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Final Girls

Slash or Pass

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When you get told to run, you get up and don’t look back.

We had one shot to get out of the Sinister Minister’s grasp, and we took it. Hand in hand, Kansas and I fled in the middle of the night, with a promise that we’d never tell a soul about what happened at that house, and how Constantine died.

Eisley has spent the last decade looking over her shoulder while trying to forget the horrors The Minister and ‘The Family’ inflicted upon her and others. However, something continues to call to her. In the deepest roots of her psyche, she can’t escape the nightmares of her time trapped in the cult.

All of her fears come to a head when she finds a letter taped to her door, informing her that a documentary is being made about The Minister and the events that took place ten years ago. When she politely declines, she can’t help but wonder why they didn’t fight her more to talk.

It isn’t until she turns on the TV that she sees that they didn’t need her to talk because they had someone else to captivate their audience. They found Constantine.

He’s alive.

He remembers that we left him.

Slash or Pass is a MFM horror romance. If you like slasher horror, spicy romance, and a little schmink in your books, you’re going to enjoy this novel.

570 pages, Kindle Edition

Published September 22, 2023

About the author

Tylor Paige

25 books429 followers
Growing up with a teenage mom who insisted she be raised knowing all about 80’s and 90’s pop culture, Chicana author, Tylor Paige, should have known she’d inevitably write books inspired by that. The fun (rockstars), the hot (Goblin Kings), and the scary (Slashers).

When she’s not writing about girls railing the villains, she enjoys watching horror films, sewing, comic books, and spending time with her writer tribe, Michigan Romance Writers. 
At the time of this update Tylor has now written and published Ten full length novels, and is currently pursuing a career in horror romance, where, honestly, she should have been in the first place.

Get in touch with me:





Instagram: @Tylorpaige

TikTok: @authortylorpaige

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340 (5%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,254 reviews
Profile Image for Pulp_Fiction_Books.
101 reviews2 followers
September 18, 2023
This was not for me. Firstly, I cannot believe this wasn't a debut, the writing was so poor and disjointed. Secondly, I cannot believe this was written by a woman as Eisley is the worst female character I've ever read. She should have been a kick-ass heroine or a damaged woman after what she went through but she was so bland, so weak and one dimensional. She served as nothing more than a glorified sex toy. We're also supposed to believe that in the space of 24-48 hours, she goes from a virgin, to going about her day with a butt plug in, to being raped by an unknown assailant and enjoying it... I mean, fuck me.
The Author also seems to think men walk around with a constant erection. constantly throughout the book, even in scenes that contained no sexual component the flow of the story would be broke by someone letting us know how "hard" they were for no reason. Speaking of the men, Kansas and Constantine were exactly the same character and I mean exactly, the only difference they were given was Kansas wore glasses. All that aside, where was the horror? This was supposed to be a scream homage, that's why I applied for an ARC but this didn't feel anything akin to it at all. Yes there were kills throughout but they were tame, no time was spent on them, no discriptive imagery used, nothing shocking or unique, or at all interesting. I know I've been hard on this and I know a lot of people seemed to have enjoyed it (according to Goodreads at least) but I was disappointed with every aspect of this book.

Slash Or Pass?... I wish I'd passed.
Profile Image for Cindy dawson.
117 reviews9 followers
September 13, 2023
I'm glad to see I'm not the only one with similar feelings on this book. I'll start by saying the marketing for this book SOLD me. Scream but make it MMF and they end up together, sign me up! But I don't think it completely delivered on that promise.

If you're the type of reader who can read a book regardless of writing, grammar, punctuation, and formatting, you may love this book. If you can't overlook issues within those categories, you might have a hard time getting through.

Let's start with the good. The story was entertaining. The beginning was slow, but it started to pick up, especially toward the end. The cult aspect seemed original and thought out. This is a very mild horror in my opinion, but since it was marketed as a "scream" type book, that tracks. There’s spice and that spice isn’t vanilla, which is a plus for me, however, due to my reasons below… I couldn’t quite enjoy as much as I’d liked. I will say Constantine carried this book for me. Had he not been there...

Okay, now to what deducted two stars from my review... and to be honest I'd say it was really a 2.5, but we don't have that option, so I rounded up.

The writing: as in the actual flow, word choice, style wasn't great. It was clunky, confusing, and absolutely did not give 90s vibes with the amount of current slang used. There was a random plot line thrown in and squashed out in the matter of a chapter. But by the author’s note at the end, it was on purpose, however, while reading and engrossed in the story it just came off as weird and confusing. It read like a debut, but it's not which was a little off putting. A personal peeve of mine is the overuse of pop culture references. Particularly, when they feel forced and only for your specific audience. Overall, the writing is what significantly decreased the reading experience for me.

Now the FMC. As a final girl I expected more from our FMC. I understand her "final" status is when she's a child, but she read very weak the entire time. As someone who has an online persona doing what she does, I expected her to have a stronger backbone. I also didn't understand why throughout the entire thing, after everything, she still cared about her friends... every time she said, "my friends" I wanted to throw my kindle. I also wasn’t a fan of how her disorder was depicted and used.

Lastly, in NO WORLD would I consider this an MMF. A barely there, partial scene and innuendos does not make an MM relationship. Had there been more, which there were plenty of openings for, it would have been great. But I was 100% disappointed.

Overall, I feel like the marketing for this book hooked me, but the book didn't deliver. Had there been more editing of all types I think it would have come across more polished and left me with a better reading experience.
Profile Image for Kursed Reads.
667 reviews7,201 followers
October 26, 2023
Having escaped the “family” and the Sinister Minister, Eisley has worked hard to build a life, leaving the past behind.

Despite a career as a successful influencer with a loyal following for her webcast, Witchful Drinking, she won’t allow herself to accept happiness with Kansas.

So, yeah… I really wasn’t sure what to expect going in with the 90s horror vibe meets cult. But the teasers and graphics made it impossible to pass up.

Kansas and Constantine, our MMCs, made the story! They were dominant and mysterious, not afraid to get their hands dirty. Yet, they loved Eisley without abandon. However, like some other reviewers, I didn’t connect with Eisley and I found some inconsistencies/plot holes. All in all, it was unique and entertaining, making for a great read as we enter the spooky season!

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2
Burn: 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Darkness: 🖤🖤
Heat: 🌶️🌶️🌶️
Range of Emotions: 😣
Ending: 💗 {HEA}
POV: 🧍🏼‍♂️👫🏻 {Multiple}

🗂 Genre: Horror Romance

✨ Tropes: Alphahole, Friends-to-Lovers, Kidnap/Captive, Masked MMC, MMF, Second Chance, Small Town, Stalker, Touch-Her-and-💀, Tracking/Spying, Unhinged MMC, Virgin h, Witchy Shiz

💋 Kinks: 🍑, Bondage/Restraints, Double Penetration, Finger Licking Good, Inanimate Object, 🔪 Play, Praise, Primal, 🌶️ Toys, Somnophilia, Spit, Squirting, ⚔️

⚠️ Warning: This book may cause blushing, squirming, combusting panties, and/or self-care.

🚩 Safety Squad: ChiId Abuśė (Past), Drüg Use + Drügged, Kîdnappėd (Past), UnaIiving, VioIençe, and other potentially triggering elements. If you have any hesitation, check the warnings before diving in. Otherwise, blind is best!!

📣 Type: Slash or Pass is part of the Final Girls series, but can be read as a standalone.

🛑 Be Advised: My Goodreads shelves are … explicit in both senses. As such, they could be considered spoiler-y.
Profile Image for Emms.
822 reviews41 followers
September 28, 2023
1.5 ⭐️

I hate finished this book, idek why I didn’t dnf 🤷‍♀️

1. Marketed as MMF. It’s not
2. Marketed as erotic horror. It’s not
3. Marketed as dark romance. It’s not
4. For the love of Pete, find an editor stat!!

The final girl is weak af.
The boys are really the same boy, one just has glasses. Both are gross.

I adore morally black anti heroes. This ain’t that. They literally treat her as nothing more than a fuck doll. There’s no love involved. She wants to be loved. It’s not like she wants to be their fuckdoll, which might’ve actually made it better. Treating her terribly because she likes it and wants it is fine. This ain’t that. They call her a pillow princess - like she was a virgin 2 seconds ago. Wtf do you expect? They drug and rape her, without her consent. It’s clear she would do ANYTHING with, too, and for them so it made absolutely zero sense for them to constantly drug her to get off.

Add in the weird ass mental health side story. It felt exploitative and unnecessary. Like, explain why it’s even included!!

Slash or pass?

I recommend PASS.
Profile Image for Riley Edie.
7 reviews3 followers
September 15, 2023
I was really excited to receive this as an ARC. Scream but make it spicy sign me up!. But this was kind of a miss for me.

This was marketed as an MMF which its really not. I was so disappointed that there was only 1 very short scene at 85%. I feel like there were a lot of missed opportunities for MM scenes. It seemed like Constantine and Kansas had good chemistry.

Usually grammar doesn't bother me but there were so many mistakes in this book. Misspelled words, added words, repeat sentences, etc. This book should have went through the editing process again.

The settings and scenes seemed to skip around a lot. One paragraph they would be in one place and in the next paragraph they were in another. I found myself getting confused a lot. Some plot points didn't make sense. For example when Micah supposedly identified Constantine as his attacker by the scar on his chest (he never took off his shirt).

Things could have had more description. I felt it was really difficult to picture the setting and characters. The spicy scenes were really rushed and didn't seem very thought out. This felt like a debut novel although it's not.

Eisley felt really weak for an FMC. She was really naive and clueless. She forgave Constantine and her "friends" almost instantly. There wasn't any fight in her at all. I really hated how her mental health was represented. It almost seems harmful to have a character say it's ok to not take her meds through the entire book.

The only things that really kept me reading was Constantine (who doesn't love a scary bad boy lol) and the overall storyline. I love slashers. And the cult ascept was really interesting. Overall I was just disappointed that this wasn't what it was marketed to be.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Danny.
888 reviews46 followers
September 16, 2023
Okay... First, I need to say I feel really bad about leaving a low rating review but as I signed up for the ARC of this book, I have to be honest in my review. Before I say anything though, I highly recommend that the author put her author's note at the beginning of the book because in her note she explains her vision of the book and it kind of makes sense, but she should disclose that at the beginning otherwise, the book will seem really rushed and confusing to new readers, which can make them dnf or leave a low rate review because of it.

Anyway, this book did not do it for me. 1.5 stars is the highest I would go for it. I was interested in this book because of the Scream, Ghostface vibe that the author advertised, along with the MM romance and the whole cult plot. However, for me, this book did not deliver what was promised. First, it cannot be considered an MM, it literally only had 1 scene between the guys and it was super short, nothing worth mentioning. So, it is an MFM book for sure.
Eisley is definitely the opposite of what a Final Girl means to me. She was weak, mellow, and had no backbone. Her friends would be mean as hell to her and she would still be worried and cry for them when they literally just want to profit off of her trauma and connection to the cult.
Constantine and Kansas were the ones held captive with Eisley in the basement. They were carbon copies of each other, there was barely any difference between them, no character build, just same guy, different features. Their interaction with Eisley was also childish and weird, in my opinion.
Anyway, I seriously believe this book was advertised completely wrong, it should've been a Frankestein-style book. All the Scream/Ghostface that were marketed were not there, which was the reason most of the readers even signed up for the book.
I didn't want to dive too deep into the book because I didn't want to bash it and I want people to experience it with their own opinions. Sadly, I did not like this book, I was really looking forward to this read and I'm just disappointed.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Christina (christinareadsbooks).
236 reviews52 followers
September 11, 2023
I was so excited to read Slash or Pass! It's been all over my insta for months. Tylor has been edging tf outta us... and I'm honestly not mad about it, lol. She had me at MMF and Ghostface. Say no more, I was in!!!!

⬇️ Tropes ⬇️
🐈‍⬛ Black cat FMC
🎭 Mask Kink/Ghostface
⛪️ Cult/religious trauma
🩸Serial killer MMC's
🔪 Knife play
🔮 Black/dark magic

This book is told in 2 timeliness, present day and 10 years ago. The flash back scenes are when Eisley, Constantine, and Kansas were held at the "Church" with the Sinister Mister. And present day, Eisley is living her best goth girl life in her small town, Kansas is away at school and Constantine is dead.... or is he????

This book has a classic slasher horror vibe. I loved that aspect of it. You get suspense, plenty of bl00d and g0re, mean, horrible friends who need to 💀 one by one. The book moves quickly, and the chapters were on the shorter side, which I loved! We get pov's from all 3 MCs.

I'm honestly conflicted about what I want to rate this book. As of now, I'm saying 3½ ⭐️'s. I did enjoy it, but half the time I found myself having to re-read certain parts and scratching my head because I was confused. Sometimes, it would skip time and scenes, when I felt like those specific scenes should have been explained more and there were other scenes where it felt like rinse and repeat. I don't think I've ever met anyone or read a character that's as obsessed with tea as Eisley is. Chick is making tea at the most suspenseful and awkward times, lol

Eisley seemed weak. I get the things she's been through, but she let these dudes feel up on her after a simple hello. There were no conversations or build up sometimes. There is more I could say, but im trying to keep this spoiler free.

I'm frustrated that this book is being marketed as a MMF book, when there isn't a group scene until 85% and the only MM action is a little 👅🍆 action for 2 seconds. That's it!!! Man, I was so disappointed by that 😢. It should be a MFM and still, there were only a few group scenes. The rest of the time its just one guy and Eisley. The spice was ok, but I didn't get a second heartbeat iykyk 😜

The last 25% of the book really picked up and I enjoyed it a lot more, but then the ending was rushed! Why didn't we get an epilogue?! I needed an epilogue!!! Ugh 😫

In conclusion, I liked it... but I didn't love it. And that's why I'm giving it 3½ stars. I would recommend it if you love horror and slasher films/books, but take it for what it is. It won't make you have all the feels, but you could definitely escape into this world for a while.

Stars- ⭐️⭐️⭐️½
Spice- 🌶🌶🌶½

*I was given an ARC by Tylor Paige. My review is my honest opinion*
Profile Image for Alex.
27 reviews3 followers
September 14, 2023
I feel bad rating this on the lower side but I do have to be honest. This book just really wasn't what I was expecting it to be. It was kind of sold to me as a slasher 90s inspired MMF book but unfortunately it just didn't deliver on any of those for me. I'm giving it two stars as I was at least intrigued by the story and kept reading so I think that counts for something. There was a lot of references and use of new age slang which was off putting to me. The spice scenes also just felt rushed and there was barely any MMF.

Like I said this just wasn't what I was expecting and it's just not the book for me but I could see how it would be really appealing to other people!
Profile Image for Helen Oakes.
252 reviews31 followers
May 10, 2024
Booktok did me dirty with this one. Advertising was amazing. Such great potential. And it failed. Massively. It got 2 ⭐️ simply because I actually did finish it but I won’t be reading the latter books in the series. Gutted is an understatement.
Profile Image for Kayla.
79 reviews
September 24, 2023
First and foremost I really want to thank the author for sending me the ARC! I really appreciated it as I was very stoked about the possibility of this book! I’m a HUGE ghostface and scream fanatic as Scream was my first ever horror movie when I was young. I want to also acknowledge that the work and dedication it goes to even writing a book and then to put it out there is a feat in itself.

But to the review, I STRUGGLED with this one. I am notorious for powering through any book and hardly DNF anything. I will say I was so excited for this as the marketing of this book was phenomenal! I immediately signed up for the ARC and was counting down the days till I received it.

This book started off a little slow but did pick up. But I wish this had more DEPTH. I have a lot of feelings on this. The grammatical errors and misspelled words I can move on from as the author even stated they were hearing the feedback on that and would go back and correct those mistakes. This is what I believe an indie author and we are all human so no big deal.

What I couldn’t get behind was Eisley. She’s supposed to be a Latina woman and I didn’t get that at all. Tbh with you I don’t even I could tell you what she looked like based off description from other characters besides “she’s hot”.
I was hoping as this is a final girl series we were gonna get a kick ass female lead and boy was I hella wrong. I swear all she did was cry and whine at almost every turn. I could get that she could be naive and clueless because of the cult and what she went through but really you would think that would make her stronger and more determined. I felt like the friend group was not thought out or even remotely different. Honestly everyone felt like the same person just with different names. With as much depth and description we got during the flashback scenes you would think we would have gotten them during the present ones.

Kansas was very hot and cold to me. Tbh I liked Constantine more and that’s a huge stretch because I really didn’t like either of them. They felt like the same person as well but Kansas just wore fucking glasses. And even then they also didn’t feel like fully fleshed out characters. Which is very common through out the entire book.

I lost count of how many times the word “spooky” was used which fucking threw me out of the book as this felt more like high schoolers and middle schoolers versus college kids.

The cult aspect of this book was very thought out to me and had so much potential and then it just didn’t deliver. Even the slasher scenes were just lack luster and the spice was so rushed. Which like okay I get is not everyone’s thing, but then some were very detailed but like just were eh.

Don’t even get me started on the ending… it was like all the build up and it fizzled out. I wanted Eisley to have an arc a badass female moment or SOMETHING. But it just didn’t deliver.

All in all I finished the book and give the author kudos for putting themselves out there as I did before. Writing a book and then putting it out for the public requires some bravery for sure. I just wished that translated into the book more and I feel like I would have enjoyed it much more.
I wouldn’t have passed but this defiantly was slashed all to pieces for me as I had some high expectations.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
104 reviews
May 13, 2024
No...this book was wierd and kinda bad
Profile Image for booksshesloved.
123 reviews7 followers
September 9, 2023


*be sure to read TW*
Profile Image for RavenOfTheSea.
124 reviews117 followers
September 15, 2023
“Don’t talk to anyone. Don’t look back. Run.”

3.5/5 3/5 🌶️

A slasher romance? With a masked killer, running loose and dripping deadly sensuality? Sign me up! This was an unholy marriage of the wicked 90s horror and forbidden cults. I loved this union! It made such an interesting concept. Top that with some …mischievous smut and you have a fun experience.

The book in general left me with mixed feelings. There were parts that I couldn't get enough and then some that found myself losing interest or utterly confused.

The mmcs were intense and hot and..the best part of the book. I loved their povs, their insanity and their seamlessly slithering between soft and unhinged. I was disappointed with the lack of MM. There was a scene but it was short and left me wanting more, especially since the two mmcs had the perfect chemistry.

Our fmc was decent enough. I liked her vibe but she was too weak and acted most of the time confused and clueless. As much as I understand her, because I was too confused and clueless about a good part of the book, I expected more from her.

I really loved the mmcs and the foundation of the story. It wasn't as horror or as spooky as I expected but I adored the slasher x cult horror, even if it was very light horror.

Now to what made this a mixed experience. The pacing of the story, the flow and the characters inner thoughts were a chunky and chaotically delivered. I felt that the book either went too fast or too slow. Either revealed too much or not enough, which didn't allow me to enjoy the story to its full capability.

Even though the mixed feelings, the mmcs, the slasher X cult light horror storyline and that spice, made a very enjoyable book!

Did I like it? Mostly yes.
Would I reread it? No.
Profile Image for Montana Greenwell.
73 reviews6 followers
September 9, 2023
This is a great story, I liked the mystery of everything, I love the MMCs, the spice was great, but the writing seems off to me.
There are a lot of times where the story skips ahead in time from one paragraph to the next suddenly with no explanation of what happened between and I was left to assume. The spice also seemed really rushed, I just felt like there could have been some more explaining done. I found it near impossible to actually figure out who was where and what was actually happening.
I do still think that this is a good story and I would recommend it if you are looking for a spookie story that leaves things to be interpreted, but I'm not sure I would say it's a good book :/
Profile Image for Sabrina.
3,803 reviews2,318 followers
May 15, 2024
I think this book just wasn't for me. Which sucks because it sounded like it would definitely be my thing. I'm a lover of horror films, especially Scream, so a Ghostface mask wearing hot-as-sin killer had me dying to read this. But sadly I think the execution of everything is what didn't work for me. There seemed to be a lot of disjointedness between the past cult storyline and the present characters and for me it felt more confusing than interesting.
Profile Image for Abby.
22 reviews
September 13, 2023
If you’re into dark romance, cults, dark magic, spicyyy, slasher films, masked men, spooky, knife play, blood, this is the book for you!!! The perfect book for spooky season!!! I loved the twisted love between Eisley, Kansas, and Constantine. I was honestly so nervous going into reading this ARC but I freaking LOVED it! The ending was the best and I cannot wait to read the next one! I will always recommend this book to all my Whorror friends 🖤
Profile Image for Darlene I read WAY to many books.
3,465 reviews2,030 followers
September 22, 2023
I've been waiting for this for a while, and let me tell you, it was okay.

We have Eisley who's a witchy cam girl with a horrible past which she shares with 2 ppls, she escaped with Kansas and her other friend is "dead" she's trying to live her life as best as she can from the cult she was apart of. I'll be honest I did get annoyed with her push/pull with Kansas she would get annoyed when he talked about his past relationship when she asked him. And Kansas would say it to get her jealous.

Now, a documentary is being made about their past, and murders are happening along with people back from the dead. Constantine is back in their lives, and he is already making waves. I did think he should've grovled more for being gone for many years, and Kansas should also grovel for keeping that info to himself.

The guys and their dirty mouths it was 💦💦💦. I was fanning myself. I need a guy to role-playing some of these scenes, lol

I was a little disappointed that we really didn't get any group scenes until 85%. I thought this would be more of a MFM or more of them 3 together early on. It was disappointing in the lack of that relationship. I felt also it was more one couple than the other. I know the author said Eisley didn't have to choose.. but it felt like she kinda liked one guy more..then the other.

😌 happy reading

No real ow/om drama, No cheating (when together),Drama, sexy times, virgin gal and sorta man whore (mentioned past fuck buddies)

Heat level-🌶🌶🌶

Push away from h
Second chance
MF with slight MFM play and slight MMF
Spit play
Religious trauma
Purity culture
Anal play/sex
Child neglect
Child abuse/abuse
Threats of Child SA
Death by suicide
Blood Play
Knife play
Drug use
Primal play
Mask Kink
Fmc with mental disorder chooses to be uneducated
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
1,278 reviews49 followers
May 7, 2024
Reread #927474

Is it bad that this has become my comfort book? Probably. But, oh well. 400 pages of blood, sex, chaos, and teapots.
Profile Image for Down The Rabbit Holes.
275 reviews29 followers
June 22, 2024
Slash or Pass by Tylor Paige

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3.5 Stars rounded up)

Format: ebook (Kindle Unlimited)

Pages: 424

Genre: Horror Romance

Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️ (1/2)

•Touch her D!e 💀
•Dark Romance
•Thriller / Horror (think 80’s Cheesy Slasher film)
•Friends to Lovers

⚠️ Check The Trigger Warnings ⚠️
❗️Physical Abuse
❗️SA (referenced to)
❗️Kidnapping / Torture
❗️Spiritual Cults

I was intrigued from page one. There were some hiccups along the way, but I really enjoyed this one and I’ll definitely continue on with the series. This is a new genre for me - Horror/ Thriller Romance. I’m normally a Dark Romance kinda a girl, but I liked the storyline. For full disclosure, I do not feel this is a real Horror book. It read like I was watching a 1980’s Slasher Film. Falling down in the woods while the Slasher is slowly chasing you with a knife and face mask… that literally happened in this book. Don’t get me wrong, I love those cheesy classics, but let’s be real, they are corny asf and this fell into that same category. We know this was the angle the author was going for since this is what was explained at the end of the book… it’s an interesting spin and I honestly, haven't seen it done before within a book.

Let’s do this thing…🔪🩸

We have our three MC’s; Constantine, Kansas and Eisley. Please do not get me started on the character names 🙄. They were kidnapped as children; around the age of 5 or 6 and taken to a cult-like church/ compound. They were “raised” by The Family. The Sinister Minister abused and tortured them until one day, two of them escaped. One of children stayed behind and died. Of course, as adults they are somewhat fucked up, but who wouldn’t be. We have fast forwarded 10 years after the escape and people of the same town start to come up dead 💀 TBH, they were complete assholes and I sorta found it funny when they were un-alived but I do believe that was again intentional by the author. This is where I really hope the author meant to be super cheesy. The killer wore a ghost-face mask (think 90’s movie Scream) but we know who he/she is the entire time. We are actually reading in the killers POV as they are slicing and dicing.

Here’s the annoying part. Why must we always read about an idiot FMC? Without giving too much away, I really did try to sympathize with Eisley because of what happened to her as a child, but come on! Instead of making her aware of surroundings (I feel most of us would have gained wisdom here) she’s very aloof. The screen tags people use to communicate with her literally has their name in it but yet has no clue who it is 🥴 She’s so surprised to know that said screen name belongs to so-and-so… really because as soon as I saw the tag, I knew. This is just one example. Her husband comes back into her life after a decade and she’s totally cool with it, without asking questions and with zero concerns. Again, I tried to let it roll off my shoulders but in the end, I was irritated with her dumbness.

Something petty that bothered me was the misspelling of certain words… or at least not the American spelling. The word ‘MAGIC’ was spelled ‘MAGICK’. If the author is European or whatever that’s totally cool, but if the book is supposed to be based in America this grammar hiccup should have been corrected. It throws me off of my rhythm as I’m trying to read the chapters and I like my reading zones 🤣

Towards the end, I did note it slowed way down and I hate filler-pages. This stopped me from finishing the book faster than I would have liked.

In the end, we get our happily ever after. If I’m being honest, I was going to rate this a solid 3 but in the end, I bumped it up because I found myself wanting a more in depth epilogue. I have questions. Where did our slashers go? I want to know more about Eisly’s mental diagnoses. This tells me I may in fact enjoy it more than I’m admitting to myself.

Do I recommend? Yeah, it was cute.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Justine.
303 reviews115 followers
September 22, 2023
Heavily inspired by the Scream franchise, Paige tells a tale filled with deception, betrayal and ohhh so much blood. Mix in a bit of black magic, masked men and some incredible steam, and you’ve got the makings of something memorable.

Told using two interweaving timelines, we’re given a peek into the past while living in the present. Goth cam girl Eisley doesn’t seem to fit in with the wealthy, popular people she surrounds herself with, but still endures their condescension. One fateful night, someone from the group is brutally murdered, and the tapestry of barely-concealed lies begins to unravel.

The story itself is entertaining and, if developed and given some breathing room, could be great. I felt there were parts that were a bit rushed, some other parts that could’ve been omitted entirely, and many times told with no transition in sight. A bit clunky and unrefined— the concepts were incredible, but execution was lacking.

We’re presented with archetypal characters that fit their roles adequately. Constantine and Kansas, our two MMCs, carried the weight of this story on their shoulders, which left Eisley trailing behind. For a final girl, I wanted her to have a stronger backbone, taking matters into her own hands instead of weakly hiding from the truth. To be truthful, I expected more from all of them. And while the spicy scenes are good, it’s definitely not MMF as promised.

One thing I thoroughly enjoyed was the cult aspect of this book. With some serious Frankenstein vibes, all wrapped up in utterly depraved rituals, I was champing at the bit for more. Paige kept everything vague and let our imaginations run rampant here. I could read an entire book about the Family alone.

All in all, this was a quick, fun read that didn’t take itself too seriously. We reach the end and are given an author’s note that should’ve been at the beginning of the book, making sense of the story told. It seems that, from reviews, Slash or Pass is pretty polarizing— some people love it, some not so much. If you’re looking for a bit of a slasher story, why not give this one a try?
Profile Image for BookMadLibrarian.
283 reviews21 followers
September 26, 2023

When you get told to run, you get up and don’t look back.

We had one shot to get out of the Sinister Minister’s grasp, and we took it. Hand in hand, Kansas and I fled in the middle of the night, with a promise that we’d never tell a soul about what happened at that house, and how Constantine died.

Eisley has spent the last decade looking over her shoulder while trying to forget the horrors The Minister and ‘The Family’ inflicted upon her and others. However, something continues to call to her. In the deepest roots of her psyche, she can’t escape the nightmares of her time trapped in the cult.

All of her fears come to a head when she finds a letter taped to her door, informing her that a documentary is being made about The Minister and the events that took place ten years ago. When she politely declines, she can’t help but wonder why they didn’t fight her more to talk.

It isn’t until she turns on the TV that she sees that they didn’t need her to talk because they had someone else to captivate their audience. They found Constantine.

He’s alive.He remembers that we left him.


Slash or Pass is a dark horror romance inspired by characters from the original Scream movie. It’s the first in Paige’s Final Girls Series and it’s already gaining lots of attention online with rave reviews.

“Ooh, a mask”, she teased. “Ghostface? How original. I’m scared.”

I love Ghostface so was excited to read a book based on one of my favourite movies. What I wasn’t prepared for was the intense spicy scenes, but I devoured the book in a matter of hours! Fast-paced with plenty of gory scenes for the horror fans, Slash or Pass is a fun, creepy read perfect for spooky season.

I loved the cult angle and the Sinister Minister was like something from your worst nightmares. Plenty of suspense and creepy vibes throughout, Paige pulls inspiration from the likes of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein as well as cult horror classics to keep the reader hooked to each page.

I loved the chemistry and the twisted dynamic between Eisley , Constantine and Kansas. Personally, I thought that the two male characters were far more interesting than Eisley, but I may be biased 😉

Not for the faint-hearted and most definitely an 18+ read, Slash or Pass is the perfect dark slasher romance. Make sure to check out the trigger warnings below. Out now! 5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thanks to the author for the arc in exchange for my honest review.

TW: MFM/MMF horror romance, serial killer, drug abuse, death & violence, dub/con, somnophilia, dark magic/cult & rituals, knife/blood play and more…
Profile Image for TashieLee.
353 reviews33 followers
September 11, 2023
Overall ⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
Spicy content 🌶🌶🌶🌶/5
Spice quality 🔥🔥🔥🔥/5

I received this book as an arc and this review is my own honest review.

I liked the premise of this book however I just feel like it was a bit to confusing with everything that was happening. Like these 3 people had so much trauma from something that happened to them as children but then 2 of them end up pretty much doing the ritual that they wanted to get away from and the only difference is that instead of her getting one man she gets both.

I also had issue with the fact that regardless of weather or not Constantine felt that he had to stay away for ten years until she was of age for the ritual he expected her to save herself for him when he had other women. They both did but she kept herself because she was traumatized and felt guilty when she was meant to be with someone that died. So literally stopped herself from being happy with the boy that escaped with her.

It just felt very all over the place for me, however it just could be that this book just isn't meant for me and that is okay!

The good things about this book is the author does have a fantastic way of telling a story and getting you involved in what is happening and describing the world.
I wish I loved this more than I did. But please don't let this discourage you from picking up this read.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Marcy Sorenson.
883 reviews29 followers
September 9, 2023
Slash or Pass by Taylor Paige


Eisley was held captive for five years, by the sinister minister. One day, her and Kansas, one of the boys she was held captive with, escaped. They were able to do so, because Constantine, the other boy who was helped captive with them, stayed so they could get away.

Ten years later, Kansas is still very much part of her life, even though he’s currently away at college. Eisley had a few friends from town, and she was a cam girl, to make money. One day, she finds a note taped to her door, by a film crew, who wants to do a documentary about the sinister minister, and they’d like to interview her. Shortly after, she turns the tv on, and see’s him, Constantine, the boy who sacrificed himself for her. He’s alive, and he’s the sinister ministers son…..

- dark romance
- Kidnapping/captive
- Virgin fmc
- Protective mmcs
- Trauma bonding
- Dub/con
- Masked men
- Cult
- Rituals
- Spicy
Profile Image for Christina Campbell.
71 reviews2 followers
September 12, 2023
This was my first ARC and my first read by Tylor Paige and I WAS NOT disappointed.
First - Check. Your. Trigger. Warnings.

This book was super fast paced and had me reeled in from the first chapter. I loved all the characters - but seriously - where can I find a Kansas of my own? Eisley was the most fun FMC. She makes me want to redecorate my house and brew a cup of tea!

If you like slasher films, masked men, horror, occult, dual POV, Whychoose, and SPICE - then do yourself a favor and give this book a read.
Profile Image for Stephanie.
1,037 reviews
September 12, 2023
Escaping a cult but.. are they truly? Check TWs because this has steam, bloody, and just overall a crazy read. Nice read for Halloween / Fall time. Definitely original and a film crew does come poking around!

I received this ARC for an honest review, all thoughts/opinions above are my own!
Profile Image for Kayla.
40 reviews3 followers
November 3, 2023
*this review contains spoilers*

At first, I rated this book 3 stars but as time passed, I was able to gather my thoughts and demote it to more of a 2.5. These are just some main thoughts I had after reading.

I received an arc copy and knew there were bound to be some typos and a few inconsistencies but story-wise a few things didn't add up. Eisley, Constantine, and Kansas grew up in a cult disguised as a church. It was known that only Eisley and Kansas were able to escape and continue on with their lives leaving Constantine behind and presumably dead. It's quite obvious that he isn't but the other two in the trio (or should I say one) still believed that he was until he appears out of nowhere to involve himself in the documentary being made about the situation.

Eisley is made to be innocent and still healing from her trauma which I completely understand but also had a hobby of hosting suggestive livestreams doing "mundane things". Also fine. It is just when people comment on her content or she is involved in halfway sexual situations, she's a saint and has never heard of sex before. Granted, Kansas and Constantine are complete creeps and use her for their own sexual needs in the guise of "love" in various dark ways. I guess a lot of people have their own hidden desires but once things start rolling in the smut department, Eisley is able to keep up with the two and becomes a vixen overnight. I'm not sure if this is a dark romance trope or not but I have seen this countless times already. It is incredibly unbelievable and gives me whiplash.

As she is the center of the story, we become focused on her one-sided relationship with the town's legacy kids. She is shown time and time again that they absolutely hate her guts and would rather sh*t and clap than care about her feelings but she decides to continue to hang out with them. As they are slowly killed off one by one, she is constantly being accused as the culprit and what does she do? Continues to place herself in their circle despite even Kansas' warnings. The friend group themselves were written in a very high school "mean girls" way that was kind of cringe to read at parts. Especially with the very modern slang that was used at times, as someone who is a Gen Z it was very hard to read. If you're going to use certain modern phrases, pleaseeeeeee make sure they make sense in a sentence. Those few times made a seem like a boomer was trying to fit in with the younger generation.

Aside from that, I became very confused with their background in the cult. The three were abused, starved, neglected, and forced into child marriage. With all of this, Constantine decides to somewhat replicate the doings of the cult (to an extent) and goes on a killing spree of not the people who helped but their children. It seems like Kansas follows him with no questions asked and eventually, they recruit Eisley who just all of a sudden is turned into a killer (again overnight). Towards the end, they all ride off into the sunset after the damage is done.

I found that as a reader there were just way too many WTF moments and holes that could have been fixed to make the story seem more like the really good slasher story it was promoted to be. In all, I felt like there were just spoiled rich kids, fingers pointed at the "outcast" girl because she has a past and basically an only fans, two guys that needed therapy and a REAL baptism, and some random documentary crew that tried to start a massacre out of nowhere. There was too much that Paige tried to include that just didn't flow or make sense.

I really wanted to like this book but it became a cluster of I don't even know what by the time I finished it. I am still interested in reading the second book to see how things go. Hopefully, there will be some growth in writing.
Profile Image for Alyssa Gandaria.
16 reviews1 follower
July 24, 2024
***spoilers ahead ***

You know when you see trailers for movies on TV and you're psyched to see it cause it looks awesome, but then you actually go and watch it and realize all the best parts were in the trailers. That's this book on booktok.

I dont know where to even begin on why I gave this a one-star read.

Characters- lord have mercy they were all so two-dimensional and stupid. Eisley HAS to be the dumbest one of all. Her friends treat her like trash, they talk shit about her behind her back and to her face, they destroy her property and two of them literally tried to murder her and she insists they are real friends, continues to interact with them as friends, and even tried to save them. She went through so much as a kid and still grew no backbone and was so incredibly weak willed. 0% of her decision-making made any damn sense.
Kansas and Constantine were the exact same character with two different names, constantly hard and dry humping anything that moves. Constantine is constantly snickering, which, of all the terms in a thesaurus, that was the only option to go with???
Therese and Emi were the worst put together of the supporting characters. Their actions and decisions had no thought process behind them. None of these characters had any kind of personality, depth, or anything I could latch onto to care about them.

The story- the author prefeces the whole story with "its meant to be fast paced, absurd, and well, a huge nod to horror films," except this so wildly missed the mark. Not even a cheap, filmed on the family camcorder for an ameture short movie contest would have been this bad.
Killings? Barely. Fast paced? More like skipped whole chunks of world and story building information. A nod to horror films? Be so for real.
I pushed so hard to finish this book, hoping it got better, but it just kept getting worse with every "twist." The story was NOT coherent, and I should have DNF'd when I first had the idea.
Profile Image for Tyla.
213 reviews41 followers
September 16, 2023
I’ve decided against rating this book and I didn’t finish it. I had such high hopes for Slash or Pass, it was heavily marketed and I fell into the hype for a great slasher book.

I want to say the authors writing is not bad by any means, the premise of the book was brilliant. But unfortunately this read like a first draft for me, I feel like the book needs to be heavily edited and It would be phenomenal. I just couldn’t look past the multiple inconsistencies and plot holes. I’m actually shocked that the alpha readers and editor didn’t pick up on some really obvious errors.

It felt messy and confusing, jumping from one thing to another, the short chapters would end abruptly. And whilst I did enjoy the smut I did read it’s also marketed wrong as a MMF. I wish the author had put a little less time into promoting the book and a little more into the actual editing.
Profile Image for Shelby.
93 reviews7 followers
October 1, 2023
The concept of this book and what it actually was are two completely different things. This book needs an editor. The plot was jumpy and all over the place and things happened in so many sentences that made absolutely no sense. I had to stop myself from DNF-ing it a handful of times. Wildly disappointed with this one.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,254 reviews

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