster Match. Can he step out of his comfort zone again to find his happiness and be his true self.

Nova has to be the sweetest monster. He is proof that not all monsters are bad and you can't judge a person based on looks. Nova just wanted to be accepted. He trades magical/monster items for things from the human world. He is missing something and d he doesn't know what. He wants human experiences.

Profile Image for Samantha Fox.
111 reviews1 follower
March 13, 2024
Franky and Nova

Franky is a socially awkward demisexual surgeon who tends so stray on the side of caution. Franky steps outside of his comfort zone and into the monster world when he seeks out items of medicinal value to help his patients, and meeting Nova along the way. Nova is a sweet monster made out of 9 different people who is interested in everything about the human world. When Franky seeks out services from Nova, Nova is hopefully he can be seen as someone worthy of affection instead of being looked at as a freak.

What I really enjoyed about this book was the instant connection between the two characters, you get to see how being around each other changes their view on the world while they form a kinship with one another. Threading Carefully is a fast paced read plot wise with a romantic slow burn. While the characters are sweet and their growing romance is adorable it is important to take not that there are some darker undertones to this story and that it would be best to read the tigger warnings before going in.

🩶Tropes/Themes 🤍
😈Frankenstein Retelling
😞Lonely MMCs
😍Intant Infatuation
🫀Human/Monster Pariring
🌸Virgin MMC
🖤Found Family
318 reviews1 follower
March 3, 2024
Frankenstein Romance

I really adore the pun in the title. Please be mindful of the trigger warning that comes at the beginning of the book. It wasn't a stop for me, but as the author says , the prolog can generally be skipped if it is for someone else. I left seeing different sides of Nova throughout this story. He did what he needed to do to survive , and he made a life for himself. I would have liked to see more of the different sides of him , especially as he showed them to Frank. That would have made the emotional development of their friendship and eventual romance. Feel more evenly paced for me. My heart ached for him when he talked about not belonging anywhere. While monsters are still mythical, I relate to intersectional identities and the way one can be made to feel like they don't belong with any group. I'm also always thrilled to see demi representation.
Profile Image for Ashley.
Author 15 books21 followers
February 4, 2024
monstrously adorable

Threading Carefully is book one of the new, multi-author series, Monster Match. I will preface my review by saying this isn’t my typical go-to book genre, but I will read anything by Ashlynn Mills.

The prologue starts off more like Mill’s usual stuff: dark with bits of violence. But, as the story progresses, it becomes more of a sweet, romantic take between two people from different worlds. Nova and Franky are cute together as they get to know one another. Nova has this innocence to him as he slowly learns about things from the human world. We see that there are good and bad parts and people in both places. The book definitely has some spicy scenes, and there are a few parts that could have used more details. But overall, it’s a sweet, fun to read story.
Profile Image for Scatteredashes.
310 reviews1 follower
February 9, 2024
This was a sweet story but it's very short. Danny and Hale have been friends for a long time but have never crossed the line since Danny believes that he could never be what Hale wants. Enter Simon and the three now balance out. I like these guys but due to the length, it did feel a bit quick for me. I'd say it's closer to a 3.5 but I rounded up because I love the dancers. We get some fun cameos from the guys in the previous books, and some pretty steamy scenes. While we as the reader know some pretty important information, I feel like these guys were missing some of that history, especially with Simon since he didn't know either of the others that well. While I enjoyed it, I would've liked to have seen a bit more depth. It felt a bit shallow considering the previous stories in the series.
Profile Image for Angeleena.
391 reviews
May 17, 2024

This was a cute re-imagining of the Frankenstein story. It started pretty dark. I'm glad Leland got his, but then the story lightened up after that.

I would have enjoyed getting a little deeper into Frankie's thoughts. I felt more of a connection to Nova, and I think it's because I could feel his emotions more. And seeing more from Frankie would have helped the transition from friends to lovers feel more authentic. I would have also enjoyed a little more description on the monster world. It was hard to picture it. In one way, it seemed like it was like here until you leave the base, then it was a wild, scary place. The dichotomy just felt off to me while reading.

The book is written pretty well. There are a few instances of tense change from past to present that were jarring, but overall, it's good. I'm looking forward to continuing the series.
Profile Image for Monalisa.
65 reviews
July 5, 2024
I enjoyed this book but I wanted more time on page with the characters seeing their relationship evolve. That’s honestly my biggest critic and why I took a star away.

It was super sweet to see the hurt both had experienced and the comfort they gave each other.🥰

The book starts with a SA of one of Nova by his maker. It’s pretty quick and not super detailed but it still made me uncomfortable and I don’t have a many PTSD surrounding that issue.😭

Nova quickly kills his maker after the SA and there’s no more of that in the book.

I REALLY loved how Frankie fully accepted and loved Nova. Cautiously at first but pretty soon with his whole heart. It was beautiful to see.🥹

Also I really liked that any drama or issues in the story line were quickly resolved so there wasn’t 5 chapters if stupid drama you had to wade through to get to the HEA.✨
1,677 reviews16 followers
February 4, 2024
"Threading Carefully" is the first book in the "Monster Match" series, and I really enjoyed it. It's also the darkest book I've read from Ashlynn Mills, but it's a great mix of slow-paced moments, intense heat, and unexpected twists. The story centers around Nova, who is portrayed as innocent and lonely and is seeking connection through the Monster Match app. Nova's innocence adds a unique perspective to the story as he learns about the world and the people in it. The book seems to balance both the good and bad parts of humanity and the monster world. While some scenes are spicy, the story is ultimately sweet and fun to read. Frank and Nova have great chemistry together, which can be seen throughout the book.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 98 reviews

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